ITT post how pathetic your life is
>live in parents basement
>no friends
>never kissed a girl or had sex
>college dropout
>working job that barely pays above minimum wage so poorfag
>have big mantits despite being underweight
ITT post how pathetic your life is
Other urls found in this thread:
2.1 mil in bank account right now.
mantits + timestamp or gtfo
>living with parents
>had to move back in because i had some seizures and needed the care in case i had another
>decided i wanted to go to university to become a civil and environmental engineer
>decided open university was to expensive so I'm self taught
>go back to the UK in 3 months for some practical work, exams in 5
>got 5/5 offers back from my universities
My life's pretty darn tootin
killing yourself is probably an adequate solution to your problem
Miss the old Sup Forums?
disc0rd ironic
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
76yo btw
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
I'm the same except no job and I am overweight
To make things worse I'm a fag
i do often think that my life is pathetic, but when i see threads like this, i understand that i'm not really THAT much of a loser.
thnx, losers, u give me hope
How do you get that far in life and not get laid? The only thing I can think of is if you're saving it for marriage or have some autistic hobby like anime or video games. Women are having more sex with more people more than ever now, so it has to be something stupid you're doing.
>married with kids
>make a decent living
>still unhappy and miserable
>would trade it all to be a sexy, teen girl
>spend most of my life fantasizing about being a girl and getting rape by some alpha man who would force me to bare his children
>kissless virgin
>never had a job cause of crippling anxiety
>4/10 looks
>4 inch dick when erect.... not that it matters anymore.
>live with mum and stepdad, dad died last year just aged 62
>Meds I take for schitzophrenia made me put on 30 kg, now overweight
>chances are I got cancer.... severe back pain and dizziness, same symptoms my dad had when he died.
>Cancer runs in the family.... BIG TIME
could it be anymore shitter?
>37 years old
>no job
>no edducation
>had girlfriend last time in 2006
>wanking in home every day, every month
>could it be anymore shitter?
Could always be gay. All you get is shit on your dick and dick in your shit.
don't worry about it, bro. Just give all up on achieving conventional things. Coom, play vidya, sip monster energy drink, simp for e-thots, experiment with guys (who will fuck anything). Stop caring what other people think. Walk around with a grin on your face because you see the higher truth about society: that it's meaningless. Living with your parents at 24 is not that bad. It's frugal
My life
> 21
> live in a nice modern penthouse
> too many friends (want to cut down)
> fucked probably 50+ girls, got a hot gf
> well paying, engaging job, large savings account
> large manly pecs and six-pack abs
But I feel sympathy for people like you. I spot them miles away. The aura of insecurity, the neurotic eyes, the smell of failure. Don't torture yourself. Just give in and relax. Just coom or buy a prostitute. Give up on real sex and love. You don't have to have a good job, a good education, a nice gf/wife, children, lots of wholesome friends. No, if you have a roof over your head, some money for food and an internet connection, you can get by fine. But you need to stop comparing yourself to others all the time. Just eat some nice junk food, put on a porno, smoke a blunt and relax - every day. That's not so shabby. I damn sure want to relax all day sometimes, but I can't because I have soo much on my plate. Friends, women, job stuff, family stuff, exercise, cooking healthy food, vacation.
>40 yo
>live in two family home with elderly mother
>she is reaching the point where she can’t take care of herself
>don’t have money for nursing home
>gonna move her in with me
>thus ends my life
>live in childhood bedroom
>3 friends that i never see
>never kissed a girl or had sex
>finished college, but...
>can't find a job, and have no work experience. so i'm basically unemployable
>skinny but quickly gaining weight
same to all of this
good luck bro. i hope things work out for at least one of us
Silence Jew
You are doing better then my little brother
>He is 30
>Kissless Virgin
>No job
>Welfare income
>Smoke the money away on TOBACCO
>Neet life
>Fat tier 3(Highest Ranking in Norway) 200KG
>Internet "GF" with AUTISM
He is gonna die.
Worst part is.. I lived in the same room as him for 24 years(Small house big family of 7)
24 Years with NO private life and 5 years after I move out he is getting closer to death then ever before
His entire life was to hinder ME and my development.
