More of Daisy?
More of Daisy?
Gotcha. What do you all wanna see?
Have any nude with face?
Show some of that nice pussy.
Not a lot of that
Any social?
Spreading legs on counter?
None that I know of
Fucking nice
Heard the story from someone who was friends with her ex. She manipulated the shit out of him and drove all his friends away then immediately dumped him, or cheated or whatever. Wheelchair bound too. Feel bad for the guy.
Where'd you hear that?
Who cares?
Any volafile?
Messaged people involved. This was years ago mind you. But kicked up a lot of drama in the friend group. Spread out over a few of those Hentai Groupchat things on KiK
Nah but ill post if you post your kik I'll message you when the thread hits limit with a mega.
what drama even? Like cheating or some shit?
Tell us more? What is she like?
Hentai kik groups? Sounds like bullshit
Totally bitch from what I remember. Always lying and acting a bit weird
Just like catty fighting. Pretty retarded weeb shit
Jeez really?
seems shes only good as meager nude posting fuck her lmao
Yeah Kik has a group feature and if you type "henta-" and stuff like that they all pop up, but basically a shared Hentai spam
shit sounds like full of retard horny 14 year olds
Im not doubting theres kik groups I'm doubting any of this is true
Wouldn't blame ya lmao, but seriously this thread was created just as I came on for the night
I can give you her old Kik username if you want?
All I know is im here to see this naked bitch get wanked off to by random fuckers and shit talk kik if that is somehow still around barely
Nice timing
Whats the point in that? Is it active?
Need some videos
Dont have any webms so wait till i start messaging on kik
what we just forming fucking group kik to wank off on this bitch
No. I'm sending the folder when the thread hits limit to anyone who drops their kik. But youre free to do that if you want
Got her bfs or friends socials or Kik?
A bitch who knows what happened is trialcaptainlana, maybe lizxxxzie too. Not sure if they're still active though. His best friend seems to have disappeared.
Any requests?
asshole or anal/toy
His best friend? Tell us what you know. What's the bfs kik?
Her ex is I believe. On Kik.
Not much of that either
I'll take what you got
Anything else?
Any of these kiks even active?
feet or spread legs and pussy
whatever you can squeeze in here im enjoying seeing this cunt being posted she wanna cheat and be a bitch then aight
Last time I checked a few weeks back
Requests is easier user
For which?
Just this one. But there's videos later if you post kik. Anything else?
Her performance is let down by the props
Yeah. The videos are better since she moans. Any other requests? Still plenty of pics
any creampie?
Nah. Its pretty much all solo shit. Closest you're gonna get is her cum on this toy. Any others?
Drop kiks and requests and I'll get to them
any pissing?
nipple play
Closest I have is these couple pics.
There are videos of it if you drop your kik for later
Any other requests?
good shit. Traded kik w you before but I enjoy the threads anyway
Got any requests for me to post in the thread to keep it going? Anything helps
None of these bitches respond. user is lying
There's a 1 and a half minute strip tease video for anyone that drops kik. But I'll post a semi clothed pic. More requests?
Just google for her destruction vid lmao
Wrong Daisy
Nah let the newfags search for that vid
Pretty sure even newfags wont fall for it. That shit is old and has fallen into normie shit territory.
You're acting like a newfag