As a college student how would I get myself into a position where I might have sex with an old lady.
As a college student how would I get myself into a position where I might have sex with an old lady
Trust me. You don't want this. Stick with young, firm and fit women.
I want to at least try this once for myself
just give them attention
all it takes
i suggest you go for 55+
she's an escort on adultwork, just pay her
Granny thread?
Old bitches cum in a few seconds, they don't move, are loose and smell and can't give head properly anymore.
Not too hard. Women are like dog doo, the older they get, the easier they get to pick up.
when I was in college, craigslist and adultfriendfinder did it for me. I only did it once as an actual adult with tinder setting the age filter up.
what? I would recommend all young men to have sex with milfs/gilfs. honestly, I feel like young women (18+) should lose their virginity to older men who will be more knowledgeable/careful with them, and young men should lose it to older women who are not afraid of sex and are willing to be patient and also willing to get pounded into oblivion.
this is also spot on. but going after older women who are already in your life can get messy. pic related
Go to the old lady store
cumming quickly is not bad, especially for a noob who will cum quickly himself. they don't move is a generalization, and the smell...well if you go after women that gave up on themselves then I guess, but the head part is just a flat out lie. They've been sucking dick longer than you've been alive. Maybe you've just been bangin decrepit old women
I'm mid 20s and my GF is almost 40, met her through work. Pic related.
As a college kid, just use the internet, change the age parameters on tinder or go to an older escort.
Every young man should fuck a significantly older lady a few times, it's a wild experience.
My kik - sharenshare
I like your thinking. Send all your young women to me. Nothing over 21 please.
I'll be gentle and teach them.
Where do I meet them without using the internet?
How much money are you hoping to get out of it?
Arthritis Clinic.
hookup apps/sites. i’m a regular bull for a 38 y/o mom of 3. she has a 14 y/o daughter, biding my time til i get them both at the same time
Uh ok, only a larping boomer would ask this q
young men make old women feel young
they suck the energy out for themselves
You’re a virgin
Go to a retirement home.
It's where I work. just don't want to lose my job and get caught.
I was a young guy who used to fuck all the soccer moms I could but I'm now shifting to the "older" (early 30s) guy fucking college girl. I'm completely sold on my own theory.
professors/teachers of mine, friend's moms/aunts etc, exgf's or former gf's relatives but I don't suggest doing a whole lot of that, it will blow up in your face at some point (pic related). the internet is the best way to go but if you are set on not doing that. Go to grocery stores in the middle of the day. if you are not a creep offer to help some old lady with her groceries. Go to the park, hit on them there in the open, they'll be tickled to get that kind of attention. You'll strike out a bunch though which is why I recommend the internet.
There are none in my area on Tinder, I don't live in a big town or city
Sheep are your only option then my dude.
if you are in your local grocery store, you might see me in the booze section. when: >there is a qt3.14 looking for alchohol
>i walk by saying "i'll help you drink that"
>she looks me up and down
>i start the macdown proceedure
>it's game time from then
>try to get her in bed
or relatives. Once they hit a certain age and haven't fucked for a few years, they'll consider anything that isn't illegal or puts them on the spot
Seconded,well spoken user.Have nailed a fair few older ladies in my time,at ease with themselves,not self conscious at all,and definitely a wild ride!
to go a casino. tons of lonely single older women there gambling away their money. a friend and i were both hit on by a couple of ladies the last time we were there.
Fuck.. i'm getting to that place in life.. Fuck this place,.
Sure she’s been on TV,a show about escorts?
For an older girl,she most certainly rocks,if it is her.
Would pound,pump and smash no end,she’s actually fucking hot!
I've done it. it's mad awkward but they are not as prissy as young girls and much more understanding when you want to stop because you feel disgusted with yourself for banging your aunt
also, move.
My step mum is in her 60s and Ive thought about fucking her - I bet it would be amazing
I remember you from a long while ago, you banged a mom and her daughter. I think it's hot they found out they both were fucking you lol
Who is this in these pics? Is it the same woman? And how exactly did it blow up in your face? If you feel like sharing some details, I'm intrigued and interested. And if you have Kik, feel free to me at LittleHooptie and share some stories and maybe some pics, if you'd like to.
Can't move. I've too much invested here. Might have to use my wealth as a magnet to attract young gold diggers.