>Mid wage worker 50 000USD(estimate) with decent enough looks to get pussy on tinder.
I could've been so much more had he just fucking died in the begining instead of staying alive for so long.
Yet I love him more then anyone else.
Im gonna be more fucked up when he kicks the bucket.
Have generals so far
Doing factory work 18 an hour
Live in apt with gf
Kinda wish I had a direction for a career, but don't really have an interest for much
Other than that everything is fine
>live with fiance
>plenty of friends
>never been to college
>work as a janitor
It's a good life.
>Yet I love him more then anyone else.
He is not beyond repair, pay him a therapist, talk with him and try to take him to the gym
This 700lbs quitted the neet life and started improving his life, why couldn't your brother too?
By the way, does he suffer from hoarding and his rooms are a fucking mess that smell worse than horse shit?
how did you get a gf without having a job?
did you just lie?
sounds good
become a trap
flirt with customers
until one of them becomes sugar daddy
>has own room
>loner boner
>parents ignore my depression and anxiety
>no job, income
>plays video games and faps all day
>not good enough pc to try and do streaming
>waste of life
>Son is autistic 16 Y/O
>Live with son's mother 17 years
>Son doesn't live with us because mental health reasons
>Bachelor's degree in journalism
>Fucked up reporter job in 2004
>Worked retail
>Eventually get fired
>Uber driver
>No sex for 2-3 years (son's mother is girlfriend/wife, she's not doing it with anyone else, though)
>Live in Eastern Connecticut
>50lbs overweight
>Jeep Liberty
>Small dick
>Wife blames me for all her problems
>Wife is deaf, unemployed, eplieptic, probably autistic too, but differently
>My dad is dead 2 years (died at 83) mom is nursing home potato
>Little contact with brother or nephew
>White, Protestant, blond/blue no privilege
Of course they'll ignore you
To a normal person you look like a lazy pervert, nothing depressive about your actions
Damn, made me feel good about my shitty life.
>big city, own apartment, 5th floor
>got job, okay pay, coworkers suck
>last 5 years been drinking to much and smoking trees
>now trying to stop that shit
>2 years ago lost driver licence cause DUI
>free time activity: YouTube, Instagram, Videogames and fap
>lil overweight (beer guts) and small mantits
>beside that looks are actually 7/10
>got crush on girl I barley have a chance with, even if we hang on a weekly base
>sad crush when she is now gone for 4 weeks overseas
>starting to change life to get the girl
>already know that in the end I won't get the girl
Well, could be worse
>Get two fuck-dates thanks to internet dating, didn't had an erection in either
>Craiglist personals is dead, so no more chances to fuck (it's not like it was a big chance anyways)
> 6 years in collage and probably will need another one
> Few friends, barely talk to them
> Working in an internship for the minimum wage, almost all money made directly to pay collage
> Live with my parents in the smaller room (10x10 ft)
> Got into the gym, did the bulking diet good but skip lots of training because I have lots of problems to sleep, so I'm now just getting fat
>I'm pretty sure that I'm developing OCD, and it's getting worse everyday
>rent room in townhouse
>barely scrape by
>no friends
>girlfriend lives 2 hours away
>shes thriving, about to graduate college
>meanwhile im struggling with college, have to repeat my last semester... for the second time in a row
>just got fired from Target four days ago
>since then havent left my room except for beer and fast food
>havent spoken or interacted with a person
>turned completely nocturnal, havent seen the sun in days
>ill be fallling asleep soon
>when i wake up it will be night
>ill grab a burger, crush some beers, pack a lip and watch dumbass youtube vids and repeat the process
>"Hey user i havent heard from you in a little while, how has your week been?"
