Ask an iraqi anything

ask an iraqi anything.

ps, I genuinely do not give a flying fuck about anything that's happening rn/or had happened before .

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Any Iraqi food an American should try?

Does all that sand in your shoes keep your callious smooth?

Are hot dates better than fresh ones?

Where to ducks get down from?

What does you give a shit about hommie?

Sunni, Shiite, or Yazeedi sexslave for the ideal girl? Or fourth unnamed option?

definitely maklava, and groats kubba.
groats kubba is some kinda groats dough that's filled with meat and seasoning. image related.

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ill tell you when I visit rumaddi's mini desert.

there are many kinds of dates, some taste good when they're hot, like the image shown here, some taste good when freshly picked , and some taste better when they're kept in storage for a while, it gives a special sweetness flavour.

ducks don't go down, they dig up from the deepest hole in hell.

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Groats kubba looks yummy. Have you ever had MacDonalds?

I've tried Lee's, taco Bell, and many kinds of traditional plates. I'm not one for burgers/fast food.

here's a little fun fact here: there are nearly no major fast food chains here that would do absolutely anything to make people fat.

most people here like cooking thier own food. like me, or my landlord, she makes nice and yummy meals. I make quick stuff, like noodles, egg salad, and mostly rice and protein filled meals.

Have you visited the ruins of Babylon?

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Which countries do you want to visit?

Sup Forums or no?

What current trends are around the younger generations? Idols, food, luxuries,habbits, nights-out Etc.)

isis fucktards did sexslavery for a while, until we absolutely obliterated thier disgusting, sheepshit-filled beards with everything we've got.

the guy shown Is "Abu azrael", aka "iraqi rambo" , a ruthless iraqi officer who had killed many many many isis scum. and also saved many girls/families from them.

I've personally met him, he's a cool dude.

ps, he kills isis prisoners with his axe. I'll quote him "an eye for an eye, I'll carry the sin of killing isis for all of thier victims, I Do not care if I go to hell, as long as I bring a smile of happiness/revenge into isis victim's families"

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I've heard stories about the "2 angels buried" there, and also I have a friend who lived there, says everything is kinda creepy. but I have to go one day to see for myself.

Does Iraq have good hashish?

I've been to Syria, Egypt, Turkey,, suadia, and Iran. fun, nice, and generous people.

i want to visit Japan, China, UK in general, US in general, Sweden, Belgium, Philippines, Thailand, Belgium, and also Spain. I have friends there, and I want to hug/make them cappuccino so much.

I don't care for politics, or religion. sorry user.

i honestly have no idea, because I'm always either at work, gym, or having a night of alcohol and music by myself.

other than work, i almost never talk to people, because I'm literally not interested in anything in this world.

ahla w sahla min soorya:)

Why don’t you give a flying fuck about anything?

there's a giant traditional style market that has absolutely every kinda drugs you want

Iraq has almost everything for a cheap price. a pack of cigarettes is 0.50 cents.

hewwo, I just stopped caring because it's pointless.

my coworker supports that one crisped guy, you know who I'm talking about.
still, I don't actually hate him, I just yell at him whenever he mentions politics and/or anything related to crispy boi.

oh, I should've said "op here" when I reply to people. sorry folks, I forgot.

Same here. Politics just made me bitter and unhappy. There's no point caring about something you cannot change.

That kind of thinking is how our countries got so fucked up in the first place. You are young and you can make a difference, otherwise other people will make the difference in your life for you!

I know how you feel tho, I have kind of given up after everything that has happened. There is no justice in this world :(

U Shia? Sunni? Kurd?

op here,

right? let god sort them out.

op here.

I have given up on everything, it's really really really great that I have this tiny spec of motivation to get out of bed in the morning. I don't have much to live for. I have enough money to "enjoy" life, but is there anything left to enjoy? I consider myself just passing by in this life.

Fuck islam, right OP?

op here.

although Idrc about it, and it doesn't even matter because we're all the same, but technically, I'm a sunni, but my great great great great grandfather is "Ali bin abi taleb", he's the one that Shia folks admire, love and almost worship.

op here,

i say fuck everything, really. but I won't actually go to some Muslim person and go "FUCK YOU". because that'd be rude, racist, and hateful . and also I'm a pacifist, I say let them do them, and I'll do me.

Just remember what happened to us in Syria. People will say that standing up for freedom only leads to trouble, but if we only care about “enjoying life” then life will only get worse. That kind of attitude might work for people who live in free societies but in Arab countries it’s only an excuse to keep shitty people in power.

Based Axe-man

protestors were way too peaceful in Syria back then, and still are peaceful.

i say start an organised armed war against the gov, and work it out.

can i go there im white


that’s what daesh tried to do, and now Iran is ruling both our countries :| I would agree with you, but war like that discourages too many people. Only a true revolution can eliminate corrupt government.

Can I ask - how old were you when the Americans invaded?

op here,
there's no "racism" in Iraq.
we have whites, light skins, Asians, and everything
not much blacks, though.

if you come, we should meet up, and I'll show you around and maybe we'll party .

in case you come, just don't be autistic and listen to me when I tell you to , please.

op here, I was 5.