Try Vegan Sup Forums
Try Vegan Sup Forums
I have idiot i eat green beans with my steak every time
Choose life, except plants, fuck them.
which is life? death of animals or the death of plants. Bait out of 10 try harder next time, unless you are that delusional poster from r9k.
Death is a part of life.
Go omnivore.
>Both are infinitely renewable resources
>Both die by point when eaten
by the time the sun consumes the earth none of this will have mattered. Enjoy your shit life you stupid vegan nigger I will eat an extra plate at Korean BBQ just for you gay boi
Eat people if you really believe this shit. Or cut into a salad and into a dog next time and see if you can make out a difference
Can I buy people at the store to eat? Can I buy dog? No you stupid faggot. Whether you buy meat or not the excess will be thrown into the dumpster. Whether you consume or not there is such a vast amount of people consuming meat that there will always be meat to buy. If anything they are dying for nothing because you arent buying their dead flesh you faggot.
>shitty instagram quotes
you have a higher chance to annoy turn people off veganism this way than turn them towards it, even if veganism is morally right. fuck you kike.
ummm but me evolved to eat meat hurr durr
also no
re: also people who try to convince people to go meat free/vegan through the moral side of the argument aren't gonna get anywhere, only way would be through environmental/sustainability issues imo
(meesa pescatarian)
also unironically do eat bugs
Is eating bugs ok?
I don't eat them but I'm 100% on board with them being looked into as a major food supplier.
You have to eat all the eggs
Fuck off. We're supposed to eat meat. Humans are Apex Predators.
the reason evolution has selected for animal based nutrients, to benefit more calorie-intensive brains, is because the nutrients are converted in the animal's body, which makes it instantly usable in a meat eater's body. As opposed to converting the nutrients from scratch.
So it's like the difference between eating raw pizza dough, and a cooked pizza. Your body cannot readily make use of raw dough.
I eat my meat raw!
ummm but me evolved to eat grass hurr durr
in ops pic, wouldn't those veggies also be dead. don't think they are still alive after you violently cut them from their roots or rip out of the ground.
Joined the ANTIFA server. Thanks user!
bugs have feelings too
>strawmanning cos you dont have an argument
>epic shitpost server
so literally every discord server
ITT : Faggots who eat veggies and take bike trips daily wearing leotards while their wives get banged by Negroes.
There's no reason to eat plants to get to the nutrients that it absorbed from the soil. Stop eating plants amd eat dirt.
I choose death.
Vegans are crazy... I don't want to be a vegan not because of lost meat, but because of associated with vegans offended me too much.
anyway I like meat
user has a point there!
If you didn't eat animal protein and lived in the wild you would die.
Vegan diets can't work without supplementation
tried, heavy physical work and doing only vegan products may cause some premature cases of cancer as your body need to digest 10-30 times the volume of normal omnivore diet so yeah, I'll leave only vegan diet to "soyboys"
I honestly don't know whether bugs feel pain and shit, but I don't think it really matters.
like I recognise that animal suffering is bad i'm pretty sure all of you here would agree, but
feeding humans is more important than not causing suffering imo.
the reason I don't eat meat isn't a moral thing it's a sustainability thing, meat is fucking dreadful for the environment even at only 8 billion people (like half of which can barely be fed) so if we want the human race to grow at all we need to look into other sources of food. it's gonna be a rough transition and a slow one but it's necessary
it's not like the animals would live forever if we didn't eat them.
Well there was a branch of humanity which evolved as vegetarian grazers, didn't go so well for them.
Meat is better for the environment. Think about the resources used to get you your lettuce.
The land needs to be cleared, sprayed. Plowed, insecticides etc. Every animal that eats it killed off.
Meat is by far the better choice for the environment.
>still strawmanning
There was?
Human stomachs are very similar to Wolves. I never saw a wolf eating Broccoli.
not really, you need to feed animals so it's what you said for animals, then animals killed for food
the only real solution to this moral argument is to actually kill off some people and by some, I mean like 30-70% totally
human race got itself cornered, we must reduce numbers and hope next iteration will be better - sad part is, if it were to start now, most of us would be killed off, but it's the price to be paid for the sake of the specie
In fact go back far enough and nearly all humans were vegetarian, wasn't until we adopted an omnivorous lifestyle that we made gains.
There was yes and I did say human ancestor, not Homo Sapiens
I think you're right there. We just have too many people to feed and need to seriously think of real solutions.
Morals aside, there is a crisis on our planet and it's just too many mouths to feed.
Ahh. ok. Well, I don't believe in Evolution, but I understand your point.
>Try Vegan Sup Forums
Dump those processed sugars and carbs and go keto. You'll literally feel more energy and focused after a week.
