This is by far the coolest spaceship design ever. Change my mind.
This is by far the coolest spaceship design ever. Change my mind
No sails not a ship
Mind changed.
Ships don't need sails dumbass
It'd be a matter of opinion I suppose, taste in space vehicles is pretty subjective.
If you want to be technical it's an space craft a ship floats on water if it's not on water it's a craft. Your welcome
fuck you ya clone ass nigga
Blind spot on the left makes parking and turning a nightmare
Technically it's a ship. Also you're technically retarded.
I would like to get technical about "an space" ...
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
M1ss the 0ld Sup Forums?
discord gg ironic
hahaha did a deep dive on the research there did we?
Just call it a vehicle and both stop being mega retards
No faggot, it's a ship.
It's a vehicle, thou must learneth thyne English better, faggot-wench..
All others are sith spit
Good luck with the (air) resistance!
This thing looks like it was designed after a dick with balls, but there is only one ball and two dicks.
Says here it's a ship.
Field of view is utterly fucked.
Try again.
This is the coolest
Best ever Space Vehicle
yessssssss such great games
TIE Defender
just like a interceptor but MORE
star wars doom was the best
The coolest ships are in EVE online (rip)
tie phantom
just like a interceptor
but you cant see it
I like general grievous' starfighter
I can see it.
get the Imperial Raider party bus.
Unironically this, don't see any other convertible space ships out there do ya?
What do you mean, it's right there
tie fighter + x-wing= tie hunter
Simple, I can't.
it has a clocking device........ it is just not on
A-wing. Source: X-Wing vs. TIE-Fighter. Fast, agile, lethal. Basically the counterpart to OP's Tie Interceptor
what do you think of this one?
oh i get it your trulling me,,,, ha ha
Best thread on Sup Forums in a long time.
The best spaceship was the death star. Fuckin hefty lad had a goddamn hyperdrive.
Like giant space hand holding a giant space grenade
Yeah sorry.... insomnia makes me think I’m funny.
Those are some gay looking spaceships.
Paige... No.
True. Managed that but couldn't put one in a TIE Fighter. Disappointing.
I unironically prefer the Raven's Claw
it looks like a moon
thicc and timeless
just based on looks alone
Klingon bird of prey mfers
This thread needs better taste and a bump, lucky I happened to pass by anons.
This, tbh.
This, and only this.
so in the first star wars a tie fighter in space was notable because "no ship that size can make it this deep into space on its own'.
Now Kylo literally flies this thing accross the universe.
That's from empire at war right?
Sins of a solar empire has cool ships
get on my level, plebs
LOL a structure like that would disintegrate under high-G acceleration.
G.O.A.T.S.E Armada.
Pink sock leader, standing by.
Can you autistic faggots explain why spaceships need streamlining to operate in the vacuum of space?
Surely you would be looking to maximise volume and minimise surface area and therefore radiant losses making the sphere the perfect spaceship
That's an odd looking B-Wing.
Minimal forward facing surface area to prevent dust collision
Onions are cool simply because of their bio/mechanical implications.
Concept art for the cancelled Alejandro Jodorowsky's Dune movie
It's pretty fucking average though. Much better as a conceptual painting than it would have been on film.
I chortled
Favorite EVE design
Prone to the whims of upper management and rapid unplanned disassembly...
Tachyon, good game, main character voiced by Bruce Campbell
Glorious Outer.Anal.Terrestrial.Settler.Expansion
Pelvic floor dropship reporting in.