>Be Greta Thunberg >16 >Manage to TRIGGER millions of boomers and white trash incels >Becomes TIMES Person of the Year 2019
You've got 5 seconds, 5 fucking seconds to tell me one single thing you've done in your entire life that's even 1/10th of 1% as ACCOMPLISHING as her on any given day.
I mean, her inclusion just proves life is a dice roll. She was born into a family that gave her this chance, and even that was a one in a billion shot. It isn't like she did anything billions of others couldn't have had they had those opportunities.
TLDR Version: She is being exploited and taken advantage of. She has aspergers, selective autism and obsessive compulsive disorders.
Greta's rise to fame was not organic promoted by a host of globalist elites from day 1 and they met with her mother scouted her 3-4 months before promoting her and did not happen across her protest they were told a week before.
Artificial Massive media Attention, the elites person of choice at the moment because it serves an agenda timestamp She pretty is much scripted .. when something off script happens youtube.com/watch?v=0bwLt_5t73g her image evaporates
34 minutes in you she it not the 1st time they used a girl to sell climate change back in 1992 they did the same thing youtu.be/9Jpk8Ix1CCg?t=2054
they have been screaming doom in 10 years since the 1930’s and have been wrong over and over and over again.
Most of them couldn't admit their hero is actually a big hypocrite.
Rich girl in 1,500 outfits and two chairs in her living room that cost 9,000 each no wonder the rich elites love her
Levi Diaz
"My coal mining job is important! You can't replace it!"
Blacksmiths were replaced by factory workers
Stablehands were replaced by car salesmen
Trucks nowadays are being replaced by MACHINES
Stenographers were replaced by basic audio recording equipment.
Everyone can read so scribes fucked off
People often find meaning in their work, that's fine, but the work itself can change at any time and without consideration for your life situation. Coal mining is not a sacred path for humanity ingrained in the universe itself, it's a means to an end to get energy. If we can find better ways of obtaining it and do so without relying on such a large workforce, humanity will pursue it or else risk eating a forward-thinking competitor's dust.
The pain u experience, instigated by flawed arguments of investment ("I invested in this therefore it'll work out ok") can never change what is real and what isn't.
CEOs, including Trump, Bezos, Musk, Gates, etc. are never on the side of their employees and would like nothing more to replace u all with robots they don't have to pay. They're not saviors, they're about the bottom line and only the bottom line
Benjamin Butler
On top of that "My family has a coal mining tradition" doesn't count for anything either.
Part of why we respect the dead is because they are no longer agents of this world: they can do nothing to stop those who come later on from bulldozing the monuments they created to make way for whatever plans the future holds.
"Tradition" really is just peer pressure from the dead cause the next generation can just abandon the previous one's ideals on a WHIM. You need the consent of them to "carry on" those plans. There is no absolute security in "legacy," only what they ultimately decide to do with your dead body and the statues you've sculpted
(Heh, dear Dante Aligheri, sorry about your casket!)
Jordan Harris
what has actually happened because of her that wouldn't have happened if she never existed?
Thanks for confirming OP's point about triggering Nobody is interested in what you have to say Please kys
Ethan Jenkins
I'd find it difficult to find anything, anyone, hasn't done, that supersedes the 'Fame' Greta has garnered from MSM. If you work? If you provide for your loved-one/family/friends? If you vote? If you are aware of our world and try to NOT defame it?
Greta, like others, is merely the current social 'Toy'. She'll be cast aside by the idiot 'Left/Liberal/Democratic' fools, soon enough.
I feel bad for young Greta. She's been nothing but a pitiful tool to forward still more silliness from the wailing masses.
Carter Adams
jewtube already took it down This is why youtube exists even tho it runs at a nett profit loss, they can control the information
Cooper Watson
Roosevelt was man of the year in 1932, 1934 and 1941
Franklin D. Roosevelt (3x) Harry S. Truman Dwight D. Eisenhower (2x) John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson (2x) Richard Nixon (2x) Jimmy Carter Ronald Reagan (2x) George H. W. Bush Bill Clinton (2x) George W. Bush (2x) Barack Obama (2x) Donald Trump
That's 22 times a president of the United States
Matthew Russell
I just looked that up a few days ago myself...was feeling 5ish but at times a 1. Now I’m feeling like I don’t have to poop at all but haven’t for pooped for nearly 2 days now. Wtf, last poop was a solid 1. Little balls that were hard to pass and sent chills through my body during bowel mvmnts shiiiiit my ass had been raw from wiping so much now nothing. Better to let heal I guess until big load comes and rips me open a little