>left a good paying job for the army after telling everyone about it and how excited I am about it
>mfw I don't make it
>mfw i have to go back and see everyone used to see on a daily basis
>be me
>be 36 y/o
>kissless hugless beta virgin living in his parent’s basement
>always wanted to escape everything so i turned to vidya
>eventually i see with time how i wasted my potential and life
>turned to hard drugs
>been addicted to butthash ever since
>can’t go a day without poopsmoking
>need to be high as shit nigger at all times
>my parents don’t know but they’ve been pressuring me to get a job or else they would cut the internet off
>if all else fail, they’ll kick my ass to the curb
No reactions?! Someone please call me pathetic or tell me to kys!!
youll grow out of it
the true Sup Forums tards show their face here
so many pseudo-chads talking about their wealth and 9/10 gfs / fwbs in every other thread.
i feel at home here
Kek. Thanks for the chuckle user.
Eh I wont say my life is pathetic. Live on my own, have a gf. Money situation could be better, but Im able to buy a video game just about when ever I want, or go out to eat with out much issue while covering all my bills. It helps being debt free other then rent, but op if it makes you feel better I have my short comings. I have a small dick, I once got in really good shape, but gained all the weight back. Im 30 and collect and play with wrestling action figures, and currently in the process of edging myself so I can cum a lot onto an female action figure.
Post your prized figures, I love that shit
>currently in the process of edging myself so I can cum a lot onto an female action figure
Also your goals are achievable user keep at it
>23rd birthday
>high school dropout
>schizofrenia kicked in at 17 due to weed addiction
>college dropout because again, psychosis.
>started using coke
>can't work more than 3 days right now.
>live in my fathers attic
Tbh I would have offed myself if I didnt find medication that worked. Took 4 tries. Soon going back to college and I have a really chill job. Only a meaningful relationship left and I'd give my life an 8. Hang in there broskis, life gets better if you just accept it and at least try to move on.
Thanks Encouragement user. I may record it and webm the cumshot to add to the hot glue thread I see on /gif/
If you can think it, your can do it!
Tbh I love how your fucked up fetishes don't stop you from being a nice human being. Different user by the way, keep it up
How many guys are there with psychotic tendencies here? It seems like a lot.
>weed addiction
You don’t have to make shit up here man no one is judging
>can't even spell schizophrenia
Stop drinking IPAs, Samson. It's causing you to develop mantits.
Haha, its the first time I came onto an action figure. But I am into my gf pissing on me. Eh, wear that shit like armor.
Eh the voice in my head said it was with an f.
I hear you on that phone call shit
I have to rehearse in my head what I have to say and what I might have to say. Voicemail? Forget about it
> jobless neet
> live in apartment with 2 other guys
> good looks but apartment is always trashed and pretty much a virgin lair
> Make money donating plasma and doing stuff for family
> addicted to drugs
> coke, Xanax, weed, lsd, DXM, benedryl anything that’ll get me fucked up
> called my mom crying on 600 mg of DXM last week and told her I want to kms
> bought gun off kid in street bc live in ghetto
> I think about that gun all the time now
What did you do for teaching yourself? Use curriculum books?
I tried to ask my friends seriously if it was normal to fantasize about murder and that’s when I found out
Serious question, OP. Do you want to change? Or have you resigned your life to living how you are now?
>complains about all women being gold-diggers
>thinks the only way to attract women is with money
>about to be married
>about to get masters in shit STEM field
>fear for future having to look for work
>worst come to worst, I'll be stay home dad
>about to be wife will be a dentist
Idk... I probably came out better than I thought
MHL KITA, i new in Sup Forums ahah , crazy, but i think that he is homosexual, it is not the problem, the fucmkibng matter is that i think that he is a pedophile, probably not, but it could be, bye guys ahahahaha
search him as : MHL KITA on facebook
Live with me mum
Half virgin( lost erection cause nervous )
Steadily gaining weight
I really don't know why I keep going at this point.
Ahh yes the american dream right there. Crippling depression, no affordable income, and the misery of loneliness.
>Decent looks
>Fucked quite a few grills
>However am also IV meth and heroin addict
>Was homeless for 2 years, then in jail for a long time, then moved back in with parents
>But now I'm in rehab again
>Shit sucks don't do drugs guys
kill yourself you fucking cretin
You dun goofed
Fuck it I'll add my 2 cents.
