So apparently there a mental health and suicide crisis in the United States (big wow). Why do you think so many young adults are killing themselves, user?
So apparently there a mental health and suicide crisis in the United States (big wow)...
Number one reason - Trump.
Because 40%
this guy told me to kill my self
this bitch told me to kill myself
this Jenius told me to kill myself
Draft dodging pussies
this.... person, told me i should have never been born
The real non-zoomer answer is
All the fluoride in the water and toothpastes
Government agendas that are turning the population into passive pansies and are giving them mental diseases to turn them trans
And the weapon listed in the government patent US6506148 that influences emotions to make kids more depressed or violent using tv, computer and phone screens
more vets die form suicide then from combat, why is that?,,,
It's mostly white men too. Thanks kikes
why don't they us it to make everyone happy with the Governments agendas?
use it to make everyone happy to consomme this product? i would rather be a happy brain washed zombie then i depress brain washed zombie
They already do that minus the happiness, why do you think people always buy the new apple shit?
The loss of cultural identity
Social media is the answer imo. The younger generation is completely absorbed into social media 24/7. Constantly comparing themselves to others who appear to be perfect reduces their feeling of self worth and leads to depression which ultimately leads to suicide.
Overexposure to the world.
Concentrated social circling.
Increased isolation as a result of technology.
Social anxiety maybe?
OP here. Thanks for all the opinions.
I'll agree with the social media and social pressure people.
Single parent households and liberal media ostracizing white people for being white.
>OrAnGe MaN mAdE mE
Please. You didn't give one fuck about politics until he got elected. You wanted to keep your nigger phone and not have to work a day for it. You deserve to kill yourself. It saves us the effort to do it.
Because Capitalism is a rigged system meant to benefit the rich and keep the poor society poor. It’s a big dick that keeps on fucking you if you’re not smart enough to get out of the poor tier. Couple that with dog sht non living wages. High inflation, extremely high debt rates/interest rates on loans that are also meant to fuck the poor. Social media that keeps telling you how little you own and how little friends you have compared to the next person that fakes everything and buys followers. Pretty much impossible to start a family if you’re poor without welfare. >50% of Americans in poor tier.
Pick your poison.
americans kill themselves because they are faggots who can't see they are living in the easist and most comfy way anyone before them has ever lived
Not enough participation trophies and too much accountability + work ethic.
Cry harder faggot.
First president to win second term while impeached!!
Idk about other peoples reasons for depression, but based on myself and my friend group, the main cause is the awful state of the world, combined with the injust governments, and the emphasis on greed and wealth in our modern society. Humans werent made to work in offices from 9 to five on a daily basis.
No wait; It because of the exact opposite.
You blame the government and having a job?
My answer is biased but people are evil.
Because it's no longer possible for most people to escape debt, and every message from every media source says unless you're supporting yourself on your own, you're a child who can't cope.
Naturally, when environmental factors mean that the majority of people fall into this category, they're going to assume the problem is them, not the world.
Either that or these fucking CAPTCHAs.
Not understanding their value.
rising cost of living, rising cost on everything, really. college is out of the question unless your parents cosign. stagnant wages.
>every message from every media source says unless you're supporting yourself on your own, you're a child who can't cope.
the best option is to hold out, living with parents and paying them rent instead of going out and trying to balance that shit all by yourself.
I got a 1 bed room apartment w/ a roommate. barely able to save anything. does shit without telling me like bringing people i don't know. some of my stuff goes missing. three niggers break into my truck and stole what they could. 6 months later he bails, I can't make the $1200 rent + utilities. guess where I am after that?
stay home. save your money for a house. build credit where you can. the days of move out at 18, start your own shit are long gone. back in the day a couple could work menial and no skill jobs, afford a house out of the Sears catalog, and a couple of vehicles. that ship sailed long ago.
... cause veterans are no longer active duty?
Because they are willing to sacrifice profits for destruction. They are not "le greedy capitalist" they are evil
Fluoride in the dosages consumed by Americans has no psychoactive effect. You're probably thinking about "but the Nazis gave it to Jews to control their behaviors" but that's a conspiracy theory that originated in the 1980's by some schizophrenic Australian who, in the same book, literally suggested wearing tin foil hats. You're a literal moron.
I agree. People are going to shit all over you and troll you because we're on /b, but it's honestly great advice. My wife and I will have a son born soon, we're already planning on taking a credit card out in his name later on but without his access to it and just making small purchases and paying it off as we go in order to build his credit. The same will happen with his first car. It took me a long time to get on my feet, and in today's economy you have to have every advantage you can. If our kids don't go to college immediately living at home is the route we're going to heavily promote.
