Be me

>be me
>be kissless virgin
>be drinking with some friends
>three guys two girls
>the topic of my love life comes up
>have been trying dating apps for months now
>no success
>qt3.14 says
>"you are going to find someone eventually"
>"you are not ugly after all"
>"maybe you could lose some weight?"
>qt3.14 proceeds to cuddle with some other guy who is much much fatter than me for the rest of the evening

what did she mean by this?
When will i get to cuddle ?

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she means you are a fat fuck with no redeeming qualities. If you lose some weight and work out, at least you will have a decent bod going for you, so even tho you are a boring bastard, at least you will look ok. That will give you a chance.

what is your height and weight



you are over weight but not disgustingly fat youre personality must suck or you seem desperate or both.

Attached: 0a1.jpg (643x820, 80K)

i think it is the desperate part or me just being weird.

anyway, thanks for the feedback guys

t. transitioned and went from incel to chad

she was offering you honest, truthful advice as a friend. take it, you fat shit.

Maybe you just smell

OP, you will probably find fulfillment with cocks instead. Godspeed

is there somthing one can do against bad smell ?

besides showering and deodorant?

is perfum worth it ?

The problem is not the way you look or how fat you are it's your attitude. You are probably an autistic sperg that scares women away.

If I can get married, divorced, and find a new woman then anyone can.

Also hit the gym you fat shit.

never thought about it. Maybe you are right.
Never rule out all possibilities.

Eat quality food, not packaged crap.

On the topic of reducing smell, shaving or trimming your armpit hair helps reduce smell. Just be careful not to cut yourself if you shave there, prob safer to trim.

I don't know your personality, but you probably haven't "manned up" to your awkwardness yet. Trying to hide it only makes it worse - if you go sperg, go full sperg.
On the other hand: Why would you want a normie gf? Why would you want to cuddle with someone like that? She'll act irrational and like a cunt if you don't treat her the way she thinks she deserves. And people suck anyways, they only want your "happy" you, and HATE it when you are negative about anything.
So, let me ask you again, do you really need people like that in your life, and especially give them enough power that you might an her?

Also, fuck you. She gave shallow advice, almost looking down on him. Literally everyone knows basic shit like that.

Fat fuck

It might seem flippant, but I was there once. Didn't realise how much of a fat shit I was till a friend got me to step on some scales. 100kg. Lost 30kg, felt like a million bucks, got hot gf. Friend still calls me a fat shit.

Call it shallow if you want, but if you want cuddles it can't hurt. And it's probably less hurtful to suggest a friend sort their health out than to give up on relationships with normal people.

user take it from a fellow fat fuck. Its over. The only hope you have is being betabux for some roastie and her kids. The "qt" was only saying you wouldn't be alone because she wanted to virtue signal/not reveal her true nature. She probably laughs at you behind your back to her friends if she talks about you at all. That's how they all are. If a woman isn't your mother everything they do is to harm you.