Should people with ADHD, OCD & PTSD be banned from having children?

Should people with ADHD, OCD & PTSD be banned from having children?

Since these mental disorders have a chance of being inherited by their offspring, leading the children to not have normal lives.

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Would probably be advantageous to the human race long run, but why only those things? Seems arbitrary. Why not people with diabetes, peanut allergies, etc.?

genetic modification will make selective breeding largely irrelevant

ADHD/ADD doesn't really stop people from having a normal life lol
I haven't had a problem, anyway

I can't fathom getting this upset about someone i dont even know being happy. Your life must be so fucking miserable

No. Everyone is free to have kids no matter how retarded you are.

I'm guessing you guys have a disorder?

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Even if they being a retard might get their kid killed?

Yes. Everyone sitting infront of a phone and computer browsing Sup Forums /b has.

why not go a step further and ban all people who carry any genetic disease from reproducing?
we can sequence an entire genome with high throughput parallel sequencing,
but that costs a few thousand dollars a pop and many hours of labour, let's just take a statistical shortcut
statistically every human either expresses or carries genetic disease, so let's just steralize the entire human population.
Problem solved.

As a person with a few mental "issues," including 2/3 of the listed, yes and no. We shouldn't force others to live in a way they don't want to. That's like the 1 child limit in China that lasted way too long. But I don't think I'll have kids of my own for these reasons. I'd love to adopt, though, if the world I'd bring them up in and the life I'd have them lead would be the best environment for them. Just my opinion, though

I have OCD, btw what are your compulsions?

guy with adhd, hypothyroidsm, pretty sure autism or something from those lines, and overall bad genes, i'm almost sure i'm gonna adopt instead of the chance of my kid having my genes, there are plenty of kids out there that deserve a home and i don't get how being related genetically matters, you can pick a healthy kid of the gender and age you want, you can skip the baby phase which costs a fortune, pregnancy risks and costs

but i think that along with prohibiting or atleast reducing genetically inferior people from breeding that they outright sterilize any women that smoke and drink during pregnancy, that's one of the main causes for these. issues

People should be banned from having children in general. Only selected few who proven themseves with various tests should procreate. All the resources that is wasted on current parasites would be used for upbringin of selected ones. Imagine a school facility dedicated to a single class-worth of children. They would get best teachers possible. Not only knowlegable, but also good at actually teaching, atitude, playing their own role in forming a person.
On a sidenote religion should be banned too. And much more things should be automated.
Too bad we are going coompletely the opposing direction.

Go back in retard, nobody gives a shit about your paranoids about jews here

I have OCD, I'm still wondering how I got the disorder, my mom & dad dont have it, even my grandparents dont have it. My dad smokes a lot though

I have autistic

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Eugenics is generally frowned upon but no. We have the resources and technology to make these people tolerable to live with now.

I don't get into specifics when people ask irl, but here goes. Depression, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, Anxiety to name the ones I don't have to read over my doctor's notes to remember. Honestly, I think Its mostly nurture, not nature. Best case scenario, all my kid would get would be a nut allergy, red hair and a shitty aussie accent. but it still scares me. I don't need to care though, I'm fifteen. Its a dumb hypothetical rn.
PS im not gonna explain the nurture, cause I want to go to sleep without thinking too much about people I miss.

Wanna have mine?

Other than the fact that I have ADHD and I let my 15 year old asian ex fuck black guys while I watched, what do you think? And yes I fuck traps

>have a chance of being inherited
Wow... Go read a book, come back when your IQ reached above room temperature.

actually adhd can result in some of the brightest minds. do a google search and youll find a lot of famous names that fit in that category. That is due to non linear thinking and weird associations.

also remember that DSM and all ICD and all the cool shrink manuals keep changing and evolving and so what today may fit into one category might be out of it tomorrow.

OCD is fine. need people with OCD to keep things in order

So basically OP wants to improve the breed 'human'. Called eugenics, has been around for ever, usually ends with murder. So no, OP, you shouldn't forbid people from reproducing.

i think we can all agree that people with ailments like schizophrenia, autism, down, etc should be barred from reproducing.

In the case of Down Syndrome, I'm fairly sure the problem is more likely to be probability and age of the mother. It's not something Downies usually just pass along to their kids, which they do not have anyways (with maybe a couple of exceptions). It is very hard to pinpoint who will get schizophrenia. You'd have to sterilize entire families. Same thing with autism. Of course it is not ideal and you'd never want to encourage any of these people to have kids, but because they cannot take care of them, not because they will actually pass the disease along. Still, you can't bar people from having children except in the most extreme of circumstances. Do not apply to schizos, downies and ppl with autism imho.

when people compared ADHD to OCD and PTSD when it's most of the time hardly comparable to those when it comes to how bad they can be. Not to mention ADHD is most of the time falsely diagnosed.

these people are dangerous and very stupid

you didnt get the point
but you will once day

OCD is torture
I hate it more than my aspergers

so just stop doing it

ADHD isn't that bad lol

how bad is yours?

I like mine. as a guy I'm complimented quite often from girls I bring home. I prefer cleanliness and order but I'm not going to go off on someone not conforming to my habits.

I think the severity of OCD it varies.
my mother's though, it's terrible. she won't touch certain foods. she will keep original labels and plastic on things like furniture and electronics.

my brother and I used to fuck around and leave a cabinet slightly open, a cereal box slightly crooked, and a little bit of sugar spread out on the counter. it would drive her up the wall.