Beyond that, social media can play a pretty big role. Even once you've "made it" you still look at the glossy pictures posted by your peers and judge yourself. I'm a dentist and making on the low end of six figures, but I still contemplate suicide because my life still isn't going as well as I'd like it to. It's my perception of where I'm at that's the problem. Dentistry has the highest cost of education of any profession, and while I understood that going in I overestimated my future income and underestimated just how much debt I'd have. My monthly student loan payment on a standard repayment plan is over $6,500. Because of that I've gone over to REPAYE and now I'm looking at a gigantic tax bomb (around $250,000 lump sum) at the end of the payment period. I won't commit suicide because of my family, but that thought is certainly there. On the outside, though, I'm successful, I have a presumably healthy son due in a few months, I'm about to start buying my own practice, and many of my friends from high school or college would likely be envious of where I'm at in life now. Our perception of where we're at in life is a huge issue, and media, social media, and economic realities are taking a massive toll.
Probably the feeling of hopelessness and the lack of future.
Social media and constant negativity-enforcing media don't help, either.
I think people are getting more and more material-obsessed and also, US is a terrible country to live in
More people on earth = higher number of suicides
"Suicide rate" takes population size into account. More people per 100,000 are committing suicide.
Just like theres a violent crime and gun violence epidemic even though crime rates have been falling since the 90s.
I'll give you a hint.
Your media lies to you and it's there purely for entertainment and indoctrination.
What we have isnt capitalism. Not even close.
Capitalism doesn't exist when either of the following is true
1. Blatant marriage of state, corporation, and private central bank is so blatant
2. Use currency in place of money.
One or both of these has been reality for over 100 years.
Because suicide is the only way to spit in God's face. How else will you spit in his face
Living angrily. Hurting as many good people as possible.
Promise of gods eternal love.
>Abandoned by active military community
>Rejection by civilian community
>Ridicule from Boomer Vets who never saw combat
>Poor mental health services
>Burden of killing in unjust wars
>Exploitation by anyone looking to push an agenda
>Substance abuse/addiction during the service
Posting trap threads.
But the suicide rate IS higher. It's not a media lie.
based. absolute capitalism is a lie and is just as good as those commie fucks who dont want to work for their shit.
being poor can be a life choice, maybe to make way for something else like an easier or simpler life to live. also, economic development in a capitalist state is improving the state of the poor and making the divide between poor and rich smaller. if you want to be a more interesting person complain about how taxmoney is spent, or your disagreements on certain legislations. fuck people who complain about an imperfect system like bitch wtf is new. nothing is perfect and we are trying our best. do you have a better idea? huh? fucking hippie bitch. review your world history and know that communism never worked. fucking people who cant be made to think man. pisses me off.
because modern life is boring and pointless
coincidentally enough the idea that you are stronger for hiding empathy is the true culprit. pretending you are stronger because you hide your emotions and do not ever express them is causing a sub culture of protesting whiners who are trying to push back on the "man up" bullshit of the past and are trying to prove that emotions are ok. Same reason that the ghetto is degenerate and criminal. you guys are creating monsters then complaining about them. teach your kids how to be compassionate and still have strength. teach them it's ok to cry and be weak at times. this is causing men to be overly tough and toxic and it's also causing weaker people to find their own strength in words and political opinion. Both people are trying to prove to society a point that is not needed. teach your kids to prove things to themselves and not others......
>nigger phone
Da fuck?
It's that AND the opposite, now it's also trendy to be emotionally weak and wear your vulnerability on your sleeve, which isn't helping anything either.
Sup Forums.
basically the "i'm not a pussy i swear" mental illness of our forefathers has warped into the "it's ok to be a sissy" mental illness of today. Stop making your kids feel like shit. whether they suck at sports or are gay or hate spaghetti. be around them and actually listen on their level. whatever the fuck it is. just BE THERE. listen and validate. you are not a super adult who doesn't fuck up. that's literally all it takes. you don't have to understand just understand that their is pain in what they are saying and that's it's real to them. that's all it takes. yet somehow this is lost on american parents and it creates these attention seeking monsters.
you're right but i'm suggesting that the trend is actually caused by the mentality of older "manly men" who are just as passionate and in pain as the "not my president" people but are bottling it up
1) lack of affordable and effective services.
2) stigma
this is the realest shit. the problem is that there is a problem. there is no rhyme or reason. we exist in a world with stigmas that we are not able to properly creating effective and affordable services to prevent. BIG FACTS.
Surprised by the cuck bitch feminist answers, blaming men... that's the fucking problem, most of the suicides ARE men and they kill themselves because theyre held responsible for everything. Most of these little fags were raised by WHORES that call themselves mothers and it fucks their kids up to the point of ending their lives.