>work in finance got degree in economics
>stuck making 80k per yr
>have a white gf while I'm short Asian
>have my own place
>have a daily and a recently bought my second Porsche
>work regular 9 to 5
>Most of my family are into it or engineers or business owners
>I'm the loser of the family that hasnt made 6 figures yet
>im too laid back to work more planning next trip to europe with gf
>enjoy life as much as possible.
Nah man, kids are awesome
>college dropout
>no work. lucky family is rich I guess
>have no friends and barely any social skills
>last gf cheated on me once. I forgave her. cheated on me twice. I begged her to stay. in the end she just left
your kind aint welcome here
oh right i forgot having a joyless burden that takes up all my free time and money is awesome
dude, you need to be more alpha if your family is rich.
You're wasting your fucking god given luck
I'm sorry my opinion of having children offended you so
mind sending me 100k so i can retire at 21? i live in a shit country.
Kazakhstan greatest country in the world
I think I can help you op
>start talking to people at work to make connections
>research community colleges around the area to see what you can afford(it might even be free)
>save 100 to buy a bench weight set and start working out.
I guarantee you will feel a lot better if you do those three things op. This year is new and fresh, what do you have to lose?
Live a very long long life :).
I'm thinking of enlisting. I figure I'll either love it, or pvt-pyle my way out
having kids is objectively one of the dumbest things the modern man can do. anyone who has kids and says they are happy are lying
>Have Wife, 2kids
>No job
> Acne face since 8th grade
> Studied public servant 3yrs-failed
>Studied estate agent 1yrs-failed
> Everyday i think suicide
>live in my own house
>plenty of friends
>highschool dropout
>family hates me because faggot
>most people view me as abomination
Just do it, user. It's ok to give up
wait. you are a faggot and you have a gf? how does that work?
Spend more time with your children and wife.
At this point, it's too late for you, but you can steer your children to become good people. Everything you do for them, they will remember. Everything you say to them will determine what kind of mindset you instill in them. Be good to them, so they can be the best they can and live a life without regret.
Love your wife and dote on her. Make a point to let her know you love her, and that at least she and the kids make your life better. There's not enough time in the world to regret at this point, so you should make the best of what you have, and be grateful that you have what others search for all their lives.
In the next life may you be a girl who end up getting raped by multiple dicks and love it. Or if you're born again in a boy's body, may you have the courage to be a trap, then a shemale, so you can fulfill your wish of being a cock sucking whore.
But in this life, don't give up on your family. Do it for them.
>>have big mantits despite being underweight
I read that as mantis and for a brief moment the world was a better place.
>Half virgin
There is no such thing, you either are or you aren't.
Did you fuck her and got floppy after a minute, did you never get it in and rubbed wtf is half virgin.
by being a lesbian
>>Single, work as a sales man, not great but good.
>>Start gym last year, lost lots of weight
>>Girls and women start to notice me, lost my wizard condition last year, have several sexual enconters after that.
>>life it's pretty awesome lately.
Thank you!
Truth. You lose everything! (sex, ability to be free, and most of all, income)
Again, I'm sorry that having an opinion that's different from yours offends you so much.
But tbh, I've seen many unhappy families, and many happy ones. I'm sorry that you had the unfortunate luck of having a shitty family. Maybe if you had more caring and loving parents, your opinions might be different, but c'est la vie
>Half virgin
you're a virgin just for using that stupid phrase
>36yo neet
>no friends
>no gf
>paranoid schizophrenic so life is a living hell
>severe alcoholic
>heavy smoker
>grossly overweight
>attracted only to underage girls
Somebody pls kill me
Weid flex but ok
why don't you kill yourself? take charge of your life for once
Not trying to convince you to have children, so relax my guy. Don't have to come in guns blazing trying to tell other people that having children means they fucked up. Let them decide.
You're right but I live in eurofag land and can't get access to a firearm. I'm too cowardly to hang myself or slit my wrists.
sucks OP, you should be productive and have a family so you can pass your genes. I mean you'll die anyways but it's not about you, it's about future generations.. but wait it's not about those specific future generations, it's about the future generations after them, but wait... you get the picture.