Hunger Games Thread: Last Game of the Night Edition!

Hunger Games Thread: Last Game of the Night Edition!

24 tributes. Last digit of this post decides the code.
>0: No game, host abandons thread
>1: City
>2: Casino
>3: Island
>4: Church
>5: Space
>6: Orgy
>7: Shitty
>8: Default
>9: Wacky Races

>Dubs or higher: 20-tribute Murder Games

Attached: Hunger Games.jpg (198x250, 9K)

Nutella Girl

Attached: Nutella_Girl.jpg (932x932, 194K)

Vex the Sinner

Attached: Vex.png (912x832, 23K)

this chair

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Lady Palutena

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Baby Yoda

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Race Car Johnny

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What's 20 tribute murder games?


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It’s a game with 20 tributes

Asuka Langley-Soryu

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That was mean

It uses a different sim


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Murder Games is a different simulator; it's kinda better in some regards and worse in others. Since there aren't as many tools for it, it's pretty rare to see someone host a Murder Games thread as opposed to regular Hunger Games

Lord Sesshomaru

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Alex jones

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Big Tits Kylie

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Terror Kitty.

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Stephen Motherfucking Hawking, Dammit

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Good night and thanks for hosting in advance

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kek powerizer

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Thanks for playing in advance!



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Katniss Everdeen

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Bald Brian

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Nini all and thanks for the game Vex

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Let’s goooooooo do it

>27 tribs
>Can't differentiate new IPs

May as well go to 36. Post 9 more.

Hitler just made it.
I wonder who gets to kill Hitler...


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Killer Jontron

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God damn anime fags. I hate you all

hot wheels

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nigga w a rocket launcher

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How many can you run per game?


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Does she have big tits


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Using this sim, 48. Using the newer one, up to 200.

Thanks for playing!

Steroid Bone Bard

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Miley Cyrus

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Ice Queen

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half the niggers hosting are anime fags make your own thread if you are gonna bitch

Neck boi

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Billy ray must be so proud.

>Autocropper's taking longer than usual
One second...


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Here we are!

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LEGO Darth Vader

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This will be fun.

Kill Niggers

Vroom vroom

Let's do this. Yeed and Jon got this.

who got missed? Hitler was 24, now 23

The fuck is with these insanely short games lately??? Earlier I had a 5-slide-long 24-trib game and now we have a 7-slide 36-trib game. Weird O.o

I didn't see if you were a new IP or not so I added you in just to be safe

Me; I removed my initial tribute for the new IP

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you are too kind.

who won the original unseen 24 game?

I was first out last game too.

A blessing in disguise, I suppose. It is late, after all.

In case you didn't already get the hint, starting next slide, things are going to get grisly very, very fast.

Nutella Girl

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Jonathan Joestar

Heh, miley.

Nooooo!!!! Race Car Johnny! Freckles you wine whore.

She's great at party's. Contact her on twitter for her current rates (seriously).

Based Rue already killing

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>Alex Jones
>gay sons

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And... it begins.

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now I’m sad

Nah I don't pay for roasties. Besides she killed Racecar Johnny.

You just know Miley ate the tits

I actually laughed at neck boy.
Sorry dude, but I found that funny.

More absolute genocide.

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Rip baby Yeed.

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chair is a fucking beast
that must be one holy shit coming out of a chair
RIP died too soon


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>already 2 of his species.
they brought dog demons on the ark?

I would make an exception for SJU

And then there were four.

Attached: 06.png (670x1363, 232K)



Captcha is being a bitch tonight

RIP little lizard

50/50 shot.

I'd rather put my money towards a motorcycle or into muh guns.

Four turns to three, and we have our final slide up next!
>hot wheels

Attached: 07.png (670x564, 83K)

C'mon freckles!!

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go hot wheels

Come on Frecklesssss!!!

Axe wound

That reminds me, need to source a firing pin for a 1955 great western revolver I got for Christmas.

Gonna have to go with the Doc here

Attached: thanks doc.png (518x518, 84K)

These didgets say hot wheels wins.