Drunkbot claimed.
Drunkbot claimed.
First for mai shiranui
Please stop
Who cares if he posts diapers stuff?
I don't get it :(
As long as there are hands to hold and a body to cuddle
I just don't get it kek
I don't either, but it also doesn't affect me very much.
Never seen it until today XD
Clearly you haven't been on the internet long. There's a fetish for everything and art for every fetish.
Observe the weirdness.
it's a great fetish, I wish it were more popular
Been on the internet since yesterday so yeah what am In for?
Is she going die?
Fair enough
Right didn't read all but I understand much better.
Cute pup.
I still find that real funny more than anything
Yeah, he's a good boy. He also carries a knife with him.
It's funny in a stupid way.
bro my pee pee
Thanks, fam.
No problem going to get breakfast have a nice day ^^
Nah fam
Exactly. I do enjoy my stupid funny at times.
Same to you/.
My humor is entirely ironic.
It's kind of unfair how Golden deer have the best characters.
for me, it's less that it's unfair that Golden Deer has all the good ones and more that it's unfair that the Black Eagles have a garbage cast. they have the best colors, emblem, and name but by far the worst characters of the three
I feel like Black Eagles and Blue lions would have really good stories though. Admittedly, the Deer's story is a bit lackluster.
Well hello there
Satsuki is life
I approve.
Right, what's this then?
this image is adorable
You what?
Reeks of reprobates.
I've no idea what you're on about. Florida isn't even the true south anyway.
I sense an erection within this thread.
Not from me, at least.
Not with all these darkies running around it isn't. Can't y'all catch 'em in dem nets like your 'pa's used to back in dem good ol' times?
I couldn't care less about "the darkies"
I'm not a small brain racist, my dude.
Thanks fam.
How you Doing fren?
That's cool. I disdain pointless hate.
I'm quite alright, having breakfast right now.
How are you?
But you hate jews and blacks pointlessly.
No, I hate Jews and muslims for a reason. Couldn't care less about blacks, they're mostly your problem, though we're having some trouble with them too. But not as much as with jews and muslims.
>hating jews pointlessly
Just playing battlefield 4 and getting stoned like the degenerate I am. Are you having a fry up?
So you're a small brain too then.
Sure am. Wakey wakey eggs and bakey as they say.
That's a very ignorant view. Just because someone has a differing view on something that doesn't make them a 'small brain'. You should broaden your horizons friend.
Nope, judging people for reasons they can't control is dumb. Always judge people based on their actions.
Jews are responsible for a lot of the bullshit we have today in academia (third wave feminism, post modernism, critical theory), the degeneracy in our entertainment (look up how jewish Hollywood and the music industry are), our corrupt politics (jews literally invented neo-conservatism and regressive left neo Marxism), our unbridled immigration system (research the immigration act of 1965), and a whole host of other problems.
That's nice, but I couldn't care less.
Exactly what I do. Muslims make up maybe 3% of the UK population and are responsible for a lot of child grooming and other sexual crimes. Their religion preaches hate against the infidel, you either submit or die. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I met many muslims who were friendly and alright towards me, but that doesn't change the fact that collectively as a group they want to destroy my way of life and enslave my people. One jew I met personally was alright towards me, was a very nice fellow. But that doesn't change the fact that jews have been peddling destructive and anti-European sentiments for centuries and the fact that pro-migration NGO's that are helping non-Europeans come to Europe illegally are run by or heavily financed by Jewish individuals.
I am yet to hate someone for 'reasons they can't control'.
My town feels like Pakistan or eastern Europe no in between kek le enternal anglo
"Even though an individual is good, he's still bad because I think a group he identifies with is bad.'
Hatred is a circular argument that never ends, there's always someone else to blame.
Therefore, I don't bother. the government has been and always will be the issue.
>"Even though an individual is good, he's still bad because I think a group he identifies with is bad.'
Putting words in people's mouths now are we? I never said that. Individuals are what they choose to be. Those people choose to belong to a group that threatens me and my people. I don't see individuals as bad because of the group they belong to. I openly admit that not all jews and not all muslims want to see me dead, but as the saying goes 'Better safe than sorry'.
I do not blame anyone other than those jews who have massive influence thanks to their wealth. And funnily enough their names keep popping up with suffixes like '-stein' '-berg' '-witz' '-sky' etc. You must seriously try hard to not this notice.
The only issue I have with the government is that it's useless. It's bought by and run by these rich jews. The government should treat its citizens like a father would his children. But it treats us like cattle, squeezing all it can from us and giving back just enough so we get by.
Go away Chad.
Power corrupts, it has nothing to do with what group someone identifies with. Saying someone is bad because they're a jew is stupid. They're bad because they have power and only look out for themselves an their kind. Their kind being those with wealth and power.
