Vote republican
Vote republican
my country needs a little favor
tell me your most depraved sexual fantasy
incest, piss, kids, what happens on a private island stays on that island... as long as you keep your end of the deal...
always remember trump is not implicated how ever both Clintion's ARE
Trump was one of many Clinton backers(and handlers) of course he went to the same fundraisers…
The pubic FAA flight logs for the Lolita express flying child sex brothel the show BILL & Hillary Clinton flying 26 times, togeather and seprately
how many times did he help Israel?
He has had 3 years to take down the Democrats. So far he has failed at everything except protecting Israel.
> revealed to be a Mossad agent for Israel.
He's unlikely to be a Mossad agent for Hisbollah, is he?
>So far he has failed at everything except protecting Israel.
He built the wall, he published his tax returns, he scrapped Affordable Healthcare, Hillary Clinton is in prison, he stopped politicians spending tax dollars on golfing trips and vacations, he drained the swamp, he defeated ISIS within 30 days, he successfully banned people coming from countries known for producing terrorists (like Saudi Arabia) from coming into the country, he stopped the drone strikes, he single handedly make the stock market great again, he ended the racial tension caused by Obama and he has brought a level of respectability back to the office of President of the United States.
I think only the last 2 lines are accurate.
for stuff that had nothing to do with
1) trump
2) Russia
3) collusion of any kinds
all mostly process crimes from years before they joined trumps teams
aka it means nothing
Traitors? that would be the entire Democratic party who hates america and wants it destroyed
even the libtards sites even eventually sometimes have to report the truth
>Vote republican
the Mexican border wall isnt even build, and what is build has been build with Chinese steel. gj retard.
Meanwhile legal immigration and birthrates are still genociding americans of european heritage.
ow... i see what you did there