How does Sup Forums feel about this?
Black Weaboos
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No lie, I can't imagine a harder life than a blackaboo. They're usually bros too.
Best black people you will ever meet, usually have great taste and are great to play fighting games with. Blackaboos are bros
Black guys loooove fighting games
Niggas love anime
Anime represses their ogga bogga instincts
As long as they stay out of Japan.
(All non jap should stay out.)
it's like combining the worst aspects of niggery and white people and asians
I came to post this
As a Jap I hate anime. weebs, and niggers
Anime is the ultimate redpill, when blacks take it even they are turned into enlightened individuals.
Relax, its not Anime.
Its just drawings of a Transgendered Lady.
Chillest people i've seen
well, most
Black weaboos.......I honestly don't know what to think about this.
still niggs
not Sup Forums, kill yourself
a good thing since they are gonna waste their cum on their 2D waifus
Meh, I like Japanese pussy too much to stay away. White tho.
Total bros
That face looks like the face of a Suicidal Transgendered Lady.
Death is the Only Awnser.
Honorary Aryans
Weird but nowhere near as autistic as white weaboos
first I thought its hopsin
Agreed, blackaboo's channel their natural fighting instincts into fighting games and end up being quite good.
I think the only people I've heard taking about anime in public were black people, and I think it was DBZ every time.
black people love certain anime like DBZ, black weebs are generally the most harmless of the blacks you meet
not really worth the time to harass
>implying a whiteboi like you will be doing the harassing
They usually have the highest IQs in their race and reject the nigger culture. Probably the best kind of lazy black youth.
Long as they realize they are relegate to being the orcs in all hentai and the like it's fine.
A lot of black weebs are mostly into stuff like naruto, so it's not really my genre, but this guy sounds pretty funny. He has a nice channel.
desu at least they are hanging in moms basement and not killing Ops
What's your genre?
its true. i have known a few black people that like animu and they dont seem to care about sjw shit or black panther shit
Why are blacks attracted to either gangs or anime?
It just seems like there is no middle ground for them.
Black or not, he's still a weeb.
0/10 stealing muh white culture
they are fucking weebshits and niggers to boot
anime is just the natural course of a successful man user
have you ever met a broke weeaboo?
this exists
Doesn't he get released from prison this year?
The FGC is like 50% black, 50% asian and 100% weeaboo.
like 99% if Sup Forums.
>inb4 cherry picked image of the 1%
You act like there have never been black anime watchers despite Dragonball Z being a favorite amongst many
The only black weeaboo I know is beta as fuck and just spends all his time being a beta orbiter in hopes a girl will even touch him.
well I would say it's 50-50 if they aren't on NEETbux they probably have a good paying job to fund their weebshit
This has probably already been said, but it's very difficult to be a weeb and a hood nig type at the same time.
Like, who the fuck is gonna shoot someone and go home to watch Naruto? They probably exist, but black weaboos are generally not a part of the gang culture.
t. south dakotan who only understands this in theory
I like Latino weeaboos since I can discuss 80s and 90s anime with them.
They are way more cringe than black weebs thought.
They're bro tier and won't breed, best of both worlds
>defending worst girl
Yeah, I can confirm that blacks really are great at fighting games.
You are a seriously sad person if you dislike the guy in OP simply because of the fact he is black.
Nope, August 2018
What'd he do?
blacks who love anime are the BEST friends to have
Anime is demonic
Who cares? Blacks can be weebs if they can be fucking state president.
They're surprisingly common. Japanese anime like Naruto is made for children with very simplistic storylines so I'm not surprised that black people like it.
Not to sound racist. I don't care if people enjoy things.
Slide thread, stick your head in an oven
>\things\don't click\cp\cp
Low... Tier.... God.
who /AfroSenju/ here?
Wow what a fucking idiot
Is he still in prison?
Fine as long as they settle down with asian qts. They make a godtier combination by the next generation.
just as retarded and gay as white weebs, gas them all
Isn't that why most people are on this board. To shit on black people.
i agree, we should dislike him because hes a nigger AND he's a weeb
it's like if AIDS caught cancer
all weebs are cancer holy shitt
>Japanese anime like Naruto is made for children with very simplistic storylines so I'm not surprised that black people like it.
Is this the same reason why droves of white people are in love with it as well...
>not the worst girl
ok bub
Look harmless. And classy.
His hatred of coonery is respectable.
Those hips are god tier.
is that the step up sempai guy?
Most white anime fans hate Naruto.
US Army here. My two best battle buddies are black weebs, they both speak Japanese. They're commo guys, and I'm an MP, so we hang out at BNHQ or the TOC or wherever.
Shit taste.
>Nikumi not at least ok-tier in Shokugeki no Soma
I didn't know Russia had such shit taste in women.