I just ordered a fleshlight called "Stoya Destroya" and i am super hyped. What should i expect of a fleshlight Sup Forums?
I just ordered a fleshlight called "Stoya Destroya" and i am super hyped...
Hope you're proud of your soyboy destroyer
literally nothing, the first time you insert your cock you may feel amazed, but after a while it gets stale and you realize using your hands is faster and feels better. you will need to warm the sleeve up before sexing it or else you think you fuck a necro. I rate fleshlights 6/10
btw, pls wash it before first time use. inside is some kind of powder, if you use it straight you will get in on your dick and i dont know if thats good, it sticks like hell and smells like plastic, youve been warned
over priced for what they are honestly its just faster and less hassle to use your hand
A very good fap followed by the realization that you are alone in the world and now you have to clean your own splooge out of a fake pussy.
flawless victory
Lmao this.
If you put 10% of the effort into meeting girls that you soyboys use in watching porn, you would actually get a girlfriend. They're not all that terrible, I promise.
A persistent and unimaginable stench.
anybody who says soyboys does not get girls
Fleshlights fucking suck. Be a man and buy a Bad Dragon. Once you get over the fact you're fucking animal pussy you can appreciate the superior quality material and how much more intense it feels
I don't follow your logic, but ok. I live in a college town and could literally have a one night stand with a random thot any night I want to. It's so fucking easy if you aren't completely autistic. The only thing is that once you do it 8 or 9 times, it kind of stops being fun.
In short, have sex.
Had the same one
Remember to use lube.
I fucked hole(in the side) of mine and shred my forskin in the process
I wanted more pressure so I took it out the can and stuffed inbetween my matresses and put my arms above and pushed down while ipad was blasting
Without lube I burned my dick without knowing it and didnt stop, I guess I angled it at the wrong moment and stabbed it at a bad angle and punctured it.
My dick in full momentum passed into the matress with my full weight on it and I guess I got a friction burn on my forskin.
This was 5-6 years ago
If I fap to many times in a day now, it reopens the scars and I NEED a couple days for it to reheal.
Then rinse and repeat.
Tossed that man dildo, takes to much effort for something I do better and quicker with my hands
>You need to get laid
I bought it cause I wasnt getting laid, but started using tinder the same year and got a bunch of lays there.
I got the same
Its "OK" i guess, never tried others.
Use water lube no matter what.
I’ve got the Destroya, the STU, and the Mini Lotus. Destroya and the STU are the most intense. Mini Lotus is more realistic
I ordered a destroya too. This one destroyed my dick with micro oxygen.
If you're an absolute coomer that spends like an hour or more edging in one session then it's absolutely worth it because you can typically get it on sale
>They're not all that terrible
yes they are
Its not a matter of them being terrible, its considering better options.
Women are becoming obsolete. Soon we'll have fully-functioning girlfriend robots to fuck and fall in love with and what will women offer then?
Whether it takes 10 years, 100 years, or 1000 years, soon women won't be needed, so why bother?
I like it more than my gf
cool Chad RP cool guy
If you think I'm larping, I don't know what to tell you. Nothing I'm saying is unrealistic. If anything, living in a college town for 2 years and only having sex with 8 girls is considered on the low side. If you aren't a neckbeard and know how to carry a conversation on things that aren't anime and capeshit movies, your statistical odds of getting laid go up by about 4000%.
Better than most toys, still not worth the hassle
Everything about a Sup Forumstard having sex with 8 women in 2 years and now being "tired of hookups" is unrealistic.
Next time try to be a little more believable with your blatant lies Chad.
Got one for my birthday from a buddy. First I was like fuck yeah this is awesome, now it's more like fuck this is such a hassle. Takes longer to clean than to actually use the damn thing.
>What should i expect of a fleshlight Sup Forums?
Fart noises
I think it’s a fun way to wank one out but it’s a bit of effort imo, so it’s not something you will use every time you fap, maybe the first week I guess. I would put it in between my mattress and go to town. Good times I guess, but eventually you realize it’s too much work.
Imagine unironically thinking having sex with 8 girls is unbelievable. My one friend comes home with a different girl every weekend. He has probably banged 50+ girls in the last 18 months I've known him.
And yes, you do get tired of hookups. It starts getting boring. You want it now and think you will always want it because you're probably 18 or 19 and your hormones are raging, but when you get it out of your system you realize that chasing pussy every night is a massive waste of time. Eventually you get desensitized to it and when you have sex you start having thoughts like "Damn, I could be reading right now" or "Gee, I really wish I could see what's on the news."
> This
Because not all of us are dead inside autists.
You're going to a lot of effort to play out this fantasy in your head of a young bachelor crushing puss on the reg from the computer in your mom's basement.
Let me guess you're an 8 or 9 out of 10 looks wise too right? lmao. Or perhaps you're a 5 and "it's just that easy" which obvious lie route you gonna go with champ?
I say it regularly and my gf does so too.
cool RP
post a pic of you and your girlfriend cool guy
Layin it on a bit thick bud.
Absolutely not. Keep seething, lowlife scum.
>What should i expect of a fleshlight Sup Forums?
Well propably the beginning of the end.
Once you turn robosexual you'll drift off into even more antisocial realms of behaviour.
t. full of shit
lying on the internet is sad
You should expect the fact you'll never get laid.
Different user chiming in. When I was in college I had to put virtually no effort into attracting girls. Now that I'm in the working world and the dynamics have changed significantly. His claims of having a bunch of partners and then none is not unbelievable. It's pretty much what happened to me as well.
have sex
>Also this
and that's by far the most telling remark about your perpetual virginity
I got the same, arrived today. Its fkn amazing.
can confirm, bought a fleshlight 2 years ago, bought a full sized doll last christmas. literally had no real sex in my life. dont be like me. dont touch the robopussy. i am planning on buying another one and also lingerie to put on her.
>so full of shit
If you're laying pipe with any decency, you will have stragglers.
Dude I want one cause of stoya..I asked skin diamond once when she was gonna make one..I’d fuck it everyday
>dog fuckner
Okay, people, what's the best masturbator that will make me cum buckets? I've bought several things and they just don't feel that great unless I really go at it for, like, hours. What's something that will get me off like a rocket? Preferably below $1000.
I own the same model since one year and i couldn't be happier that I finally bought one after months of overthinking if its worth. Godlike feeling. I love every session. And dont let virgin betas tell you otherwise beacuse guess what you can have a fleshlight and a gf. Some even like to use it on you. I had one chick ... it literally felt like shes addicted to make me cum with it. Anyway everyone that writes soyboy or beta or virgin is just a degenerate nigger that is jealous that his dick is too small to feel pleasure from any fleshlight. Have fun with yours. I guarantee you wont regret it. Protip: Clean after EVERY use !