C'mon lets do.
C'mon lets do
God i remember that, was it in melbourne? i forget
That mag dump tho
Enmore, Sydney - The Trannie had a bad Tinder date so she axed some strangers, as you do…
And was initially sentenced to like 4 years, because you know, trannie
victims appealed it, she got 12 since another judge called 4 bullshit
When you are issued a concealed carry permit in many states they tell you its best to fire the entire magazine as the law states you must be in fear for your life or someone else's life to shoot so it is better legally speaking to fire all you got
probably the most brutal thing I've seen, this and the one with the cartel that skins that kid
What the fuck
wtf are u on about fag how is it brutal when that fag has been dead for how long
you can see the inside of his skull at the beginning something tells me he didn't feel any of that
No sound? Why bother?
Boooriing. Post something new
You post something.
Why must everyone on this planet go about all day long in essentially their underwear? If you can afford a handgun surely you can afford as pair of nice slacks and a shirt with an attached collar like a polo shirt or a nice short sleeved shirt.
I got nuffin rn
for what, touching a womans ankle?
Fair do's.
After all, at the age of 50, they can tell "I have already torn the head of a corpse!"
Because the world isn't beholden to you and aesthetic obsession, you fucking fruit.
looks to me like the guy on top had a prison shank hidden in his ass and he pulled it out and stabbed the guy on the bottom with it.
Real question. Then u shoot 4vself defense, he get down by the first shot, but u pull ur hole fucking magazin in his ass and he died, do u get any problems? I mean the first shot was enough or not?
In that argument he did not have a leg to stand on.
Who won? Most of it happened offscreen.
Why is the guy in the background frozen until the shooting happens? Looks really weird.
>tfw you're so retarded you're asian :/
of all the things going on in this video, THIS is what you're concerned about kek
Around blacks... Check their cracks?
A person might go down on the first shot but their adrenaline makes them get back up. You gotta empty the whole mag.
Why are they picking on him?
This is very true but you need to make sure you reserve some ammunition in case they have friends that come in.
If they have friends, it dont matter how much ammo u got, u surrender.
Hes chilling in a womans prison too. Imagine that violent psychopath being locked up with women. What a world.
I would care but I don't.
It's always the blacks isn't it?
Weird flex but k
keke , you surrender...in other words ..you gonna meet your maker , keke
chances are they arent killing you
so ye, I'd surrender. >:)
Is that a tranny? Looks suspiciously like one
It is.
How much of that did he feel? When did he lose consciousness?
ITT: Why guns need to be banned.
Around meth trannies, never relax
What exactly was he trying to prove? This makes no sense other than to show the kid is a dipshit.
The time of the sword and axe is nigh!
The hell? He was security rite?
You shoot until threat stops. Subject was still clenching gun while on ground...sorry but that means you get some more lead. If you still are holding on that gun, you get the mag.
Too many people have put 1 or 2 rounds in someone, stopped, only to have the dirt bag return fire while grounded and kill the defender.
If you just shot one of their friends? Yeah they're totally going to cut you some slack.
I'm sure we'll be reading about your easily preventable death.
2 guns within a 6-foot radius containing murder, Americans consider this a success in gun policy...
>How much of that did he feel? When did he lose consciousness?
He probably didn't feel the effects of rational thinking, caution and an efficient educational system.
He felt the impact of poverty, stupidity and insanity I can promise you that much.
Americans like to breeze over the fact 90 percent plus of criminal guns come from stealing them from legal gun owners who can't secure their fucking weapons
That's some weird shit man.
I get the reason for murder and torture in some context, but this is just brutally mutilating a dead corpse.
It always amazes me when retards like you watch a clip of a clearly justified example of self defence and right after have the audacity to suggest guns should be banned. You must really hate innocent human life huh?
The world needs to rid of people like you.
It's nowhere near 90.
The majority of illegal firearms are acquired through straw purchasing. Do some research.
Cop is derogatory term in connection with pig in reference to police enforcement. The alternative here is a modern Western Eurpean or Japanese zero-tolerance policy on guns with a prison system that emphasizes rehabilitation in terms of a positive re-enforcement,education and boarding-school style discipline...
Americans killing themselves is just a dysfunctional system eliminating itself as the parasites and immune cells act retroactively and interchangeably...
Is that 90% a factual number? Source?
>It always amazes me when retards like you watch a clip of a clearly justified example of self defence and right after have the audacity to suggest guns should be banned. You must really hate innocent human life huh?
>The world needs to rid of people like you.
No one cares what amazes you.
How'd that work out for UK? Or France?
Pretty sure they still have gun crime and high profile terrorist incidents with firearms civilians cant even dream of in those countries.
I feel old for getting the South Park reference
>ITT: Why guns need to be banned.
>ITT:Why guns exist.
that's right, hand your guns over to the police state, you retarded bootlicker commie.
Or you could just carry a couple spare magazines
The U.K. uses an antiquated monarchical system. They are waiting to die out as a system. It's inevitable. Their imperialist approach towards the rest of the world is their fault and why so many people hate them.
France is- the last time that I checked- doing fairly well. Troubled. But highly prepared for adversity without any large-scale problems or conflicts. I don't know, I could be wrong, but the U.S. has a problem that is worse off several times over in terms of imprisonment per capita, insanity, gun violence, gang violence, STD's and international conflict.
Comparing the U.S. to France is seriously out of context. They aren't even in the same leauge. The U.S. has a debt that is outrageously greater than France's.
Remember, France is allied with it's surrounding neighbors. Americans make stupid jokes about Canadian politeness all the time and are certainly not actually allied with Latin American countries.
America is currently deeply disturbed and in severe turmoil, stupidty, and debt.
If there's 2+ people robbing you, you're going to die if you try to shoot them down.
No one is a superhero. Give them what they want and they gtfo
and axes and shovels and fire and...
ur dumb
some states you can be sued if you leave them alive
> France is doing well
Apparently you never herd of Paris.
> Making fun of Canadians
Even Quebecers make fun of them
why are you adding an extra "e" onto "kek" you faggotron?
You from some faggot country aren't you?
>ITT: the left is provoking the right to the extreme, so they later become fascists, mass murders the leftists, so they can then victimize, sympathize with the media and brainwash the iliterates
normies to obtain support and more political power and restart the cycle.
what a waste of perfectly good ass