I want to kill my self

I want to kill my self.
Tried to hang myself but its painfull.
Think ill go buy a bottle vodka then take 10-20 bars.
Any hints on that how to do it less stressfull?

Can also do a livestream later on if wish

Have a nice day

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Post 3 faggot OP

timestamp fag.

Shoot yourself with your gun dumbass

Samefag detected

You're probably going to vomit it all up.

Dont do it bro. Ride out the shitstorm like the rest of us

There are ways that are failsafe, clean, painless and easy to find on the internet.

However, you're nothing but an attention seeking faggot drama queen. That's why you consider the one way that never works but causes big drama and gets you attention. Fuck off.

Fuck you. You don't know anything I'm going through. You fuck off asshole.

I havent been here since year, how you cann call me samefag?
I want to do soething and ask for help, how can you call me atention seaker?? I just want do be dead. No validation required

If you cant help stfu dumb niggers

Thank you for the uplifting works, im realy tires @817869985

Here proof dumb niggers

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Nro if i would have access to a gun that yould me my coise but you wont find a gun in my country

Oh a third world communist I see. No wonder you want to kill yourself.

Oooohh drama baby.

Everybody has problems. Everybody goes through stuff most of the time in their lives. You're a pussy. Shut up, off yourself, get it done. But be quick with it you whiny little bitch.

>Everybody has problems
Maybe he suffers from some psychiatric disease you braindead moron
>You're a pussy
I bet you are a carved alpha male and not some fatass weeaboo sleeping with his waifu pillow
OP, do you regularly visit a psychiatrist and/or take antidepressant?

Why bother trying to help?

Sleeping pills will make you calm

Also try to lie down on your back before passing out, that way even if you're puking you'll just choke on vomit. Timing is also important, buy a liter of vodka and chug down half of it or more depending on your tolerance and take the bars. Godspeed OP.

I wish you well being bro, just take 1 to take the edge off. I promise you life will get better, don't do it. Fuck these losers on here calling you a pussy and shit, I know your feels but life is an up and down kind of thing. You'll find your upswing if you just keep going


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Ooooo the tough love approach. Just like my dad and I fucking hate him. You're no help just like him. Probably a beer swigging fat good for nothing bastard like him too.

If you really wanted to die you’d be dead already, GTFO of here with that attention seeking, “I tried but couldn’t” bullshit. OP is a fag

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>Why bother trying to help?
Because I'm not a psychopath unlike most of the sperg here. By the way I know it's useless, I just asked him if he goes to a professional

Don't do it OP, just seek for help. You may not realise it now but life can be beautiful. Don't think i'm a retarded white coach or something, i'm on anti-depressant and i did some psychatric hospital. It's just that I realise now that our only fucking chance to do something interesting is to live this life. It's life or void. If you choose void there's no coming back.
Also medication works really great so you can make it with some help.
Sorry for my english, first time i'm answering a thread


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no need to be so sad bro
it's all a mentality
get some therapy
eat better
work out
have some self love
get a special feefee in your life
sometimes you just gotta will yourself into happiness
giving up is boring bro, it's a cliche in life

All these recent suicide threads are cries for help, none of them is actually going to do it

You won’t die.
I took close to 50 bars in an attempt a few years ago with the only side effect was throwing up 5 hours later. Xanax is a relatively safe drug.
I took 15 bars once and drank and entire bottle of wine and all’s that happened was I passed out.

Hey fellow DFW fag.

Dfw in da hizzouse

Do it faggot

Trade some Xanax for a nigger gun and shoot yourself that’s something to live stream

read up on the helium suicide bag method, you'll need to find a supplier that doesn't have any diluted helium because they started adding oxygen since It's so popular as a method. Nitrogen also works but it can be expensive

Just go find your local version of niggers.

They have guns they alway do

Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life, this pain is temporary. Ask on your knees for proof of His presence and you will receive.

>wanting to be an inanimate object

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I was contemplating on suicide before. Until I met ex. We fucked like rabbits. When we broke up instead of killing myself, I flirted alot and fucked a lot of girls. But ai never cheated. The girl I am now is going steady with me. We have sex almost everyday but apart from that it is still a blast with her.

Moral lesson: Fuck somebody before you fuck yourself

Need more than that faggot

Score some fentanyl. It's tough to know if your'e gonna drop. But like 4 or 5 years ago I remember me and buddies picked up and fucking 3 people each did a line and the 3 of them ALL dropped. Fucking had to narcan them

I work in a pharmacy, and this is not what a Xanax bottle looks like.

also the timestamp says 6.1.19

you guys in this thread are all retarded for taking this low quality bait

(Not a phone no., Is a post reference, but howdy anyway. )

Dude. Do it or not, but if you decide yes then do this:
-take some old T-shirt and a marker pen
-write "Reduce CO2 emission... reduce yourself"
-wear it

They dont make bars no more

>I want to get attention on the internet