Facial hair reccomendations? Can’t grow under my lip and middle of chin, plus it goes ginger

Facial hair reccomendations? Can’t grow under my lip and middle of chin, plus it goes ginger.

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Yeah, trim the eyebrows and either grow the beard or shave it. All see is shnozz. Pretty fucking ugly, OP.

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Trim my eyebrows? I love the honesty that’s why I’m posting here aha.

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Shave them entirely.

Keep shaving relentlessly and it will grow. Grow the hair on your head too

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Might tattoo a penis on the crown of my head too

grow something on your head and then we can talk about facial hair

I shaved it all the other day because of receeding hair so I’m considering to keep it like this.

Do you have to always arch your eyebrows? You look perpetually surprised. Stop it, Howdy Doody.

What's with the wrinkles on your forehead, Gordon Ramsay style?

I like my wrinkles pal

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Weak chin detected.

Balls for posting your face if that's really you.

Is indeed

Will I get the shovel /b?

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Right ear (your left) is higher than left. Time for surgery to fix that shit.

Why not just cut it off?

No can do. OP likes to wear glasses. Not every problem needs a violent solution, user.

How tf you know that

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Could tell by your pic.

By the way, always wear the glasses but get slightly smaller lenses when you can. Thinner frames too.

Mine is the same, but it looks fine so just grow it all out. You clearly have enough for a full on beard. Just keep that nasty balding head shaved.

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Would I be able to get that done to the same glasses? Or just get a new pair.

And guy who posted krek2 you’re a sexy basterd

New pair. Shouldn't be more than $200 at most unless you have a crazy prescription.

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Hail trips of Satan!


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M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?

discord gg ironic


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M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?

discord gg ironic


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Not sure if location but try Eyemart Express. Good prices on just okay glasses but same day service. Order and pick up in usually an hour. I paid around $200 maybe slightly more for both a pair of glasses single lens polycarbonate anti scratch coating with basic prescription(astigmatism) and prescription sunglasses with polarized coating. Fricking love the sunglasses...just an FYI my man

Appreciate the reccomendation pal, I’m in Northern Ireland however.