Go on Tinder advertise yourself as a bull and keep swiping right eventually a hotwife will find you and on average cuckold couples are in their late 40s early 50s
This is less loose at this age (55-60).
Vagoo or poopoo?
Let's see a pic? Do you have Kik? If not, go download it from the App/Play Store and Kik me at LittleHooptie as I'd like to see what a sexy 60 year-old looks like.
What is swiping right?
Not him but he's told the story before. Short version is that he helped a family out and got to fuck the mom and the daughter until they eventually found out.
No fucking joke? That is wild. Are the females sexy? And do you recall how he got caught and what happened after they both found out?
post above you explains
yeah but like I said. it blows up fast and that shit can get awkward
then travel. but also if you are wealthy I don't even understand how you're not fucking any woman you want.
I genuinely don't remember much of how it all happened and got set up in the first place except for the fact that it was money related in how he helped. But after they found out, if I recall correctly he only fucked the mom one more time.
Hey user, yes the one who we're talking about, you mind telling the story again?
thanks my dude
daughter was pretty fit. Mom looked much better naked than I expected but I mostly fucked her for shits and giggles
> LittleHooptie
How come you get such a boner over old women, particularly if an user is bullshitting she’s his mother. Were you abused as a child?
How tinder works is a algorithm gives you a profile it thinks you'll be interested in and you either swipe left on your phone for ignore or swipe right for interested and if 2 profiles swipe right on each other its a match and the app will connect the two profiles so they can discuss meet ups an so on
There's a brothel i sometimes visit that specializes in 40-50yo wives and moms looking to make cash. Great fucks, always fun
pic related
I like your short version better cuz I just end up getting carried away. I was seeing the daughter, I was able to help out. Both were very grateful for the help. daughter got grossed out when she found out.
not my mother jackass. learn to read
Took this over the holidays
Well, if you're bored and/or feel like sharing some details of the story, please feel free to do so. Also, more pics would be great.
Btw, how long ago was this? Do you still kepe in tocuh with either/both of them? If so, are they still sexy? And do you still think about fucking them? And where are you guys from?
I'm not sure why it turns me on so much, but it sure as fuck does. I think it mostly has to do with the inappropriate part of it, it makes it more erotic, fucking someone who you shouldn't be fucking (not actual incest, though). And, no, I was not abused. At least, not that I recall.
Honestly, I'm just horny and stories like this turn me on and I enjoy reading detailed stories about actual experiences. Also, I like to ask questions and I don't mind asking someone for more details, much of the time, it works out and I get to enjoy reading a good story. Can you not relate?
Surprisingly fit-looking for a woman that age. Got anything that shows her tits size or her ass?
Also, if you have a way to message privately, let me know.
Start working in a elderly care facility.
what would you like to know?
it was a few years ago. I've seen the daughter since because she's a friend of the family. Shit was weird for a long time and we avoided each other for a couple of years. I saw her over new year's and she's married now so she was willing to talk to me again. The mom and I will text every now and then but I think she feels guilty about the whole thing.
and I get it. I think I'm a sex addict. I've banged a lot of women in my life and tried to record most of them so I can jack off to them later. I like making these type of collages to compare and shit like that. It's weird but that's why I come to Sup Forums I guess
let's see more. do it user. if anyone is going to fuck her, might as well be you
Thanks for the reply and the pic. I'm curious, how did the situation come about? Who did you fuck first? Did any of you get feelings for the other? Did you ever fuck/fool around with both of them on the same day? Did either of them have a boyfriend at the time? Did you have a girlfriend?
If you have a girlfriend, as I assume would be the case, do you have no problem cheating and actually like it? I'm assuming that pretty much nothing is out of bounds with you now (fucking a girlfriend's friend or family member - or a friend's girlfriend/wife or family member, and have you done something like this?) and that you like doing sexually inappropriate things.
And about how many women do you think you've fucked? 20-30? 40-50? More? Also, what's the oldest/youngest woman you've fucked/fooled around with? Have you fucked multiple women on the same day? Do you cum inside them? And do you have a big dick? Have you had a female fuck you, or cheat with you, because your dick size? What do you think is the dirtiest/most-inappropriate thing you've done?
Sorry to ask so many questions. If you feel like even answering a few of them, that'd be great. Btw, where are you from? And about how old are you?
