This is the only thing in this world that gives me life, Sup Forums.
This is the only thing in this world that gives me life, Sup Forums
What's that nigga
What's that?
Is that shit or weed?
It's mitragyna speciosa, bros
Kratom has a number of known side effects, including:
Weight loss.
Dry mouth.
Chills, nausea and vomiting.
Changes in urine and constipation.
Liver damage.
Muscle pain.
Oh... Is it anny good? Been thinking about trying it.
At first I though it was frozen shit.
Where in SEA you at mate?
Risks are different than side effects, champ.
Congratulations, you're a fucking imbecile.
dont do it habitual and you be fine, it builds up in your system.
Its really nice stuff despite those side effects.
How much a day user? Im in the same boat, the plate under my capsuel maker looks the same
I have tried it, and I didn't care much for it. I went into it hoping to feel a high and I really didn't. Don't get me wrong, I felt... different. But not high like I was hoping, not like weed gets me.
Maybe it's just me, but kratom isn't something I'd do regularly. I might try combining it with weed at some point.
About 9 to 10 grams a day.
3 gram doses, 3x a day.
Keeps me going bro
So how do you do it? By smoking or just eating the powder?
not him, i do about one knife tip per cup of coffee, around 3 cups a day as im not pleased with life atm.
Having some side effects i think.
Im in the states bro
i know its made from a plant, but how do they make that stuff ? Do they use battery acid like they do with cocaine?
Well thats not bad at all im at around 50g a day and i need it to sleep also so just stay where u are and youll be fine
How'd you get into Kratom? It's way common where I'm at.
You can mix with a drink, but it tastes awful. Mixing with chocolate milk or orange juice is the most barrable, but still gross. I usually stuff some in gelatin capsules that you can buy off Amazon, and swallow a handful of pills. That way, there's no taste.
It's just a ground up plant bro, I but it as is.
Thanks bro, trying to keep tolerance in check, most of the day I crave it after about 2 hours after last dose, redosing is all i think about unfortunately. I wish you luck
Used to be a opiate junkie, got on Suboxone to quit that, and then started taking kratom to quit the Suboxone and now it's been almost 2 years on daily kratom. It keeps me in balance, wish I could just be normal though and not depend on substances bro
Congrats on making the progression. Drugs are really hard to get where I'm at, so I'm super abusing alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes. I hate abusing shit too, I'm with you.
Also abusing caffeine and nicotine quite heavily. Finally stopped drinking as much but caffeine's actually the hardest one lol
is it considered a drug? is it illegal?
Nah.... it sucks. It's like a medium high but makes you throw up.
ok junkie