I work at Panda Express, AMA.
I work at Panda Express, AMA
Why thou?
Why do you guys sometimes give a proper portion then sometimes jew the fuck out of people? I thought you were Chinese, all about communism and spreading the wealth.
Why do I work there? It’s my first and only job, pays better than other fast food places though.
what to eat and not to eat when i=you are in panda
I understand that this is a courier service.
Do you fap while driving?
When I would work in the front actually scooping food, honestly it’d be a lot of factors. If you were a dick or rude, I wouldn’t serve you a good portion. If you were nice, polite, funny etc. I’d probably give you a lot more. Sometimes I’d just be tired and give you whatever I was able to on the first scoop. Also depends on the person I guess.
Basically we fry everything. Orange chicken, sweet fire, honey walnut is all deep fried, most of our meats (aside from teriyaki) are wok fried. There’s also a shit-ton of sugar in a lot of the food. Health wise, brown rice, teriyaki and string bean aren’t too bad. If you don’t like old veggies, stay away from mushroom chicken cause they zucchini is almost always slimey.
I don’t drive, I cook at the restaurant. We don’t deliver, but we do have Postmates and Uber Eats available though.
thanks based OP
Do you serve panda meat?
Probably not. Can’t say I’m 100% certain.
What is your next stop in your path to glory? Are you going to school?
High price, shitty chinese food.
heh. for me panda express sounded like a courier company. Well, maybe ... I know! What are the dishes of the day for this week?
That's really shitty quality control you should have more pride in your work, however mediocre that is
Currently going to community, I do plan on continuing to work in the food industry though since I already have some experience. My goal is to buy a cabin out somewhere cold where I can live out my days doing fuckshit. But for now I’m stuck at Panda.
Can’t agree or disagree honestly.
I didn’t like working the front, I prefer being in the back cooking where nobody will fuck with me. I get a lot more work done and I find it way more enjoyable than having to deal with assholes for 8 hours.
It’s almost always the same food. We have seasonal dishes though. I think this month we’re getting something called Firecracker Shrimp so, yeah.
I'm hungry ... take me to America ...
were do you work
Where do you keep the dogs and cats? Are they killed on site for freshness or frozen?
Genuinely made me laugh lol.
recipe for that orange chicken?
We actually have a guy who finds strays and brings them in before we open. If he doesn’t bring in enough to meet the quota, then they terminate him.
Cool. I do like your restaurant tho, nice people.
It probably depends on where you go. I've always had factory precise portions when I go. The service is always excellent too.
But I'm pretty sure it's because I would always go to the one in the underground of the Comcast center in Philly. There are doormen that kick out any riff raff so it's just a big cafeteria where every customer is middle class or higher. When the customers are all polite and friendly then the fast food workers are way happier at their jobs and treat the customers better.
How carefully are the shrimp deveined? When I buy a pack of frozen shrimp from the grociery store I shell and devein them myself and it's a huge pain in the ass. Getting the vein out correctly without smearing shit everywhere is time consuming. I've noticed even shrimp advertised as deveined still has it in like a third of the fucking pieces. So I stopped eating shrimp I didn't prepare myself entirely.
Why would you kill a dog or a cat? It's all advertised as chicken. Chicken from a factory is way cheaper than catching strays and slaughtering them. Why would you go out of your way to fuck your business?
Its just deep fried breaded chicken with our orange sauce. I forgot the recipe to the sauce but it’s just orange extract with a lot of sugar, vinegar, water and cornstarch.
The shrimp we get are prepackaged and already prepped to go into the fryer or to be wok-fried. We don’t do that ourselves. Personally, if I make shrimp at home, I don’t care whether the vein is in it or not.
I'm so hungry .... I don't want to wait for my dinner ...
What the hell is that? Genuinely curious.
You eat shit and don't care?
It’s just shrimp. I’ve had worse in my mouth. No peens though.
meat in sauce
Is that.. pasta?
Why do you want a cabin somewhere cold? Are you gonna move to Canada?
How do you devein them?
What do you study at community college?
I cook for myself ...
> lonely
> 27 years old
> learn to cook
How old are you?
It’s just a life goal I’ve always had. Seeing it snow from inside by the fire, dim lights within, waking up to a cozy sunlight. Saw it on a cozy thread once and fell in love with that specific idea of it. No location in particular, but Canada is definitely within the options.
Split the back all the way to the tail with a knife, split it open, take out the vein, remove the rest of the shell.
Then wash it.
Take a knife, run it down the back of the shrimp, remove vein with fingers.
Business since I didn’t know what else to study. Kinda lost in my education but I know i’ll get somewhere.
That’s good that you know how to cook, girls like guys that can cook.
18, turning 19 in March.
if anyone wants, I invite you to dinner!
I did too much as usual and nobody will visit me heh
I still have chicken for frying
How will that help you in the food services industry?
Any idea how much a cabin in the woods would cost?
Well, originally my plan was to help my dad expand his business but then I started working at Panda and liked it. I’m indecisive and don’t really know what I’m doing with my life, but who does really?
Nope, but I imagine it’s cheaper than anything here in California. Either way, Panda wage isn’t gonna get me there so I gotta find something that makes more eventually.
every person in the world is not completely sure if they are doing everything right and could not do better
Words of wisdom.
u huh. Did I get wise while cooking?
before the topic disappears, although I manage to knock down what I came up with. I have to strain the pasta
Ta daaa
Interesting. Is that good though?
don't judge me own dish heh
but as you can see - Im eating it
How y’all make the sauce for honey walnut shrimp, shits fire
oh boy do you guys still sell sugar chicken?
What’s your NWB? PIL? Have you attended landmark yet? GO100?
Comes prepackaged. It’s just sweet mayonnaise.
Post butt
Not op. Just someone that also works at panda
Thanks user, i've had panda express for the last 2 nights and it was based af