The last girl you fucked
The last girl you fucked
hairy arms, looks like trash.
good for you
nice. any nudes?
Right. She loves to call me daddy.
the one in the brown top? i can't see!
stop posting this piece of garbage.
she's gorgeous. more?
shut up incel
shut up other incel
Sup Forums full of chads confirmed
my gf, in a hotel
- post moar
based. post more of her or her friend.
Who wants next?
okay zoomie I'm not the one chad RPing on Sup Forums
I can only imagine what kind of ogre you are to be fucking a used up slut in a hotel.
lemme hear about how you fucked her
you're just trying to be an empowered cunt.
go back to discord, roastie.
I get it, you hate women, because they've all rejected your for being a creepy weird loser, but I've been on Sup Forums since before you had hair on your nuts, so fucking lurk moar faggot
nips like cigar tips, i like that!
righty. Love her ass so much
bait harder, gayboy
did you actually fuck her because she's like a 9
pre trollface oldfag reporting in to back this guy up.
The most recent time. Standing doggy bent over side of bed
Yeah they're pretty amazing, always hard and pokie.
4 year old picture? Been a while since you got laid?
last girl i fucked has 3 kids by now.
>feels bad man
solid logic you got there mate
Nice ass. Did you cum on her face?
ITT: eRPing virgins that have never touched a woman
I came on her ass that night. She prefers it on her tits, in her pussy or in her ass.
Wish I could watch her get fucked. She knew how to ride
The only place you come is in a sock or on an old tshirt
My ex girlfriends niece
I'd lick that ass
Looks like she's a ride champion
The middle one, best sex ive had tbh
Anyone want a turn?
Ex... I miss that ass!
sure do
Oh, hell yeah!
turn her around so we can see what else you might miss
her face from the front.
rocking body
Kek 2013. Guessing you haven't had a turn in a while
How do you feel now that a chad or even better a nigger licks her pussy juices?
Shit happens.
Looks cute
Thanks, i have a heap like that but no nudes unfortunately, It was a one night stand but we talked for a while afterwards
unlucky you! she seems to be very fine
Very fine indeed... but crazy. I'll miss the sex.
I wouldn't mind if you show more of her
nice love that little hemorroid on the asshole
bet she likes thick stuff up there
any cool stories?
Last one... since you asked so nicely.
thx mate
She is a cutie... could enjoy that body and tongue when put to a better use. ;-)
More again?
she's so hot!!!
I wish this would be my load
I'm sorry OP.
I don't have pics of your mom.
more more more more
Go away
Left, one of the wilder ones
she is married ?
left looks nice
Right need kids pumped into her
The right needs as much sperm that can fit in her
any wins of left?