Are pit bulls inherently dangerous or is it fake news?

are pit bulls inherently dangerous or is it fake news?

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Hitler did nothing wrong.

It depends on how they were raised. Pit bulls can be sweet if raised the right way. If it’s neglected or trained to kill, of course it’ll be aggressive. They are not bad dogs at all.

Any large dog has a capacity for being dangerous, to some extent

Furbabies are sweet

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According the the local head of the Animal Welfare Society they all ought to be put down.
He says that they are volatile and unpredictable.
They are unstable and can be triggered into attack mode by almost anything.

they're okay as long as they have a muzzle, all four legs tied down, and they're lubed up.

>are pit bulls inherently dangerous or is it fake news?

Inherently dangerous. They're not pets, they were created for pit fighting. It's why they're called PIT bulls.

bait thread but real answer fake news

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It’s because black people always get pit bulls.

There's a video of a guy being tied up and a pit bull biting off his dick

They are inherently dangerous. Humans created the species to fight, and kill. They are volatile, and inbred. We can never reverse this.

When I was a young teenager, my best friends dad brought home a pit bull they found off kijiji. That thing would routinely tackle me, and play aggressively. It had 30+ pounds on me at the time.

You have no idea what the pit bulls genetics are, and you have no idea if it has been properly socialized. The only responsible way to own a pit bull is to buy one straight from. Breeder, with a family tree, and immediately enrol in professional behavioural training.

Were you a 25lb teenager? It sounds like it wasn't a pitbull or you would get fucked up by a jack Russell

I would trust a rottweiler less than a pitbull, but I would trust the average pitbull owner less.

They are bread to be fighting dogs. They should never be made.

Yes Linda, this is 100% true. It won't be your fault when your lovingly raised pibble mauls you or your kid, because someone stepped on its tail.

Banned by law where I live, can have any other breed but these. So theres something to it. Too many stories like "I had him for 10 years, aaaawww look at my doggie!" and then the next day they are mauled.

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niggers tend to own these dogs and they do turn bad in those cases

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So you mean that if i raise a lion the way i wat he never will turn on me? I doub it.

I love dogs in a big way and have lots of experience but pitbulls are the exception for me.

Mmmmmmhhh...delicious fighting bread.

>Hurr durr i'm a retard

>this level of strawman

borderline retardation. Hopefully you're put down soon niggers

I've been bit before. Have a scar on my wrist. Pitbulls suck.

I was attacked by a dog when i was a 11 during my paper route.. hated/feared dogs for what felt like an eternity.. my fiance has a staffie and he has been the best first dog i could ever ask for.. he actually got bit on xmas eve by a dog that wasnt on a leash.. humans r the problem not the doggos

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Imagine comparing a completely wild animal vs an animal that has been domesticated thru husbandry for 1000s of years

I've only been around them as puppies, those were ok. I'm weary when it comes to the adults.

Only legit doggo is dmx lol xD

They are very strong, heavy for their size and have an exceptionally strong bite. They are aggressive by nature, but if trained from a young age can be a good pet. The most dangerous thing about a pit bull is the tattooed fuckwit on the other end of the lead.

their owners are always retards meaning you

pit bulls at a age turn retarded and grow huge egos because the human taking care of it treats it as one, but its a beast and what do beast do best. act wild. they all come to a point where the owner has to put it down sooner or later

Chows had a similar reputation when I was growing up.

The triad are serious business, don't mess with the chow family.

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Dog suckers will say every dog is impredicable even a chihuahua (idk why the fixation with that dog as an example). But an impredictable chihuahua will bite you, pitbull will kill you. Consecuences will never be the same.

How long did you fear for? My nephew had the same incident when he was three. He’s 14 and still scared of dogs

death to all dogs

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Jfc. Animals.

If you beed for agression and power, you get agression and power.

Probably around 16-18.. gradual exposure to smaller calmer dogs had helped

There's no such thing as bad dogs, only bad owners.

He did say "30+ pounds"...

Most dangerous breeds based on attacks:
2)golden retrievers

They get a bad wrap from the Media but aren't so bad really. The reason they become aggressive is their brain swells when they become older and causes pain so they become irritable. People jump to one side or the other but truthfully their as good as any other dog until old age.

>are pit bulls inherently dangerous

All large dogs are inherently dangerous because that's what they were bred for, however if you train them properly pitbulls can be just like any other dog.

This... I was raised all throughout my childhood with and around pitbulls. My parents were breeders. I've been bitten by two dogs, a Black Lab Springer mix that my family had, and a weiner dog. Never by a pitbull!

>brain swells
I've heard this about 4 different dog breeds and it's always bullshit. Niggbulls are nigger dogs for niggers, they were bred for fights, not to be pets.

Race is a social construct

>>hurr durr it's all about how you raise it

yeah they are genetically more prone to aggression you retards

Bottem line, Pitbulls they were bred to grab a bull by the snout, just like the bulldog. Their jaws lock when they bite down making pitbull attacks very dangerous. They are however known as one of the best nanny dogs due to their high pain tolerance and family loyalty. Had one dog live to 18, appropriately named Casper

The swelling brain outgrowing the skull has be debunked on animal planet.. u should check it out..

