I talk to girls around 14 and currently have been hanging and seeing one for over a year now (Not in that way)
AMA Sup Forums because I pretty much know everything's that going on with modern 14 year old girls
> pic definitely Not related
I talk to girls around 14 and currently have been hanging and seeing one for over a year now (Not in that way)
AMA Sup Forums because I pretty much know everything's that going on with modern 14 year old girls
> pic definitely Not related
enjoy your report OP
>The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Please get some help fam, it's one thing to imagine shit but their not fully developed mentally and what your doing can seriously harm there future relationships.
>when OP has to reply to his own shit
don't be a faggot, sometimes you get sick of saggy titties.
Why do they love Minecraft so much? Do they still play Tamagotchi?
As a 20-something that used to "hang around" 14 year olds I know exactly what they're like.
>14yo tits can't sag
how would you know?
what do they enjoy, are they into the e-celeb culture and instagram fame, do they simply meme irl whatever is popular at the time online?
lol at the pic
>not developed mentally
what female ever is?
>I talk to girls around 14
no you dont. How would you meet them? How would you keep talking to them without coming off like a complete creep?
If you don't have any pictures it's not ture
that can be said for anyone under 25 years.
>inb4 gym response
>he can't simply use instagram pics and pretend
he could know them through a sibling. Or be in one of those countries where kids are allowed to go wherever they want.
I have several jobs including fitness trainer
No they don't lol. And Minecraft is easily accessible on any mobile device also it's kinda fun. Its mainly dudes that play it tho
Everything u say it's true lol. Also definitely into TikTok. The girl I hang with all her friends has it
I'm not posting pics of girls I know in real life lol so have other random 14 year old girls
I agree. Many 14 year old teens I've talked to are
Also I'm not replying to assholes or trolls
>including fitness trainer
called it.
>The stories and information posted here are autistic works of fiction and falsehood.
> called it
Who gives a fuck? If OP was really trolling he wouldn't have said it after seeing your dumbass post
lol freudian slip cus ur autistic
>inb4 woosh
ur still retarded
>he conveniently knows what OP would say or do
>notices one letter difference from original
found the autist.
>Also I'm not replying to assholes or trolls
also a lie, btw.
>t. 14 yo
Get some professional help.
This man clearly is a professional
> implying any non dumbass wouldn't do the same.
Oh wait you're a dumbass so U wouldn't know
>people would never do things just out of spite
> still being this much of a dumbass
14yo are having sex while you're still a virgin, how does this make you feel?
nobody older than 14 should be having sex anyway thats what causes cancer
>15yos having sex literally causes cancer
every day past puberty she waits to have sex literally increases the amount of environmental pollution her child will inherit as cancer.
15 year olds having sex causes less cancer than 16 year olds having sex which causes less cancer than 17yr year olds having sex, etc.
outlawing sex with anybody over 14 would literally cure cancer.
So what you're saying is if I have sex with only 14 year old girls from now I could literally be saving the world?
are you over 14?
im not saying anything.
biology is.
No I'm 30 but I like sex
you like spreading cancer you mean.
sterilize yourself