Everyone knows you're a virgin, now go back to mom's basement
damn. I'm kind of afraid to give up too much information now.
I've known the daughter pretty much my whole life but we had started hooking up around the time this happened. I had never met her mother but then I did and she was in a bad place financially. I helped out and the rest you know.
Nowadays I'm trying to control myself more because I've fucked up my life and other people's by fucking indiscriminately. I don't have any male friends left because I fucked a lot of their girlfriends and the few female friends I have are fuckbuddies.
I've cheated a lot clearly but I'm trying to be a more decent human being. I've probably fucked 40-50 (not counting prostitutes) women but I stopped counting when I got to 30. Cheating is fun when you are young but as I got older it just became too much work. At the height of my powers I was fucking 6 women at the same time and only a couple of them knew there were more. I fucked 3 women in one day once but other than that it didn't happen that often. I usually scheduled one per day. I fucked a cousin, an aunt and tried to fuck a few more relatives. I get what you say about being turned on by the inappropriateness, which means I've fucked women I wasn't actually that attracted to because something about them seemed taboo. I have a big dick but it's not absurdly large, just bigger than average. I don't know that any of the women cheated with me because of my dick but I am fairly confident that I am good in bed. I think I've only had bad sex a handful of times in my life. The youngest I was ever with was 16 but I was 17. The oldest I don't know, it was recently, but she was probably in her 50s. I think recording women without their knowledge is pretty dirty, but I've degraded almost all the women I've been with in some way. I like pushing their boundaries and making them do things they say they don't like (they usually end up liking them).
how did you manage? im not particularly shy but i have no idea how to talk myself into these situations. can you give some advice on how to talk to girls to fuck without any commitments
as I said, most of them were/are women who I know well. I was always very straightforward but respectful, though you have to be able to read each individual girl. Some like lewd comments, others are really turned off by them, etc. Depending on that I'd tell them how hot they were, or that they were beautiful, or that I just wanted to fuck them. It usually required some talking so you have to know when to back off and pick it up at a later date. After a while my reputation did most of the work for me. Girls/women who talked to me knew that I was open to railing them if they gave me the chance to. Just tell them upfront what you want. They may very well say no but if you're not a creep about it and don't insist when they get uncomfortable, they will give you more opportunities to bring it up. If they know you want to fuck them and keep spending time alone with you they basically want you to just do it without asking.
pic related. different milf, same strategy. Joked once that I'd fuck her senseless and she laughed it off. The third time I made a similar comment she said yes.
I doubt this counts but I fucked one of the universities employees during college. I was 22 and she was 30, had a lot of fun and she was very uninhibited, pretty slutty, and an open book
Go to a bar. Flirt with older women. Make sure they are there with their girlfriends though. They will absolutely love that a younger man is flirting with them. You might score, you might not, but it works. Also, dating sites like Plenty of Fish are full of older women, and it honestly makes their day when a younger guy flirts with them. They love it. Just gotta chat em up.
also OP I would start with cafeteria staff, this how I got mine
Hey, FYI, I'm not looking to impose on you. I just think your story sounds like it's erotic and dirty and I want to jack off to it. If you feel like chatting and sharing some stories privately, Kik me at LittleHooptie and I'd be glad to find out more about what you've done and how you pulled it off.
Flirt with older ladies at the bar.
Damn she is smoking hot!
By the way, I just read your reply, as I had not read it before responding to it, as I wanted to reply before the thread 404'd. Your story sounds like it's dirty as fuck and I would really like to hear more details about more of your encounters. And while I'm not generally a big fan of incest stuff, how the fuck did you pull off fucking your cousin and your aunt?? Are either/both of them attractive? Did you cum in side them? Did they think you have a big dick? Did you make them cum? And have any of your friend confronted you and tried to fight you, after you fucked their girlfriend??
Seriously, hit me up on Kik, if you enjoy sharing some of your stories. I'd really like to hear more of them!
Who is this MILF? More?
Glad you asked! she is super hot, don't know her personally though unfortunately I stole these pics from another user. I've came buckets to her and her gigantic tits.
let's see that bod
I don't mind but I don't use kik
getting her asshole broken in
my cousin was relatively easy. She's older than me and hadn't talked in some time. We started hanging out, going out, drinking, dancing and I just made a move. She was turned on by the fact that we were cousins which helped. I came in her all the time (she can't have children). My aunt was different and weird. I told her when I was younger that I was attracted to her to which she just said 'thank you' kek. Some time later, not sure how much I went to visit her and gave her a hug. we just looked at each other and kissed which I took as a green light. Never happened again.
