How awesome is Brexit?
How awesome is Brexit?
err, that's a pedo antipodean!
British as they come.
It's pretty great, destroying a country from within has never been easier.
ots really good, but england is so cucked by the banks that it will never happen, even if it does it only does in name
right now they are rewriting all the money drains on britain so nothing really changes.
The UK swamp has been drained so to say, i'm happy, shame Farage isn't PM though
Why would it destroy britian? EXPLAIN IN DETAIL!!!!!
More Pakis and less whites. I guess Brits like having their kids raped huh
noice trips
So I might not be as well versed on the issue as some but I feel like that is the reason for Brexit and not the result of Brexit.
Brexit is totally based. Unlike pedo Rolf.
It's fucking fantastic, I will come back to this thread or any other saying its a negative in 6 months and rip the piss out of you dumb cunts who believed the bullshit scare stories in the media. First thing to happen and its already started by the way is the strength of our currency. The German finance minister has already stated how gutted he is as he knows they're fucked without us contributing billions to bring the likes of Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Latvia, and so on up to an acceptable EU living standard. I wonder why that's never mentioned in the press. It must be the amount of our contributions that dissappear to the corrupt officials in these countries.Along with The German's and the French we contributed the highest amount of money. That money has gone no benefits to the UK whatsoever. So you southern soft cunts who are awash with money don't realise the rest of the country has nothing because of this shit. The southerners have no perception whatsoever of the rest of the country. That's why they're cry like little spoilt brats cos they don't want their gravy train to stop. They need not worry even those prats will be better off. By the way the governer of the Bank of England has already stated our Income will get the biggest boost to it than it has seen for decades. Don't you just love all those fear mongers getting proven wrong.
As a "settled" European, I now literally have free movement to an entire continent, inc the UK, and you don't. I dont even.
Its weird to see people around you fighting so hard in order to essentially make themselves into an inferior class.
I can literally start businesses in other places (and i have one in the UK, that's how I am settled) just by casually driving there, and you would have to suck my cock for a work visa.
>Don't you just love all those fear mongers getting proven wrong.
I certainly do. All the reeing in the mainstream media is a joy to watch.
But can you trust British paints?
I have always wanted out and never gave a shit about any supposed short-term pain for long-term gain. The Art50 two year countdown was a fucking sham, as has been the last three years of obstructionism from the establishment and (((globalist))) shills. For all the shit the left give The Donald since he announced he was running for president, at least he was actually elected to office. I'm still worried that we're getting a watered down Brexit, with free movement and paying in to Europe, and not an actual one. Fuck the EUSSR.
I cant wait until Torys let us fuck up your NHS and one day you realize what you had wasn't too bad but it is gone. Now you have no rationing but it cost 2.5k pounds for an ambulance ride and 30 quid for a paracetamol.
All you dumb fucks had to do was go to Mayfair and flip some of those Russians and rich tossers upside down. You could have solved your issues that led to your brexit temper tantrum with thier sofa change.
so many beta male remainers in this thread haha
Convince me that Brexit wasn't anything besides people getting mad that immigrants were allowed in. Pissed off that Syrians, slavs and pakis were bringing actual edible food to your nation
over reliance on financial services to prop up the economy and the tories have done far more damage to the country.
my company is laying off 10% of staff in 7 offices in UK due to Brexit (2000 people).. but seems you are enlightened on the subject, can you explain what will happen in 6 months time that's so great?
Stay mad
We do need to start sending foreigners back to where they came from.
>How awesome is Brexit
>pic of Rolf Harassment
please tell me you're being ironic
whilst im against the premise of brexit... paracetamol costs 30p not £30 looool
Not after brexit
The Tories are going to privatize some of the NHS and you Brits are in for a shock when the US profit mongers come and WRECK what you have.
Those prices are what we pay for hospital services here in the US, when we can get them. Plenty of our rural areas have no hospitals or doctors at all.
