>2k20 >numerous and valid studies conducted at prestigious research institutes have proven that humans can perfectly live without consuming animal products >there's alternatives and much more healtier products >yet there's STILL people killing thousand of innocent lives jusy to satisfy their own gluttony >you will probably have cancer in you're late 50's if keeping meat consumption >first heart attack by 45
user,how do you explain yourself for being such fucking low human garbage scum piece of shit animal killer?
Go vegan today for a better life of yourself and the animals/planet as well.
>be me >be successful, fit, and active in my community >always believe in ethical butchery >date vegan >she convinces me to go vegan >within a month my lifts at the gym are down 10-15% >resting heart rate up 5bpm >muscle fatigue, drowsiness, even catch a cold for the first time in what feels like year >fuck this nonsense >go back to about 70g of animal protein a day in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet >lifts back up, heart rate back down, feeling better than ever
You can chimp out all you want, but time and again anyone with even a modicum of physical exertion in their life will decry veganism as unhealthy. It's only viable for neets and office dwellers.
All the mainstream vegan activist athletes all train on animal proteins during off seasons.
It's time to grow up
Cameron Adams
shit that never happened
Christopher Ramirez
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. >Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Alexander Jenkins
Ultimate soyboy right here, ladies and gentlemen
Aiden Hall
if you're serious about trying to convert people to veganism being a preachy asshole isn't gonna work, it just makes people dig their heels deeper.
there's a reason why game changers has lead to an uptick in veganism because it just focus on the positive aspects instead of fear mongering and trying to guilt trip people.
show people that it's possible to have tasty nutritious meals and if they can cut back on meat consumption that's great but do what works for your life.
going vegan is a massive privilege so stop trying to jam in down everyone's throat.
Cameron Taylor
Cry all you want soyboy, I'll still be jogging 5k every morning long after you're in ground
Xavier Adams
About to turn 49, no heart attack. Phew! Dodged that bullet. Time for another steak.
Christian White
>numerous and valid studies conducted at prestigious research institutes have proven that humans can perfectly live without consuming animal products I don't believe this.
>how do you explain yourself for being such fucking low human garbage scum piece of shit animal killer Ironically, by not helping to ecologically devastate the planet.
>alternatives Yeah, and they are all named after meat products or to make them look a like. I don't get it. You don't want meat? Don't fucking ate it. But don't create products that mimic meat, because it just shows how much you would like to eat a burger.
Getting these edgy retards to go vegan is like pissing against the wind mate. Not only do they bring up old myths and retarded questions like: "WHY DOES IT LOOK LIKE MEAT AND WHY IS IT NAMED AFTER IT" any retard could guess this in 2 seconds, flat.
But they also bring up shit like the b12 and calcium shit, meanwhile any normal functioning vegan knows what to eat to stay healthy. And they only bring it up to deflect from the real science, as if these apes eat anything but tendies and Rustler's microwave shit. As I said, the general IQ here is just too low to get anything through. Let them eat what they want, and leave them alone. Their simple fucking minds couldn't handle responsibility for themselves.
Ryan Jones
>only bring it up to deflect from the real science Nice troll.
We're all apes here.
Ryan Perry
Go back to Tumblr faggot.
Grayson Brooks
Your just a dumb dumb agent
Julian Morgan
>unhealthy amount of processed foods >don't give me the crap about buying 'organic' when that shit is marked up because of a fucking label, aka not worth the price >supplements are not 'only plants' >probs watch James Wilkes bias ass movie with flawed information >having both meat and veggies IS proven by hundreds of top scientists to be the most healthy way to eat >funny thing about those bad mass animal farms is it actually costs more to feed them poorly than it does to feed them right >animals eat animals, your safe space can't save you from life
Austin Wilson
kids raised vegan from birth die of malnutrition before 4yo how about that?
Cooper Perez
why the fuck are vegans constantly pushing their agenda on people? You don't see anyone pushing the agenda of eating steak. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? ARE YOU FUCKING JEALOUS THAT I EAT FUCKING ANIMALS AND YOU DON'T?
Christian Cruz
But being a meat eater is so fun, don't kinkshame
Adrian Smith
vegans: >b12 deficiency >protein deficiency >increased risk of inflammation >higher risk of disease and cancer due to consumption of 'organic' (which is still pesticide sprayed} vegetables >plants take up more land than the equivalent in livestock
Blake Morris
Vegans would throw their uncle in the trash for eating meat while maintaining the lives of multiple carnivorous felines
Plants rely on manure to grow and you get it commonly from livestock which is the cheapest and best way to fertilize plants, checkmate vegans.
Nolan Ramirez
OP, explain yourself! How are you such a low life scum that you want to destroy the very thing that sustains life on this planet? How can you hate everything so much, that you wish to see everything destroyed? Hate yourself. Don't hate the planet.
Isaac Bailey
Sad part is they had to create "Vegan Farming Techniques" because they decided you're correct. Manure from animals isn't going to work for "True" Vegans.
Connor Rivera
Vegans are the originators of virtue signalling. They make things into a war of 'moral authority' and I'm pretty sure they don't know shit on what they talk about other than having strong feelings about something because they watched some documentary.
Kayden Martinez
Based. Search "why I am no longer vegan" on Youtube for a big ol' list of formerly-vegan hipster people admitting that they gave up on veganism because their health was suffering so much and that they've never felt better now that they're eating/drinking some animal products. And the ones who stick with it look unhealthy as fuck.
Andrew Moore
choose one millennial.
John Bailey
Wait are you that /r9k/ guy that post this all the time?
Connor Ross
Yes, this tiresome faggot regularly tours all the boards. Like all faggots, he's basically an attention whore.