I hate when people use "pitbull" for their agenda.. pitbulls are a generic term not a specific breed.. american staffordshire terrier, english staffordshire terrier, doberman pinscher, american bull terrier, american bulldog, english bulldog, great danes and rottweilers ive all seen referred to as pitbulls.. now ill admit some of those breeds are mislabeled but my point is that education is key and if you're not informed than you have biases without justification..

Imagine we use planes for example.. # of deaths from planes:
Boeing 737(rottweilers)
Cessna 152(chihuahuas)

^this is how retarded that sounds.. also.. fuck the owners who put weight vests on their dogs or crop the ears/dock the tails.. total douchecanoes

That's hilarious! Maybe some day if my wife says no to an abortion I'll get a pit to babysit, but would you really trust an intelligent life into the hands of the dog version of a nigger?

lol, got any real sources

Kek serves that ugly fucker right

One of the females we kept that had heterochromia treated my two brothers and I like we were her puppies. You just have to be the alpha male in the dogs eyes. They're animals, but they can be extremely intelligent.

No shit right.. show me 1 study where another breed of dog is inherently mistreated more frequently than staffordshire terriers but isnt "dangerous".. ill wait

>humans are the problem not my hecking good puperino

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yeah they are dangerous, i know a lady who had one for years then all of a sudden it attacked her out of the blue, had to be hospitalized

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Name one problem that isnt directly the result of humans being retarded..
>imagine being in that much denial
I bet u think the two party system works too lol

OP is an inherently dangerous animal and should be torn to shreds by a sweet & innocent pit bull.

Nature and nurture both have a part in it.

People like to meme "they were bred for fighting." Yes, they were, but like all dogs, we can breed those traits out of them and select for others. Literally all dogs are manmade creations through breeding.

The problem with pitbulls is that people breed them for aggression, for fighting, and it can be hard to tell how they were bred and what the personality will be when they're puppies.

If you got a puppy from a line of dogs that was bred/selected for aggressive traits, then chances are that puppy is going to have aggressive traits.

If you got a puppy from a responsible, reputable breeder who wasn't breeding them to fight, that selected for docile traits, then it will be as good as any other dog.

Of course, if you beat the poor thing daily, of course it's going to be fucking aggressive, any dog will be, because it's all they know.

tl;dr buy a puppy from a responsible breeder, or adopt from a shelter where you can get to know the dog.

Don't hit your dog. If you can't figure out how to train a dog without using physical violence, then the problem is you, not the dog.

It's the same as humans and all other animals. If you think they are all the same you just haven't met enough.

Learn to read faggot. This topic is about pitbulls, not niggers.

I bet every jack russell, chihuahua and yorkie can do this -_-

They're prone to aggression. That's how they were bred.

A Labrador would and could help you, they are good bois.

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There is a study on Russian foxes that have been bred to be completely tame/docile.. only took 80 years.. from completely wild to 100% domesticated.. some of the ppl posting in here need to read a fuckin book

That's not a thing though. Like studies show motherly affection and family love blah blah U can't be this dumb.

Labs are fantastic doggos.. typically

They were super cute, they got a curly tail like a husky.

Pity it didnt work on niggers, they are still wild animals.

Right.. i thought it was funny how ppl expect them to be like dogs.. lol.. like, they arent dogs, they are foxes

this is the sequence of things.

1-humans create a dangerous thing. it does its job really well, like say an AR-15 or a Hummer or, well, a Pit Bull
2-the thing develops an image over time as being really good at its purpose, and lower status people would like to improve their standing among their peers, creating a market
3-eventually, pent up demand ir market forces causes the thing to become available to people who cannot handle it responsibly
4-inevitable mayhem occurs often enough that campaigns to rid the market of the thing become loud and powerful
5-campaigns by the owners try to counter with the standard argument "ITS NOT MY TOY, IT'S THE BAD OWNERS"
6-counter argument is unanswerable - "if it isn't dangerous, why do you want THIS particular thing?". The real truth is "I saw it in a rap video and I want some of that image."

And yet jaime foxx, morgan freeman, darius rucker, steve harvey, neil degrasse tyson, nelson mandela, mlkj, sir william arther lewis all have existed and thats just what i can think of off the top of my head

It tried to attack a porcupine, those are quills


Yes it is. Different breeds were bred for different purposes. Border Collies were selectively bred for intelligence, just like pitbulls were bred for strength and aggression.

Just like humans animal behaviour is the reflection of the owner/parent.

Domesticated? Or turned into a killing machine? Selective breeding can take awful turns, just look at fucking pugs...

Not wholly.

And they can also be agressive and savage. A poodle can't fucking kill you.


Just look at Americans

>A poodle can't fucking kill you.

Sounds like a challenge!

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how pitbulls were bred is for sure a result of humans being retarded ill give you that. That doesnt mean we shouldnt unretard our decision by killing them all.

Based on this metric we should kill all animals that kill humans then.. dontcha think thats a reach

Or, we could, ya know, breed the aggression out of them the same way we bred it into them. It would only take a few generations (of dogs.)

Then you are breeding a different dog homie. Thats' just genocide with extra steps.

Lets get a grip for one moment.. humans are the problem.. if humans never existed the world would have remained the perfect utopia/eden it was meat too.. we are an evolutionary fluke or disgusting experiment gone wrong.. look how we treat complete strangers on the most trivial of topics in the most informal of places to have discussion.. Sup Forums

Im all for a good debate as the idea should be to generate thought but this thread is 50% larping, 40% bored pot stirring and 10% genuine debate