Best president ever

Best president ever.

libtards gtfo

Lets honor our greatest American president

President love thread

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who cares? I have to coom

How long will this shit-tier incel meme last?

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>He was sent to us

Pffff hahaha. Suckers

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CNN says forever.

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God Emperor

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If he nukes the muslims he'll be the greatest hero ever known. If he fails he's another mediocre white supremacist with no balls

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bro youre posting cringe

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>greatest hero ever known
Yes, to israel and kikes

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honestly, it was Bernie or Trump for me. When the libs totally screwed Bernie over in the primaries, it was an easy choice.

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produce evidence of your claim of "best"

hey guys, Drumpf said he was going to bomb Irainian stuff

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How is pol pro Trump and anti Jews in the same time when it's clear Trump is a Zionist puppet? Serious question.

hurr durr
>killing terrorists is equal to destroying archaeology

Trump won just in time. I was beginning to believe the rumours about Americans being liberal idiots and becoming soft sissies. Then came based Trump and I couldn't believe how many intelligent Americans were still around to save their country. Proving once again why we respect and admire your country. You always manage to redeem yourselves in your darkest hour.

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>TFW the suicide rate will be up by 2020 once Trump is re-elected again with a majority.

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Anything raises the suicide rate anyways

coomin right up for ya

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>how many intelligent Americans were still around to save their country

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shush now before the u.s. comes and liberates you too friend

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>the rumours
It's called news, Amerilard, it exists in other countries too, stop larping.

I want to hear tears and screaming like in 2016 :^)

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>Obama was worse than Trump
>Trump just says obnoxious shit
>Obama literally issued drone strikes on civilians
>Trump is trying to fix the retarded ass economy of the entitled US citizens
>Obama made a mandatory health system that makes people suffer worse off

I think (((they))) must really really hate Nigel Farage. He won't stop and he has single handedly caused the biggest blow to them with Brexit and has helped further destroy them helping Trump get elected. They probably scream when they see his face.

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This. Trump is an infinitely better president than Obama simply by undoing the damage Obama did while in the White House

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evangelicals man, most brainwashed religious cucks. they believe that the jews are teh chosen ones

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Anyone able to face swap Trump into these two gifs?

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>US deserved Trump
>Obama was just a 'nice guy' that the sjw's cling to
>Trump knows Iran was a fuckhole from when we first invaded iraq
>Obama is just a liberal scape goat because he's black
>Trump gets ignored by political activists but when Kim Kardashian talked with him he helped out
>cancel culture is a left wing agenda
>Trump is just like everyone else on the internet a full of shit spouting fake version of themselves

Trump is literally the physical embodiment of the American society and they don't like when their faced with themselves.

look at those digits, every time a wild shill appears.
trump is a literal jew

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I love watching retarded liberal cumstains losing their shit over Trump, they are so damn entertaining with their endless stinging asshurt ahahahaha

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Truth, 2020 is going to be the first time I vote. Being born in 1990, all of the presidential elections I could've voted in were fucking jokes.

>>Obama literally issued drone strikes on civilians
And Trump just killed 25 in a civilian airport for one Iranian general soooooooooooooooooooo

Fuck Jews and their disgusting blood drinking, cock sucking ways

so stop bitching when trump does it and we'll stop throwing up ongobongo's kill count

how about Trump actually act like he's fighting the establishment and not lazily shitposting missles all over the ME per usual?

He's actually gone one step further and ignores congressional oversight entirely to sell as many weapons to the Saudis as possible.
What's your muh obama retort to that?

> President love thread


You think the neckbeards of Sup Forums give a damn about consistency? Everything they root for is chaos.

2 trillion dollars was just spent on weapons....yet we cant afford health care, we cant take care of our homeless or our veterans. We cant get some proper fucking schools built so we actually have intelligent americans being raised. We cant afford to fix the drug epidemic in this country.

But hey when it comes time to shit on some brown dune coons we fucking some how become the most well funded machine in the entire world.

Fuck this whole entire planet honestly.

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3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

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Obama was responsible for over 100,000 air strikes.

That's an average of 34 air strikes a day for 8 years, by the way.

Some legacy.

sure kid

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>ITT triggered little libtard pussies.

Works like clockwork kek

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>However, the quantity of operations has shot up under President Trump. Strikes doubled in Somalia and tripled in Yemen.

>In Afghanistan, where the Bureau has been monitoring US airstrikes since it was officially declared a noncombat mission at the end of 2014, the number of weapons dropped is now approaching levels last seen during the 2009-2012 surge.

>Meanwhile, there are signs that the drone war may be returning to Pakistan, where attacks were also up, compared with 2016.

Some legacy, indeed.

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It's funny that knowing there are normal republicans out there, but all the mentally retarded ones end up here in Sup Forums lol

hur: proofs guys
>posts biased sources not to be trusted
my fucking sides

How is TBI biased?

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It doesn't agree with his opinions and he can't disprove it with other sources. So it has to be biased.