Most of the suicides are male, I hope they're gay then it's ok.
Because the future looks horrible.
Your information is for sale on a market you will never see. The leaders and ceos of the world have all been decided, and the best case scenario is to be as comfy a wage-slave as possible- a market that is rapidly diminishing as said ceos outsource jobs to places where shitting on the street is considered chic culture and a dollar a week is the average salary.
Health insurance continues to skyrocket, driven by greedy little men who are determined to wring every last drop they can out of an already diminished populace beset by a myriad of inflated expenses. You need to go to an overpriced college and buy exorbitantly priced books to hear a bored fifty something talk about an inane subject in the kind of voice you'd expect someone to use when eulogizing their hated enemy. You pay for that college and substandard living by working two or three jobs where people swear and hurl death threats at you for things that you have no control over, lorded over by a boss who was specifically chosen for his/her sadistic qualities and lack of empathy.
Nothing is free. Debt is expected. Your failures are your own and forever, your successes belong to someone else.
Corporations want to become the new pantheon, encouraging rabid consumerism and religious devotion to their brands. And yet there are fat little men in their jacuzzis who have just shat out another lunch of champagne, filet Mignon and caviar, and pound their fists on the table, screaming "I. WANT. MORE."
What would have been too outlandish to put in political satire a decade or so ago is now the factual evening news. A continent is on fucking fire. A car wreck can put you into debt for life. Little kids are saving up allowances to buy off school lunch debts for classmates, and this is viewed as heartwarming instead of a dire symbol of the hell we're in.
troll harder faggot. men rape. men murder. men steal. we are stronger and we are meaner and a hell of a lot more angry. as a man have you ever been scared in a room alone with a single women that is unarmed? i would rather fight rhonda rousey than half my untrained coworkers because they could physically squeeze me hard enough to crack my ribs... Men are the issue and always have been to the point were women used to not even be considered as a possibility to contribute anything much less a serious problem. get real my man.
if this isn't copy pasta and you just riffed that..... i would buy you endless beers... well said...
Ok I will. In America your men are nothing but little fucking bitches because they're all fucking killing themselves. Maybe you should too ? You talk like your mother was a slut.
At least the men put in the effort to kill themselves that often, if only women could do the same.
As a local young adult, it's because we have to deal with all the fuck ups the older generations started, we can't handle it so we either vibe/don't give a shit or game over ourselves. Knowledge is power, and we know how fucked things are. Anyone who says otherwise is a Boomer sack of shit that started the problems to begin with, or is a brainlet that can't see how fucked things are.
TL;DR old people suck.
Blame boomers you little faggots, even though most of you were raised by gen X and can't seem to get your head around it because you don't know wtf you're talking about. Stop getting your worldviews from vice and buzzfeed, faggots.
'Old people suck' is what the old people said when they were young. I hope Iran blows you people to hell with the nukes they've been building for decades.
No one cares what you have to say unless it's funny. The people who could make changes don't want to. And these young adults are expected to do insane piles of busywork every night to be permitted to apply to said overpriced college to buy overpriced books so they can be a wageslave for the tiny little man who was trained to suppress empathy and instead bang his fists demanding "MORE! MORE! MORE!".
Teachers 'lose' assignments and mark them as zeroes. 90% of the time, the person who determines whether a student passes or fails is going to be a sadist, doing as much cruelty as they can without crossing a threshold that would get them fired. It's entirely possible to be ambushed from behind by people you don't know, stomped into a bloody pulp on camera, be deemed entirely at fault by the school's administration, and shipped off to juvie for 'violent behavior' before you've even begun to recover from the broken ribs and concussion.
Because there's a market for labeling kids 'lost causes' and shipping them off to prisons, so they can learn to admit it was their fault for being stomped on and go onto working three minimum wage jobs as everyone looks at their misery and says 'you deserve this'.
So why not load your parent's gun, order one last pizza, soda, hell yeah some cheesy breadsticks, one last good meal before checking out? This world hates you and screams it in your face every day, every second, and your parents' think you're a disappointment because they're holding you to standards that are no longer possible.
The kids are killing themselves because the system isn't content with just killing them. It wants them to suffer. Deaths must be painful, profitable, and prolonged.
And many adults will shrug and say, 'well, those are the rules of the game', either uncaring or unaware of one crucial thing-
Less and less people want to play the game. And the game will only last as long as there are players.
I don't drink. Give them to someone who does.
Maybe the 18 year olds who will be told to go die in world war 3?
sorry we're talking about the great USA my dude you can go die for ww3 but beer is a no go. cigarettes are now too as of late.