The Impossible Whopper tastes better than the old whopper

The Impossible Whopper tastes better than the old whopper

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I havent eaten burger king since 2003

Based. The Impossible Whopper is always made fresh, with the fresher veggies. It always tastes better and is much healthier for you.

>and is much healthier for you
>going to a fast food place for healthy food

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Apparently it makes you grow man tiddies too

Underrated post. And the best part about Burger King's Impossible Whopper is that it's flame broiled for maximum flavor. Let's Go There Now!

The Carl's Jr one is better.

Literally packed full of estrogen compared to a normal whopper

He didn't say that he goes to fast food places to get healthy food, just that the impoossible whopper is healthier than the meat based one. Don't be an illiterate fuck if you're going to nitpick.

It doesn't really matter

It's the go to burger choice for soy boys in 2020

Imagine thinking phytoestrogen = estrogen

>40 calories less than real meat whopper
>makes you grow man titties
Yeah you can fuck yourself you soyboy fuck

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Minced meat should be well done. Nearly raw minced meat is best nutrition for bacteria and parasites

The impossible whopper has 800 times more estrogens in it than the beef version.

Going vegan will fuck you up but it's the right thing to do. God's a cunt sometimes.

>ruins your entire life
The Impossible Whopper actually made my dick bigger

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beet juice can really fuck you up like serious food poisoning puking all day. that's what it uses to make fake blood.

You don't have to go vegan to utilize the dick-biggering that is the Impossible Whopper bro.

They've haven't even proven it has phytoestrogen, let alone estrogen.

Still waiting on a source weeks later.

>washington post
>telling the truth and not being biased
pick one

Good for you, this means you're not eating horse shit on bread

quads of truth.

Here's a gift of boobs for you

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They use it for fake blood in movies retard. Beets allowed thousands of UK peasants to thrive and overthrow their kings when they were introduced in the 1700. They grow in unfertile soil if you shit on them. Lol.

I'm at /leila.khelef.5
Poor little cocks ;-)

What now?

May as well be

I'm glad that more vegetarian options are succeeding in the mainstream market. Maybe one day we can end the ranch complex altogether.

i dont care. i like to eat meat based foods
>kills you with science
>antivaxx moms of suicide watch

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>Tri-state livestock news
>zero citations
>zero scientific results
No reference to the actual data supporting the claim of the amount of estrogen in these products?

This is not how scientific claims work. Regardless of where you claim to have gotten it from, you have to cite it properly. Nothing of the sort is shown here, so it’s scientifically null until such a time where proper citations are added

Tri-state livestock news

Tri-state livestock news

Tri-state livestock news

Tri-state livestock news

Jesus christ I've never been rekt this hard. Thank you user. I'll do my research next time.

Dr. James Stangle is literally just some cow veterinarian in south dakota.

This is as stupid as listening to Bill Nye talk about genders.

>kills you with science
So first you post the WP and now you post snopes. What is it like to be so deep into propaganda? Soy protein has always been known to carry estrogen, why would it be any different in burger form?


Got any proof?

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And a salad with a whopper is even healthier.

I prefer to eat beef so that there are less cows.
Smug bastard animals.


As if that means anything samefag


Okay here

Had a friend eat this I my for a weak. He got more angry mood swings like a lil bitch. Don’t know about his breasts never checked but he got intolerable. Won’t eat that shit when no one knows what really in there but estrogen seems to be the cause which comes from soy.


Behold the cow veterinarian in south dakota.

He's not being paid by the farmers, no way, he couldn't be biased.

Attached: VetMeeting-TSLN-082413-12.jpg (446x620, 38K)

>They've haven't even proven it has phytoestrogen
It has soy protein? By default it has phytoestrogen

Ok you can keep eating the soy boy burgers then my friend

I'll pass

Thats proof by a single example. Not science. Your friends was a carnie-retard prior so it makes a lot of sense.


Doesn't that thing have like hrt levels of estrogen in it?

How do you know ? Where’s the analytical analyzation of the whopper besides some biased vegan propaganda ?

Holy fuck he looks like a typical fatass boomer. You can't make this shit up!

Which is semantics and irrelevant when you consider the amount of actual estrogen and phytos in everyday common foods.




Lmao I'm posting this to make people avoid them. This shit is bad for you.

Is it so hard not to put soy in vegan food. I don't want breasts. Soy needs to be banned.

If you like tofu, or opt for soy milk over dairy, concerns about the health effects of soy may have piqued your interest. But there seem to be more questions than answers about the role soy plays in women’s bodies, especially when it comes to menopause and breast cancer. And there are also many misunderstandings.

The soy in our food supply is a processed product of the soybean. Tofu is one of the most common sources, but you’ll increasingly find it in dairy substitutes like soy milk and soy cheese, as well as foods made specifically for vegetarians, like soy burgers and other meat substitutes.

Soy is a phytoestrogen, or a plant based estrogen. It contains two isoflavones, genistein and daidzein, which act like estrogen (the female sex hormone) within the body. Because estrogen plays a role in everything from breast cancer to sexual reproduction, this is where most of the soy controversy stems.

Got a source for that claim?

i wouldnt mind gaining a couple of cupsizes. dick and tits, the best

The article you posted is by their own tags, an opinion article. They even claim to simple "guesstimate" as to cover their own asses. That being said, I still wouldn't eat their impossible burgers because of massive amounts of sodium. It's just junk food for vegans.

How is it at all irrelevant, I just proved you wrong.

So is it bad for men or not ? Does it effect men in anyway shape or form if the consume it for the rest of their lives ?

Phytohormones are 100,000 times less bioavailable than regular hormones when ingested. Do you drink dairy milk?

Dick isn’t regulated by estrogen levels you tard.

i mean i already have a dick, wouldnt mind getting tits also u faggot

>Wanting to get tits
>Says user is the faggot



No, not at all. In fact vegan men have higher testosterone but less GHBG or whatever. I still won't eat plant burgers though because I'm not a kike.

Yeah if you're gay.

Is there anything on this subject that isn't opinion piece? By default you should limit your soy intake and this shit has a lot of soy in it.

welcome to Sup Forums fags. enjoy ur stay

Attached: welcome.jpg (425x567, 44K)

Jews are the meat industry.
Source: Sup Forums

isoflavones will fuck with you. But they don't really know how much

Mcdonalds is 40% soy

No I don't drink dairy milk. I also dont want cancer and hypothyroidism because of soy

So in the end it’s better for men to stay away from soy right ?


when you shit on soil you've vertilized it.

Eh no.

Pick one

Either stay away or limit it. But that goes for anything that will fuck with your hormones

who the fuck drinks milk anyways other than cows?

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What else fucks with hormones?

Every infant, child and grown ups with cereals. Where do you live ? There are trace amounts of milk in many products.

The high amounts of estrodial in cow milk


infants drink titty milk
american detected

Same at you, he said it tastes better than the old one

Who cares?
If you eat enough burger king for this to be an issue, my guess is you don't really care about your health anyway.

There is no Estradiol in cows milk, estrogen however yes but that is really only in the milk from pregnant cows, and plain estrogen doesnt really affect your body. Studies with mice were given milk with even 100x normal amount of estrogen and it had no effect

You should care considering its basically a test market that will spread elsewhere

;_; soy gave me tits.