how does this make you feel?
How does this make you feel?
feels good man
Excellent I can't be called racist now
I'm sad I'll be burying my daughter and her boyfriend tomorrow.
I'm black
Well, at least she'll die knowing she paid the toll.
joke's on you no one loves me and no one ever will do i won't have a child much less a daughter
She's doing what is expected of her. It's the black mans right to fuck her any way he pleases and to allow all his home boys to have a turn as well. A good daughter knows it's her purpose as a white girl to serve black cock.
It makes me feel like credit score just took a nosedive.
Well, on the bright side prison means free health-care, three hot meals a day, a warm place to sleep , no bills. I have no daughter.
I dont have a daughter?
I'm Hispanic and dont give a fuck about gueras or mayates.
If my daughter was fucking a nigger I would have her raped by a group of them
I wouldn't mind, as long as i could watch
That OP is a shill faggot.
Since the white race is slowly disappearing this is due to happen, if not with my daughter probably with my futur grand daughters...
This makes me sad of course, but this is the futur our governements chose.
It's time to shoot the dumb white bitch she is tainted
Any nigger that so much as looks at a white girl should be executed
Just what is it about about a powerful black cock that drives all white women to their knees in uncontrollable sex crazed lust?
like the sex slave nigger breeding program needs to be shut down before all the subjects escape and gain sexual authority over white and delightsome people
Did she dieded because her nigger friend?
AIDS, the Divine Hand of God
Sad for the girl since she doesn’t yet realize that the black dude is just into her young vagina. Once a baby or two pops out the black man vanished, leaving her cares solely about getting cigs and drugs to cope with her onset of obesity from being so depressed and reclusive from a youth of getting used over and over with no real love or affection shown by black man. Only thing the girl will want is her kids gone and the next welfare check to come in the mail. Or maybe they fall in love and live happily ever after....ha not likely
I’ll add I don’t blame the black man for his desire to fuck tight white chicks, but help raise the babies you make, not run like a scared pussy. Raise babies and fuck other white cuties at least
Superior black men
adults having sex causes cancer.
the community should help raise the healthy children of those too young for childrearing.
dating a nigger is a meme for privileged white girls
It makes we want to thank Mr. Black Man for taking her off the payroll early. Fewer valid white chicks for me to be responsible for as a white dude.
Thank you Mr. Black Man for showing us which white girls we can scratch off the list of legitimate people.
Shut up faggot. Latinas are wack. White girls for the win cabron
thats so hot, look how she tries to put it back as quick as possible
> Your daughter's first real boyfriend
Not what I was getting at dude, children should be raised to select a proper sexual mate when they are old enough to decide what they’re sexual morals/values are in life. You are cancer for being a sexless douche who does nothing but dream of fucking kids and prepubescent girls. If my daughter wants to fuck black men and risk the high odds that he’s running as soon as she says “I’m pregnant” then that’s her decision, she will know to not ask for my help raising those bastards. If she wants to get to know a black guy and have a child after being together and gaining trust then that’s fine too, not super proud but just don’t ask for my help raising the babies unless an unforeseen incident happens, like black man dies unexpectedly. Key word here guys “unexpectedly”. If my imaginary 18yo step daughter wanted to show me her tricks she’s learning from all her bfs...I’m probably fine with that too. I’m not racist towards blacks now people, I’ve heard a black woman IRL mention how big of a problem there is with black males running out on their kids, I’m going off of opinion within the race and my beliefs that races should not mix breeds together, have all the fun sex you desire just don’t be so foolish to start mixing shit up. Oh not religious either, just my opinion on the matter, haters hate now
that doesnt change how DNA works.
every day past puberty she waits to have sex literally increases the amount of environmental pollution her child will inherit as cancer.
outlawing sex with anybody over 14 would literally cure cancer.
Like I'm pretty fuckin racist