Daily reminder that if any of you unironically support this man you are a literal retard and the world would be better...

Daily reminder that if any of you unironically support this man you are a literal retard and the world would be better off if you killed yourself

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who is it?

president of libtards

neck yourself you retarded cunt


>unironically support
Even the ones that ironically support him are useless pieces of shit.

Can't wait for WW3, few snowflakes goons melt

Buy in to an SnP index fund and find a better position.

Take part in the Trump economy and reap the rewards.

You'll find that you'll quickly cease being a cash strapped libcuck incel fairly quickly

Massively agree, frankly relieving that not everbody on this site is a brainlets dipshit who genuinely believes trump is even ironically worth backing for the anarchy points, everyone thinks you're inbred hillbilly 80 IQ trash the second you express appraisal for that fucking moron

Will little attacks around the world go off the charts now? Like stabbing, cars running over people etc?
I think probably yes. And probably largely in Europe though due to all the immigrants there.

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my country needs a little favor
tell me your most depraved sexual fantasy
incest, piss, kids, what happens on a private island stays on that island... as long as you keep your end of the deal...

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not an argument, op.

This isn't Sup Forums and hardly anyone disagrees with these threads. Why keep up the shilling?

You are right.. i will support him when he makes suicide legal and make suicide camps to help the mentally ill.

can be shortened down to "you are a literal retard and the world would be better off if you killed yourself"

You only have to deal with him for 8 more years, it'll be okay

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>Daily reminder that if any of you hate this man you are a liberal retard and the world would be better off if you killed yourself

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Whatever, snowflake.

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ITT: OP pretending to be multiple people as he rides his dragon dildo

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This makes sense because arguments cause a spike in epinephrine. Learn to critically think before you end up like Rose.

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How disrespectful, Rose should go apologize in person.

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The fact you post this shit on this board shows you get triggered over bullshit politics go cry somewhere else

Daily reminder he'll be your President the next 5 years and you'll still be sperging out in your Mommy's damp moldy basement over that entire period of time.

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Thats so true, sadly most trumptards don't get it and some do it anyway for the lulz. But actually I think this is really going to far for a fucking joke.

Not even a good art student

This, tbh. OP's going to commit suicide as soon as Trump's re-election's announced on CNN. So we only have 11-ish more months to deal with OP crying like a lil bitch.

Hey! I'm an inbred Somalie with an IQ of 70, thank you very much!

Daily reminder that the windmills are gonna kill us all.

Thats so true, thankfully most Libtards don't get it and some do it anyway cause leftists are obviously mentally ill. But actually I think them committing mass suicide really the is best thing for America.

Let's be honest here, though user. The Democrats putting no effort into finding a good candidate hurts the country. Their base wants some crazies but they could have put better alternatives out there for the mainstream.

Pretty much. This emotionally unstable boomer OP posts the exact thread day after day. Trump defeating his beloved Hillary has broken poor incel boomer OP's already fractured mind beyond any hope of repair.