My new girlfriend wants to continue hanging out with her most recent fwb. They never wanted to be in a relationship...

My new girlfriend wants to continue hanging out with her most recent fwb. They never wanted to be in a relationship, and i really do trust her to not cheat, the guy just seems like a total tool. I feel like a big part of it is just how possessive i am of her body now. She's not super pretty but has absolutely massive tits and i hate the thought of this douchebag and her just palling around.

It is on my mind constantly and ruins my day when they hang out.

Wat do?

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How often do they hang out? If it's weekly, she's likely screwing him

You'll be raising his kid soon enough.

It's been about every other week so far. I really really dont think she'd do that. I think part of what bothers me though is that if something happened between us and we broke up, she would go back to fucking him. That thought really bothers me. Like he's just in the stable waiting for me to not be around.

This. Young men and women don't just hang out as friends like on tv, It's very unnaturally weird. You only do this if considering even subconsciously the penis will be going into the vagina

It sounds like you're putting all your eggs in one basket here mate. She's probably screwing him and he probably is waiting around to get his hands on her when you're gone. And if you did break up, what she does shouldn't matter to you anyway. Go find another girl to hang around with, chances are you will find yourself happier because you're not stressing over this chick.

if you think she would fuck him when you get into a fight. He's either already fucking her or going to. Stop being a faggot who let's his girlfriend casually inhale cock.

You should take ownership of your possession. Tell her in person "you will not see him again, or text him, or call him, or have him on social media". If she says anything other than yes to your mildly pissed off demand then immediately dump her, even if it's a hesitant maybe. She will either call you crying the next day to say that she's agreeing fully or not. If not, she was never yours and good riddance.

Remember you gotta brow beat a woman weekly, cut her down lovingly, start a fight that you can win based on her greatest insecurities as often as you can. The goal is a submitted woman.

This is actual faggotry. This is how incels think.

I am literally doing this right now, with 3 women. I'm a great friend and very supportive on auto and I will swoop right in for the prize when available. I'm also in general keeping options open with other females too, high numbers strategy has works so I'll keep doing it and it's hellova fun too. Fuck all you incels.

You could tell how you feel about it in a non-posessive way and let her decide whether she wants to hang out with her friend more than protect your relationship.

>her fwb
>still hanging out
Hard nope

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>Women are our equals and should be respected
Found the roastie

Same here bro, I got four girls nipping at my heels and not a week goes by without me getting at least one of them in bed. Having the time of my life

>Young men and women don't just hang out as friends like on tv, It's very unnaturally weird
lol yes they do, you're just obsessed with fucking

>hanging out with her most recent fwb
>Friends, with, benefits

You will be fine OP, you were a cuck to begin with.

>Not seeing the obvious Larp

I never said women were people you stupid faggot can you read. Original comment is obvious some stupid nigger larping as a Chad. lol "gotta degrade em daily let em know who's the man"

shut up faggot

You're running with a bad news gorl, OP.

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Awesome! And you know what's fucking funny is I'm as ugly piece of shit as you can get im damn skinny have crooked teeth and wash my clothes like every 2 weeks haha. But I'm the most emotional caring guy around and I love to listen to their shit, and most of it is shit btw but you gotta do it. Rock on Bro!

You are fucking stupid user. She’s been cheating with him the entire time she’s been with you. Time for you to move on or murder suicide. The choice is your’s alone.

I like those choices, I hope OP posts pics of his choice too.

This is how successful men who breed many women think. Have sex loser.

He must post pics. The gods demand maximum keks. OP is a cuckold faggot and is probably cleaning his dirty slut girlfriend’s cum soaked gash with his mouth as we speak.

I have a girlfriend who was past sex worker and she sometimes hang out with her past fuck buddy who became her close friend and I'm completely okay with that. We're deeply in love with each other and have developed our trust over the years of being together. I think communication is the key into this. If you think you're uncomfortable with that, you should tell her about it.

>inhale cock

I don't think OP is that lucky. The other guys just about to slip his cock in for old times sake. OP's gonna turn on the tv and rage.

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She’s fucking him. And breaking up with or asking her to stop seeing that guy isn’t being possessive at all. Anyone suggesting such a thing is just a brainwashed feminist simp who’s trying to put the “muh patriarchy” agenda, while getting cucked my multiple Chads and Tyrones. Especially Tyrones, bc that’s more progressive.

So yeah keep fucking the thot while u find someone better. Don’t get too attached.

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There's a right way, and the way OPs gonna do it. With fists and yelling the only way is up and out.

Wow, that guy you hate sounds like me lolololol my regular fuckbuddy got a bf and she wants to be faithful and I don't want to be a dick because the guy is pretty cool. I don't feel bad because I've been fucking her for years. we decided it wouldn't be cool to hang out anymore

But I'd be lying if I said we didn't fuck before they became exclusive. I'd be lying if I said I didn't fuck her one time after that, but afterwards she was loyal to him.

Trust your instincts. Don't let your girl 'hang out' with him.

Any girl that gets mad at you and fucks someone else ... that's a hoe. A stable woman who loves you will silently make your life miserable as revenge.

If you think she is a hoe, you need to steal yourself for the inevitable, logical
, conclusion to your relationship.

Just be happy you're getting pussy and take as many pics with your dick in her mouth as possible.