The last girl you fucked

The last girl you fucked

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hairy arms, looks like trash.
good for you

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nice. any nudes?

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Right. She loves to call me daddy.

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the one in the brown top? i can't see!

stop posting this piece of garbage.

she's gorgeous. more?

shut up incel
shut up other incel

Sup Forums full of chads confirmed

my gf, in a hotel

- post moar

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based. post more of her or her friend.

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Who wants next?

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okay zoomie I'm not the one chad RPing on Sup Forums

I can only imagine what kind of ogre you are to be fucking a used up slut in a hotel.

lemme hear about how you fucked her

you're just trying to be an empowered cunt.
go back to discord, roastie.

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I get it, you hate women, because they've all rejected your for being a creepy weird loser, but I've been on Sup Forums since before you had hair on your nuts, so fucking lurk moar faggot

nips like cigar tips, i like that!

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righty. Love her ass so much

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bait harder, gayboy

did you actually fuck her because she's like a 9

pre trollface oldfag reporting in to back this guy up.

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The most recent time. Standing doggy bent over side of bed

Yeah they're pretty amazing, always hard and pokie.

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4 year old picture? Been a while since you got laid?

last girl i fucked has 3 kids by now.
>feels bad man

solid logic you got there mate

Nice ass. Did you cum on her face?

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ITT: eRPing virgins that have never touched a woman

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I came on her ass that night. She prefers it on her tits, in her pussy or in her ass.

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Wish I could watch her get fucked. She knew how to ride

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The only place you come is in a sock or on an old tshirt

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My ex girlfriends niece

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I'd lick that ass
Looks like she's a ride champion

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The middle one, best sex ive had tbh

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Anyone want a turn?

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Ex... I miss that ass!

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sure do

Oh, hell yeah!

turn her around so we can see what else you might miss


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her face from the front.

rocking body

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Kek 2013. Guessing you haven't had a turn in a while

How do you feel now that a chad or even better a nigger licks her pussy juices?

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Shit happens.

Looks cute

Thanks, i have a heap like that but no nudes unfortunately, It was a one night stand but we talked for a while afterwards

unlucky you! she seems to be very fine



Very fine indeed... but crazy. I'll miss the sex.

I wouldn't mind if you show more of her

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nice love that little hemorroid on the asshole
bet she likes thick stuff up there
any cool stories?

Last one... since you asked so nicely.

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thx mate

She is a cutie... could enjoy that body and tongue when put to a better use. ;-)


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More again?

she's so hot!!!

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I wish this would be my load

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I'm sorry OP.
I don't have pics of your mom.

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more more more more

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Go away

Left, one of the wilder ones

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she is married ?

left looks nice

Right need kids pumped into her


The right needs as much sperm that can fit in her

any wins of left?

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