I wish Sup Forums wasn't full of simps and incels ngl and god delete brit pol
>it has nothing to do with what group someone identifies with
Why is it so that jews who aren't rich still discriminate against non-jews? Why do jews intermarry within their group and rarely ever is there a marriage between a jew and a non-jew? Why do jews favour other jews in all matters of public and private life? Why are they so nepotistic as a group? Now I'm not talking about the top 10% richest people, I'm talking about regular jews who may be middle or working class.
You can't tell me that they're doing what we (non-jews) have been doing to them cause Jews have been allowed into government positions and were allowed to rise up the social ladder in European and muslim societies.
By all means, visit Israel and see how colourblind and non-discriminatory they tend to be towards the gentiles. Over 70% of all jews see themselves as 'God's chosen people' and therefore superior to non-jews.
Why do Christians do the same? Why do whites do the same? Why do blacks do the same?
Literally every group discriminates against others.
Of course all groups discriminate, it's only natural that you prefer your people over others. However, jews have been given equal opportunity to gentiles in our nations. Why is it so when they get into power they'll start discriminating against us and favour their people, meanwhile they have only earned that place of power thanks to the humanistic approach of their host nation?
Why do jews in US government favour Israel and jewish people over their 'fellow' Americans? Please explain that to me cause it boggles my mind. Why are US officials with dual citizenship putting Israeli interests above American interests? What's the deal with AIPAC? In fiscal year 2017 (10/1/2016 to 30 September 2017), the U.S. government allocated the following amounts for aid: Total economic and military assistance: $49.87 billion. Meanwhile Israel has universal healthcare, free university for their citizens and are overall a well off nation. Meanwhile millions of Americans are living below the poverty line and many are homeless.
Do Christians, whites or blacks see themselves as the superior race and 'God's chosen'? Some do, the key word here is SOME.
No other group has ever been as discriminatory as the jews.
Based and redpilled
Whatever dude.
Hatred is a big circle that never ends, you can always blame someone else.
let's never forget that Christians started a century long war against Jews and Muslims. Let's not forget the mentality that many Americans have: If it's not in the bible, it should be banned.
Let's not forget that white supremacists exist, black supremacists exist, and I'm sure Asian supremacists do as well.
Blaming other races and religions just distracts from the real issues; it's the wealthy against the poor; the powerful against the weak. If you get rid of them, and someone else will take their place. It can't end.
The niggy-est
>it's the wealthy against the poor; the powerful against the weak.
Fun fact: Communism fails just as bad as any other system.
Actually, probably worse.
Claimed ^^
I wonder when that dream will come back.
>Whatever dude.
A very compelling argument.
>Hatred is a big circle that never ends, you can always blame someone else.
You've already said that, and I've already answered why that's not the case here.
>let's never forget that Christians started a century long war against Jews and Muslims
Oh you mean the crusades that took place between 1095 – 1492? Meanwhile Muslims have been on the warpath and waging Jihad on all non-muslims since day one of prophet Muhammad's reign of terror. You forget the fact that North Africa and parts of the Middle East were majority Christian and had their local faiths. Islam invades and everyone is forced to accept Allah.
Muslim pirates infested the Mediterranean making trade and communication between Christians nigh impossible. Muslim slave raids ended with nearly 2 million Christians captured and taken as slaves. Those extended as far as southern Ireland and modern day western Ukraine. Also, many jewish merchants would peddle Christian slaves to muslim lands. Quite often the jews would betray their host nations and open up town gates for muslim invaders to come in and take over.
Crusades were launched only after over 300 years of Muslim terror on Christendom. We were the aggressors? When our pilgrims were robbed and killed? When our brothers-in-faith were oppressed and killed? We were the invaders when sword of Islam struck Eastern Rome, when the Sultan came to the gates of Vienna?
>Let's not forget the mentality that many Americans have: If it's not in the bible, it should be banned.
As you have said yourself, you have radicals in every group. But those Americans are a small minority
>Let's not forget that white supremacists exist, black supremacists exist, and I'm sure Asian supremacists do as well.
Those are a minority in their respective groups. Jewish supremacists (zionists) are a vast majority in their group.
>it's the wealthy against the poor
It is the Jew against the Gentile. Everything is pointing towards that.
when hell freezes over
Fitting. It’ll be nice either way.
Gm UMP-poster
I said it more to fuck with you than anything. Rich and poor is just a label, same as black and white. I think we need to look at people based on who they are as individuals, not by those labels we might apply to ourselves.
But I didn't really want to talk about that. How are you, user?
Gm. What did you dream about?
Basically "The vocal minority I hate is different from the vocal minority that agrees with me"
Advocate for the extermination of whoever you want, but if you get your way, don't cry when you're on the new "problem with the world" list.
Rich and poor isn't so much a just a label, it is based on economics. Though, I do agree that it's the individual that matters.
I'm okay, sobering up little by little.
do you have a dream journal?