It's not something that requires belief
Keto for a year, now full carnivore. Never fealt better!
Not sure if it works for all people. I think your race is key on this diet thing.
>an entire sapiens subspecies is a strawman
Is for me as there is no evidence for it.
i totally understand.
we should kill all niggers and feed them to illegal mexicans as tacos.
Without preaching, without talking about cruelty, try to convince me why veganism is better than anything else...
Also, make sure to tell people you need to take supplements for the rest of your life if you choose to go vegan.
(before telling me BS, I have been on a vegan diet since 1999 now, however, I am playing the role of somebody who is not vegan)
Enjoy turning your kids into skinny manlets.
The supplements I am talking about is Vitamin B12. There is no natural occurring B12 in a plant based diet.
There's no evidence vegetables exist
>There is no natural occurring B12 in a plant based diet.
There is, only if you literally eat your own shit.
Vegetables evolved from rocks. Prove me wrong.
It's settled science.
Fuck.. That would mean being a Bernie supporter.
>the only real solution to this moral argument is to actually kill off some people and by some, I mean like 30-70% totally
>human race got itself cornered, we must reduce numbers and hope next iteration will be better
In the mean time we continue to feed African and import 3rd worl breeders because our population growth has waned as it should in an industrialized world. If gretta wants to make the world better, she needs to start a advocating the world to stop this self destructive insanity.
Whether I buy a steak or not that same animal is still going to be butchered so I am doing the responsible thing by eating them to make sure their sacrifice wasn’t in vain.
Kind of weird. If we go by their logic, we're actually choosing death or death. If the ground beef is death then the vegetables would be just as much death because they're cut from their life source as well. They're dead too on those shelves.
Keto actually saved my life, where veganism was killing it.
Lie some more about how meat is bad.
You can do Keto without eating meat though. Those two things are pretty unreleated
Friend of mine has serious health issues from many, many years of veganism.
They're now of medication for life and severely impaired. Thyroid is messed up bad.
Just reading this proves you have no idea of waht you're talking about in any of these fields holy shit.
I'm pretty sure the point is about health and not killing the eater, not the stuf that you eat
If the car won't start you don't smash the front screen to add ventilation to the engine you inbreed retard.
Helping Africa comes from christian entitlement and colonialism guilt and exploitation some people perform there.
As much as I hate overall escalation of Greta and how everyone treats here like if she invented something good, finally someone got everyone a little bit talking and or concerned about what's actually happening with the planet which current ecosystem is in decline and our specie need very specific conditions to live so yeah, I'll take her aspergered dumb face anyday as far, as idiots start sorting trash and reduce buying pointless junk ending up being thrown into the sea.
And there would be no sand/nigger problem if the fucking idiots from USA would finally stop meddling in the Middle East and someone could address elephant in the room being Israel state being the very root of most problems in the Middle East region.
Most people only know what they've been told. Think about that.
I'm not sure if misunderstood cause broken english or just plain brainlet
Good thing none of us live in the wild then, no ? Also fucking meatcucks should supplement, almost 40% of the general population is B12 deficient
Imagine being so weak that your body litteraly can't handle digesting food
Plants are dead after you take them off the vine. Eating them if they're still alive is murder. Next time don't eat at all and die, faggot.
quite the retarded bro science
How much effort does a Cow need to digest it's Vegan diet?
I mean you know the points but health and sustainability sound the major pros
No thanks, I'm not homosexual
I think Vegans vomit up their food and re-digest it, just like Cows. Any Vegans care to clarify?
That's not really how it works. Like on a day to day basis sure, but if the demand decreases, production (i.e raising and killing animals) will decrease over time too because any industry has no use for a product that doesn't sell
Why not? It's the latest fad.
Keto has been proven tonot do shit in any situation, for anyone. Placebo effect is what saved your life my guy
I mean sure, I guess having better/multiple sources could help, but all of this makes your brain hurt a lot I guess
Pretty sure nobody does that mate
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I agree... we’ve been omnivores for the last 10000-+ years.. Why change now.. change the way we farm.. not the way we eat..
Been there for over 20 years, thanks
vegan here, this is true, saves plant life
But you're not 100% sure!
Except when I tried veganism, I didn't lose any weight. How do you think it felt to be a fat guy, eating a shit ton of veggies, and not losing anything.
Started incorporating meats and cheese with those vegetables, weight started dropping off.
didnt read tbh
cows have 4 stomaches to digest grass tho
Retarded logic. We have been assholes and rapists for thousands or years, hurr durr, why change. Basic appeal to tradition
lol no
You have to do what's cool on TV and the Movies otherwise, well, you aren't cool.