Nan thread whoop whoop
All pics are of her clothed.
Lower your standards.
It really is that simple. There are a ton of horny older women out there; the problem is, roughly 90% or even more are just fucking hideous. Fat, ugly, and sagging well past the point of anything besides fetish- interest.
Most of the guys who want to bang an older woman are the neckbeard basement dweller types that jerk off to "MILF" porn of 18 year olds who have popped out a kid, and think older women are in their late 30s. You want that, you just keep dreaming. Get in serious shape, have a good cock, have money, have a winning, alpha're here, so that'll never happen.
Just set your sights older and lower, however, and you'll get plenty of sloppy old pussy.
I am a big Sup Forums neckbeard.
>be attractive and fit
having nice junk helps too
>find out where they hang
back in the day we'd hit the bar where happy hour brings in the after work ladies
>when you encounter one, don't be dumb, they aren't
any kind of sexual interaction that is going to take place is just that, sex. don't try to be cute about it they see right through that shit. Older, means more experienced, respect your elders, don't try shady shit with them, they will detect it and deflect it.
Keep your cool, if she's in a position for something kinky with a younger man, she'll go for it, once you present yourself.
me, I've banged many milfs and several cougars
but are there nudes? bikini shots at least?
Stop being a loser.
includes not being obsessed with videogames.
used to bang the neighbor single mom, she had three kids. she'd sneak over after her kids were asleep and we'd fuck
hooked up with a way older professional wine drinking mean bitch, met at the bar, more or less dared me to fuck her. she had this gripping move with her vagina I had never encountered before and yet to again since.
Used to bang on of the mom's that was participating in some charity work stuff I was doing.
Many examples, the point is "present yourself" appropriately and she will fuck if she wants to. This can be done without being too brash, brazen or lewd. Once she REALLY gets it, that you're down to discretely fuck and there is opportunity, it will happen
>gripping move with her vagina
Dare to greentext?
not much to say about that particular one except scooped her up from the bar. We had met before, she go after work, lawyer something something. Her husband was someone too but don't remember. Like I said, drinking, she more or less dares me to fuck her after we tease each other. I get serious, she agrees, goes back to my place. Fuck her on the couch, does the wave like massage with the inside of her pussy, felt weird also amazing. Flipped her over and finished doggy against her smooth pale round ass. Nice woman, never repeated it wish I would have.
Another one I forgot, I'd see an older woman from time to time in the parking garage I'd help her with groceries, trash etc. After a while and chatting she invited me over for sunday dinner. We basically had dinner then watched old movies together for a bit till I ducked out. This woman was probably the oldest I've ever been with, definitely a grandma but fit in the way I like, pale too.
After a few "sunday visits" like idk going over there twice, we ended up watching a movie in her bed. Didnt fuck her but we spooned and I got to feel her boobs and stuff, believe it or not we both fell asleep ha, it was right after dinner. I am sorta glad we didn't fuck cause yeah, this one was old, like old old. While my dick was maintaining boner I had some concerns Id be able to hang.
Just kidding I regret not pounding that gash. That one was early on in my career wow i need help.
Would my wife be able to tell if I deleted the app when not in use
It asks for cell so I'm paranoid
I was followed by an older lady in a grocery store some time ago, I was 25 she looked about 45 ish, she kept glancing at me but I ignored her cuz the wife was close, she finally crashed in to me on purpose, smiled and said hi, before I could respond the wife came over asking what happened, I just said I crashed in to the lady because I was distracted, the lady smiled, and moved on.
I will always wonder what could have been
What did the MILF look like? Was she attractive? Did you want to fuck her? Would you have fucked her, if you knew she wanted to? And what does your wife look like? Is she sexy? If so, could we see a pic? Even a clothed pic without her face visible? And have you cheated on your wife? Also, where are you from? Which state?
Is there a way that I could message you privately? Do you have a throwaway e-mail? Or another messaging or texting app (like Pinger TextFree)? I really want to hear more of your stories and get more details and see more pics and jack off to them.
Just fuck your mom everyone else does