Hunger Games Thread: Last Game of the Night Edition!
24 tributes. Last digit of this post decides the code. >0: No game, host abandons thread >1: City >2: Casino >3: Island >4: Church >5: Space >6: Orgy >7: Shitty >8: Default >9: Wacky Races
>Dubs or higher: 20-tribute Murder Games
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January 6, 2020 - 08:19
Nutella Girl
Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:20
Vex the Sinner
Attached: Vex.png (912x832, 23K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:21
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January 6, 2020 - 08:21
Lady Palutena
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January 6, 2020 - 08:21
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January 6, 2020 - 08:21
Baby Yoda
Attached: yeed.jpg (1000x1250, 75K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:21
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January 6, 2020 - 08:21
Race Car Johnny
Attached: 699.png (332x342, 43K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:21
What's 20 tribute murder games?
January 6, 2020 - 08:22
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January 6, 2020 - 08:23
It’s a game with 20 tributes >duh
January 6, 2020 - 08:23
Asuka Langley-Soryu
Attached: A8B64BFF-490E-4D4F-9E6B-E5F072D0C1C7.jpg (576x1662, 155K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:23
Murder Games is a different simulator; it's kinda better in some regards and worse in others. Since there aren't as many tools for it, it's pretty rare to see someone host a Murder Games thread as opposed to regular Hunger Games
January 6, 2020 - 08:23
Lord Sesshomaru
Attached: E9B3BC42-4A3F-46C7-BF70-7D764745AA1C.png (932x1500, 1.47M)
January 6, 2020 - 08:23
Big Tits Kylie
Attached: BTK.jpg (180x253, 7K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:24
Terror Kitty.
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January 6, 2020 - 08:24
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January 6, 2020 - 08:25
Stephen Motherfucking Hawking, Dammit
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January 6, 2020 - 08:25
Megumi Good night and thanks for hosting in advance
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January 6, 2020 - 08:25
kek powerizer
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January 6, 2020 - 08:25
Thanks for playing in advance!
January 6, 2020 - 08:26
Katniss Everdeen
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January 6, 2020 - 08:26
Bald Brian
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January 6, 2020 - 08:26
Orinrin Nini all and thanks for the game Vex
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January 6, 2020 - 08:26
>27 tribs >Can't differentiate new IPs
May as well go to 36. Post 9 more.
January 6, 2020 - 08:27
Hitler just made it. I wonder who gets to kill Hitler...
January 6, 2020 - 08:28
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January 6, 2020 - 08:28
Killer Jontron
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January 6, 2020 - 08:29
God damn anime fags. I hate you all
January 6, 2020 - 08:29
hot wheels
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January 6, 2020 - 08:29
nigga w a rocket launcher
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January 6, 2020 - 08:29
How many can you run per game?
January 6, 2020 - 08:29
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January 6, 2020 - 08:29
Using this sim, 48. Using the newer one, up to 200.
January 6, 2020 - 08:29
Steroid Bone Bard
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January 6, 2020 - 08:30
Ice Queen
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January 6, 2020 - 08:31
half the niggers hosting are anime fags make your own thread if you are gonna bitch
January 6, 2020 - 08:31
Neck boi
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January 6, 2020 - 08:33
Billy ray must be so proud.
January 6, 2020 - 08:35
>Autocropper's taking longer than usual One second...
January 6, 2020 - 08:35
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January 6, 2020 - 08:35
Here we are!
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January 6, 2020 - 08:36
LEGO Darth Vader
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January 6, 2020 - 08:36
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January 6, 2020 - 08:37
January 6, 2020 - 08:37
Let's do this. Yeed and Jon got this.
January 6, 2020 - 08:38
who got missed? Hitler was 24, now 23
January 6, 2020 - 08:39
The fuck is with these insanely short games lately??? Earlier I had a 5-slide-long 24-trib game and now we have a 7-slide 36-trib game. Weird O.o
I didn't see if you were a new IP or not so I added you in just to be safe
Me; I removed my initial tribute for the new IP
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January 6, 2020 - 08:40
you are too kind.
who won the original unseen 24 game?
January 6, 2020 - 08:41
Ouch. I was first out last game too.
January 6, 2020 - 08:44
A blessing in disguise, I suppose. It is late, after all.
In case you didn't already get the hint, starting next slide, things are going to get grisly very, very fast.
Nutella Girl
Attached: 03.jpg (670x2539, 353K)
January 6, 2020 - 08:44
Nooooo!!!! Race Car Johnny! Freckles you wine whore.
January 6, 2020 - 08:47
She's great at party's. Contact her on twitter for her current rates (seriously).
January 6, 2020 - 08:48
Based Rue already killing
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January 6, 2020 - 08:49
>Alex Jones >gay sons
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January 6, 2020 - 08:50
And... it begins.
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January 6, 2020 - 08:51
Nah I don't pay for roasties. Besides she killed Racecar Johnny.
January 6, 2020 - 08:52
You just know Miley ate the tits
January 6, 2020 - 08:53
I actually laughed at neck boy. Sorry dude, but I found that funny.
January 6, 2020 - 08:54
More absolute genocide.
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January 6, 2020 - 08:54
Rip baby Yeed.
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January 6, 2020 - 08:55
chair is a fucking beast that must be one holy shit coming out of a chair RIP died too soon
January 6, 2020 - 08:57
>already 2 of his species. they brought dog demons on the ark?
January 6, 2020 - 08:57
I would make an exception for SJU
January 6, 2020 - 08:57
And then there were four.
Attached: 06.png (670x1363, 232K)
January 6, 2020 - 09:00
Captcha is being a bitch tonight
January 6, 2020 - 09:00
I'd rather put my money towards a motorcycle or into muh guns.
January 6, 2020 - 09:03
Four turns to three, and we have our final slide up next! >Freckles >piccolo >hot wheels
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January 6, 2020 - 09:05
C'mon freckles!!
Attached: sara-jean-underwood-comicon-vagina.jpg (600x692, 64K)
January 6, 2020 - 09:06
That reminds me, need to source a firing pin for a 1955 great western revolver I got for Christmas.
January 6, 2020 - 09:09
Gonna have to go with the Doc here
Attached: thanks doc.png (518x518, 84K)
January 6, 2020 - 09:09
These didgets say hot wheels wins.
January 6, 2020 - 09:11