Why does this bother white guys so much?

Why does this bother white guys so much?

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I'm white and it doesn't.

Why do you masturbate over child porn so much?

>Why does this bother black guys so much?

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It doesnt you just spam it constantly and it contributes to the destruction of the board

If you saw a nigger fuck a little kid it will bother you. They are fucking weaker sex so they cannot properly defend. So it bothers me. But then I realize they are dubm bitches so it is good they separate themselves from superior gene pool

whooa that's some serious projection


bc thats how you spread aids and dick warts to the healthy population :/

Bestiality disgusts me

Have a bigger size

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>Have a niigger guy

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Yeah. I know. We're superior.
Get that through your head, bitch


>Why does this bother white guys so much?
Probably because you insist on using the same picture for this bait. We're bothered by the lack of originality

Go get in that superior cotton

Nobody cares, it's just when you attempt to shove it down our throats. porn doesn't translate to the real world, it's just cherry picking.

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Idk it just makes them livid. Insecure little peckerwoods.

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>just makes them livid.

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>why does this bother-
because shes wearing what looks like fucking sandals while being completely naked and fucked, bitch what

Because bestiality is a crime against nature


Because it could result in inferior offspring. It's a loss of potential. Its like putting a lada engine in a Ferrari

It doesnt. White women are such a fucking waste of time.

You can't argue against that statement, because even if we say no, you're just going to keep spamming it.

OP is giving off incel vibes. You can tell that the motivation behind his spam is due to personal problems and his inferiority complex towards white people. Have a nice day, OP, and don't forget to dilate.

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It's only Americans who are obsessed with it, the rest of the world doesn't care.

White guys are who watch this. oof.

its like watching shit come out of her vagina

Because its a repost, all repost anger the white man.

Only the insecure bous get upset... i watch cuckold porn but i see myself as the bull fuckin your bitch, not the cuck. I have self confidence. Most who get offended easily do not.

Your Kin has the average IQ of a Muppet thats being used as a Sexdoll.
Fuck off nigger.

Because it's a poor quality image.

It does? It doesn't bother me at all.

Bother me? I have an entire terrabyte of porn specifically featuring interracial brunettes who look like my wife. Pic related.

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This guy gets it

Because Jewish women deserve better.

Because these threads are one of 4 total themes on Sup Forums and is the cancer that killed it already

My co worker had a tat like that...

My man

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Because its 2020, the one on the bottom are the white guys.


>featuring interracial blondes who look like my wife

I have a new kink

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Lets see a pic

This entire set with Lauren the famous slut is among my top 5 all time.

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I used to be a giant racist, and then I grew up. You will too user, hating what's different is a part of life. That goes for both parties.

How often are you angry in a day? If it's more than one time, you're wasting your life. You're legit wasting precious time doing fuck all. Imagine that being what you think back on when you're 80; "I used to be an internet racist"

Jews and their subliminal seduction on commercials is disgusting. That's why

At being more athletic on average, MAYBE

Another pic I have saved of that sexy blonde

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White women = Trash
Black man = Waste opportunity to become something more than animals of the urban jungle
The two Fucking = Propaganda
The white women get raped and beaten.
The black men find out the majority of white women do not want to get raped/beaten and then lacking a father to teach them stoicism? They rape and beat when rejected.
Thus locking the two forces in a toxic dyad which was first created when the plantation owner's wife tried to teach you jungle chuds to read.
White men are best.
Thus fucking a white woman is amazing right?
No. It's not.
Women are not wonderful.
Black men are being played.
And if white men ever woke up you'd have KKK Part 2: Final Boogaloo on your hands not knowing that the jews who engineer this are fine with it either way.
You are a means to an end darkie.
You can either join us in fighting the jews, getting your shit together, and not allowing another Jason Pope
You can be pressed into your urban enclave and starve during the collapse.
I would rather you as my ally than another casualty of the jewish menace.

>black dudes wanna fuck white girls
>"REEE those fukkin' jews slising black dicks into what should've been my gf waaahhh"

cull yourself, weak lil honky

I personally approve of the Chinese going to Africa, impregnating black women like crazy and leaving them there after their contracts are up.

It's a win-win scenario... They import AIDS back to rural China infecting the local populace and you get some nice African/Asian mixes in Africa you can go and enjoy for pennies.

Not all interracial is Anglo based "Black&White". You really need to overcome that jew conditioning.

then don't be a beta white cuck, retard. Not anyone else's fault that you lack the social skills enough to override a white girl's craving for thick, darkskin cock

...Or maybe the same way most white guys have yellow fever due to decades Asian propaganda in the West, like anime and hentai, glorification of a dying nation like Japan, the promotion of sex tourism destinations in SE Asia including loads of Cheese Pizza, white women have also fallen to the African propaganda that black guys will satisfy them better "because they have bigger dicks/are more machos than white soyboys".

I see white guys going in droves to Asia (and Eastern Europe too) to "find a trad wife" only to be scammed and lose whatever little they managed to scrape in their lives...

Looks like my wife wedged between two giant niggers. Need to fap now

Did she ever take it up the ass or facials?

I have reread your post a few times trying to figure out from your sloppy as shit argumentation and presentation if you're trying to rebuttal or add to the discussion without addressing what I laid claim to.
Your smoke screen diversion of an answer is another facet of the discussion, but does not rebuttal my claims.
You're the Jew.
Found the Jew.
Go home Rabbi.

Who wouldn't want to see the look of delight on your wife's face as she cums on stranger?

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For you the world is a binary construct that there's either "me" or "them". The simple fact that you can't see the shades of grey (or in this particular case brown) in between is what already has defeated you.

I've been hearing your argument for decades now, and just like before, it's your own worldview that defeats you and your presentation feeds right into the Jews hand.

But keep at it; 2030 "KKK Part 2: Final Boogaloo" is right around the corner.

I hate seeing slutty white women with black guys. Don't these black guys know these women are dirty whores, and there are plenty of sexy white sissies who want to bend over for bbc?

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I remember reading that black guys are usually in the bottom of the pyramid when it comes to gays, as in there's a lot f "no black guys" in the gayshpere.

Not sure if true though.

More white women being satisfied

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It doesn’t. Nothing of value is lost if the white woman is “off the market”

What bothers us is you not shutting the fuck up about it. We get it, you have an interracial cuck fantasy. Please stop wasting thread space and bringing the weakest arguments for you fetish to the table. We literally don’t care. 99% of these white women we don’t even find appealing. Not to mention over half of American white women are literally retarded anyway. Just look at voting patterns.

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Hubby in the pic on the nightstand must harder than Chinese algebra watching this.

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Maybe, but it's beneficial for us if we want bbc!

You shouldn’t invite a nigger into your home.

>Why does this bother white guys so much?
Because I wish it was my girl getting blacked

Most white men dont like beasitality...