Look forward for 150 pounds a pop for flu shots yearly. Need a chest Xray? That will be 500. Need simple blood work? Another 300. Insulin? 3k a year. Having a baby? 8k for a simple birth and out the delivery room tommorow. C section? 35k. Break a leg and need a simple cast? 800.
I no longer have the link. Ok, £30 is an exaggeration, but within 5 days of winning the election Boris went back on his promise to protect the NHS from the US, AND future deals and discussions are going to be kept private. are
You don't have a link cos you're talking out your arse
Brexit is awesome. Imagine having a 3rd world country just over the channel where the Eu can put cheap production sites. No more "made in China".
Only a moron beleives that UK will pay hard for everything they want to negotiate from the EU. You can't have your cake and eat it, John Bull.
In about 10 years Britbongs will limp, uh crawl back and beg to rejoin the EU. This time without UK-Bonus aka full payment ...
Not to the NHS - they pay some ridiculous overpriced amount for it because they signed stupid contracts.
Fear mongering, as I stated previously I'm against Brexit - think it's a horrendous idea.
Paracetamol simply won't go up to £30 and there is no evidence for this.
Whilst it's likely Boris is going to push through an American trade deal, Trump has 4 years max left - will he even see out the year?
Prior to Oct BoJo said he'll die in a ditch if Brexit didn't happen by 31st, so agree can't really can't trust him. Essentially played a high risk game that they'll be a prosperous deal in the end with the EU.
But, we'll never adopt the American approach even the Tories know this would be a disaster electorally. More likely, they'll continue the trend of privatisation of elements within the NHS until Labour get in to power again.
I don't save the links of everything I read.
Do your own research, faggot.
It's what uninformed brexiters think.
EU has immigration problems yes, but it's still a major player on the world stage and thus has allot to bargain with.
Now UK leaves and suddenly they've lost one of their biggest bargaining chips.
Mainly India is going to demand visa free travel if the uk wants a trade deal with them.
Tl;dr leave camp doesn't understand trade deals.
Someone screencap this.
The will of god's chosen people.
Remoaners OUT!
Agree, the realities will hit home soon enough. Saw the average trade deal takes 7 years to process.
Just hoping some sense prevails and we'll organise a decent arrangement with the EU.
Unfortunately, there is some highly disingenuous politicians - Jacob Rees Mogg being the prize twat suggesting we'll be fine on WTO rules.
I can get a bottle of 1000 paracetamol for $9 here in the US. They still charge $30 a dose for it at the hospitals. You aren't getting there tommorow but you are on the way. I own my own business and if I had to pay full retail for insurance without the exchange subsidy for actual insurance that covers services I would be paying $2k a month for my family of four. As it stands now I have garbage insurance eith an $18k deductible and it is still costing my family of 4 $1.1k a month. You've strangled the goose that laid the golden egg.
Corbyn is an insufferable twat for and labor was too busy circle jerking each other to see who is best order muppet but the Tories aren't your pals or chums or looking out for you. Unless you are fuck you rich you are screwed. You aren't. You are.
>hurr durr our history is one of conquering and ruling an empire
>fuck the union created with other European countries that makes all of us a superpower
>I want to be a bitch, cause the rest of Europe is holding me down
that's brexit
Europe will collapse soon, we'll take advantage of it.
Trump's already started a third world war...
We don't have an insurance based system. The NHS is paid for by taxation. Therefore spiralling costs on the scale you have mentioned simply aren''t viable. What has happened in the last 15 years is elements within NHS have been put up for tender through contracts - the idea is the market will create efficiency. Our system simply isn't set up to make wholesale changes so disagree with your point.
The contracts are where the private firms make money and is the concern to what extent a UK-US trade deal would encompass this. However, this is dependent on the UK-EU trade deal and whether Trump is even in charge in 2021.
Yeah, Corbyn also had a lot of media propaganda against him but peaked in 2017. Sir Keir, will become leader next and Tony Blair 2.0 (without the weird global crusade hopefully).