the good ones edition
the good ones edition
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not exactly an image but I just wanted to tell people that I'm currently working on an animation that's shows a tornado that is completely made of black people and the lightning is the bloods and the crips shooting at each other, tornado goes over turns into a Popeye's or KFC or a Burger King, there are blank churchgoer women patting your head constantly making the thundering noise, in the eye of the storm is LeBron James screaming do you want a Sprite cranberry. The only way to defeat him if they give him a Sprite cranberry because if you don't all the black people start to turn into chimps. Thank you for reading this
So.. toilets are like the internet but less full of shit?
What do happen tho?
Hm I wonder who will die happy
The guy getting paid to do his favorite hobby or the mooch with the incessant bitching
That's why I stopped trying
The cure for cancer could come out tomorrow and it wouldnt be nearly as successful as a selfie stick
Where you are going to publish IT?
not a single funny post in this thread. 0/10
I want to see this, upload it to youtube with a name we would all recognize.
i operate a track hoe for $45/hr, i love my job and can’t wait to leave the house every morning. ignore this socialist nonsense
your mom's a track hoe
>I wonder who will die happy
A junkie ODing on heroin would die 1000x happier. Happiness is good, but can't be the primary life objective.
"... it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” – Hermann Goering
Fuck it. Not funny but true
Yeah dude wtf happens?
This is dogshit ylyl wtf tards
I think someone beat you to that idea.
this post sucked you worthless faggot
kill yourself and your non-existent family
jerk off to the memory of your loneliness and small cock
Everybodys lucky i decided to post here and save this god awful embarrassment
> hoi goys ylyl
wagie wagie get back in the cagie
You send memes to other people? Rules 1 & 2, motherfucker ...
mirrors don't reflect 100% of the light passing through, so probably just black.
Getting paid to do your favorite hobby is unrealistic.
That's the entire point. Get paid to do what ALLOWS you to enjoy your hobby to the fullest and retire early.
I am a wageslave as well, I like what I do, but it is still just a job. I would prefer not working and getting money over it.
last time i checked his approval rating was 50%
No gut? Bullshit
Real libs hate religious zealots, remember? See bill Maher
Not muslims, though.
bruh almost nobody makes money off of vue.js anymore
Since memes are mainstream it became unfunny as hell.
As far as I can remember I Used to laugh a lot on the internet around 2007-2011. Now it's so fucking poor and lazy. It's facebook people humor. It's fucking bad.
I probably will
Test Meme
Glad you enjoy your job but that meme has nothing to do with socialism (other than how its understood by Bernie supporters and libertarians). Ask yourself how much more your boss makes, and the owner of the company makes, and how much more the banker makes for loans to buy the equipment you're using? Do you truly believe these people are mentally superior, more talented and harder working than you?
Nah metal gear rising was meta when the in game year came around for us
>be battlefield
>predict a war in any year between current date and the biggest number you can think of
>be correct
Kek, someone must have done did that on purpose
ok boomer
ok, moron.
a SErieS Of TUBeS
This is fake, unfortunately. I really hoped it wasn't.
Honestly failing to see what point you are trying to make. The guy you responded to used socialist as a slur not a point of fact. His point is a job you love isn't a myth.
What does that have to do with superiority, compensation, effort, or talent? Other than trying to convince someone who is happy with his life to not be happy with it I can't even tell if you are for or against socialism much less how the rest of the economy is supposed to factor in.
No TRUE Scotsman...
That page has nothing to do with Tur/Key...
So if I stick my dick in the toilet am I fucking everyone in their shitty assholes?
It’s not gay because technically I’d be touching some sweet stinky pussy too. Hot.
fucking lel
Y'all need a family and fulfilment.
This made me laugh harder than any image in this thread.
so its fake but true...
is this what they mean by fake news?
Jesus Christ, from Vegetable to Furniture
RIP Senator Stevens
er ok boomer is a really lame insult by underages... mods, they don't know what it means.
lol look at that, it's his first attempt at social engineering you guys
It really is a weak retort though. Most of the people who use it unironically do so to simply deflect criticism, even when it’s justified. It’s a lazy way to be “Le funny” on the internet.
ok boomer
$14.88 is actually a common price point in Wal-Mart. I don't know the reasoning behind it, but you can find that price on half the shit in there.
>Owa Tagu Siam
Don't go starting something you can't finish
Yes. I run a business and deserve more than my staff. I spent years on shit money building up my business and putting others before myself and working into the night while my staff clocked off with no certainty that the business would be a success. Business owners don't just start out successful and many fail before they get anywhere near.
i loled
yea I just checked with all this impeachment/iran and he is still at 50%+ lol...
Moving on from lasagna
42% if you check anywhere but faux news
I hate this. It scares me
at least she has a sense of humor about herself.
I don’t love my job but I like it a lot and make 110$ an hour doing it. Keeps me active and busy during the day. Then I have 110k a year for whatever I want. This meme is laughable and meant to keep losers from killing themselves.
>yea, the reason I still live with mom at 35 is bc I’m not an idiot and falling for Jew trickery. I’m gonna show the man who’s boss by jerking off all day into my sisters panties
1% chance of becoming 45th president if you check anywhere but fux news