remember when b used to be good?
Remember when b used to be good?
>implying Sup Forums was ever good
Sup Forums was never good
but it was a lot better than this shit
Tits or gtfo
can't remember
Yes I am bisexual and like little kids now
But I do remember when it was bad... And then it was great. Now it's just shit. You can't really say that it's bad, it's actually too good. And that's the problem.
you are part of the problem
what is actually destroying the board
5-10 minutes to reply...
was you fapping in between?
it makes no difference if I reply or don't you shit posters are brain dead.
my hands are more than just dick beater
yes. My favorites were "if you hate them post their numbers" threads
catcha cartoons!
2006 Sup Forums was epic ohhh the good old days
Was it always just filled with pedophiles, fur fagz, and fags in general, Sup Forumsros? (I'm a new-fag)
I remember people posting exactly this like 10 years ago. Even back then people didn't really know..
Who is b?
The bbc, whiteboi, cuck shit really killed it for me
People say Sup Forums was never good, but it has definitely changed for the worse.
We have 50 different variants of ''wwyd'' and ''thoughts on my gf'' threads. All the girlfriend exposers took over Sup Forums. The remaining threads are the same few incels spamming ''whiteboi'' threads and tranny threads. It feels like the catalog looks the same every day.
Mostly just fags and pedos. Also lots of 'regular' autists.. When the tranny meme hit it big the (already questionable) quality of content really took a dive.
Trannies are the worst posters. Too self centred.. No feeling for the faceless collectieve.
Traps are 100% gay
we need to drive the porn stuff back
Lmfao omfg, are you serious??? You dont even have to be a newfag just to be this retarded, im fucking wheezing, lol
You’re typing in newfag user, stop it.
>People say Sup Forums was never good, but it has definitely changed for the worse.
It had changed alright.. I'm not sure about better or worse. Matter of opinion I guess.
>We have 50 different variants of ''wwyd'' and ''thoughts on my gf'' threads. All the girlfriend exposers took over Sup Forums.
This is true, together with the insta/fb/vg treads.. That said, a lot of other low quality shit dissapeared. I personally prefer porn to roll/get threads which were extremely prevalent way back when. Both suck, but at least I like tits, feel me?
>The remaining threads are the same few incels spamming ''whiteboi'' threads and tranny threads. It feels like the catalog looks the same every day.
Trannies are the worst tbqh.
A lot of the more social autists seem to have left for Sup Forums, and a lot of the free speech fundamentalists and nazis/commies/lolberts went to Sup Forums (not necessarily in order of appearance).
The weird thing is that while I also feel that it was better once (like people did a decade ago), I can't think of anything that I miss.. It's just different. For all we know, we're just getting old, lads.
ig/fb/vg threads falls under the same category as the girlfriend expose threads, where they post girls they know in real life while fapping to the replies.
I think the beauty of old Sup Forums was all the raids, memes, and funny shit we did. There was something going on every day (2008-2011). When was the last time you saw a meme from Sup Forums the last 5 years? All our memes are from other boards, or reddit now.
I remember when b fought for the underdog and the undercat. I remember when white knighting meant something. I remember when a single wrong foto meant that b would know where you lived and what you bank balance was. I remember when no card stand was allowed to stand. I remember when every Saturday was caturday and every Wednesday was pizza day like the pizza they served back in the 7th grade cafeteria. I remember when b wasn’t your personal army but would track down anyone who abused an animal. Today b are the animal abusers. I remember when Puddi and sage meant something.
B used to be good but it isn’t, anymore.
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
Hell yeab.Now its shit with guys who wanna see cocks everyday.Full of homo fags everywhere
tbh I've forgotten most things from 15 years ago
>I remember when b wasn’t your personal army but would track down anyone who abused an animal
at first I was scarred what would happen.
shit meme
This is the Sup Forums catalog right now.
Its an endless amount of ''wwyd'' and expose threads where people post girls they know in real life while they jack off to the replies
>do you think my gf looks like a slut?
>thoughts on this girl i know? do you think she has fucked 20 black cocks?
It doesn't even include the 30+ tranny, and dick rating threads.
It never was good to begin with, it was just a different brand of retarded.
let's raid b
jesus christ
hitler wasa joke and learned nothing from napolean. Attacking russia in the winter was retarded. Should have stayed at home and focused on air power until the late 1940s, then went all out with futuristic planes.
b8 Sup Forums was never good
That's all
yes :,(
yes. b went to total shit since hiroshimoot bastard cunt took over. fuck this motherfucker.
I've been here since 2003. It was never good. It has gotten worse tho.
Sup Forums was never good and it's gotten worse
nice dubs