Fb/IG fap

Fb/IG fap

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would love to watch her get used

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Is it gay to fluff a bull?

Generally, I like to get my bull nice and hard for my wife before he breeds her with his potent jungle seed.
However, this has become a source of conflict for both myself and my bull. He tried to claim that I was bisexual or homosexual for sucking him off, but I told him that by that logic he wouldn't be heterosexual either. My bull then argued that you are only gay if you suck dicks, not if you get your dick sucked.
From that point we argued in circles, he got upset, and he slapped me in the face with his penis before locking me in my cuck shed.
Still, I feel as though I was in the right. I'm sure people here will agree with me that sucking dick is completely heterosexual if I was just prepping him. It's no different than heterosexually sucking a woman's penis.

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I thought I was going to be safe from niggers by going to Jersey Mike's. I went in and saw all white women making sandwiches. I ordered my #13 foot long combo. All is going well, the cheese goes on, the ham goes on, then they run out of salami. The woman goes to the side room to get more. Out comes this 350lb sheboon waddling over with the salami in one paw and a roll of toilet paper in the other paw. "Dis be yo's sir", it axed. "Not anymore", I said and walked out. I drove over to Publix and bought everything to make the same sandwich and drove home.

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You'd rather cum on nice one or crazy one?

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go young

Often get store employees ask me why I inspect items so much while I'm shopping. The reason is niggers.

You can start by the smell. Not just nigger odor, but all of the damn perfume they drown themselves in. It will be on anything a sow paws at.
I press the tops of jar lids to make sure the vacuum is still present.
I look over bread bags to make sure there are no holes from nigsow claws.

Produce is the worst. niggers will feel every piece on the table. They will spend 2 hours playing with produce and 20 minutes in the rest of the store. They will take bites from apples and eat the "free" grapes. niggers actually believe the store wants them to eat the grapes as they shop and not pay for them. They will pick up a tomato, ook "dis ain't no goo", then do the same shit with the next one, and the next one, and so on until another nigger shows up for it to complain to. I don't see niggers picking over the watermelons, though. The just see watermelons and start loading the cart.

The first 7 days after the first of the month, should be avoided by all humans. niggers take over the grocery stores armed wif 6 sprogs and the taxpayer provided EBT cards, and wreak havoc on the place. The nigger sow sends each sprog a different direction to gather it's favorite junk food while mammy loiters in the produce department poisoning the fruits and vegetables.

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Like her?

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A 24 year old nigger was in a pub enjoying drinks (that it probably had no intention of paying for) when it received a banana. Apparently a human decided to feed the monkey a banana, and for 30p, he or she thought it would be a nice, charitable donation to a nigger.

The nigger ooked said he was left feeling “confused, angry lost and lonely” within a matter of seconds, niggerwhined, and cried racism. The stupid nigger could have thanked the human for feeding it, but no, it had to act like a nigger. If someone gave me a banana, I would have eaten it and thanked the person that bought it for me.

This nigger, however, wants to be a public spectacle. This fucking moon cricket wants the whole world to know that it is a crybaby.

Well, now we all know about what you really are, you dumb spook. Go take your hateful, spiteful nigger ass somewhere else! People were just trying to do something nice for you, and now you are trying to make them look bad.

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yessss wow she is hot

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I did some food shopping earlier and stopped at the deli counter for some cold cuts. There was a fat sheboon ahead of me babbling its order to the human behind the counter and she says “....and lemme git summa dat Bo’ Haid Geeanova salami dat beez on sale” (Boar’s Head Genoa Salami)
The guy asks her “You mean Genoa?” to correct her niggerfied pronunciation.
The negriss starts smacking her fat lips bobbing her head “Dass wuh ah sayed..Geeanova salami! Da Bo’ Haids!”
She continues to repeat this several times while he is preparing it. The sheboon gets her stuff and waddles away ooking to itself.
I had a good laugh with the counter guy over the minor chimpout while he prepared my order.

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They’re just getting back to their roots. Notice how they pluck ornaments from the tree and throw them as they would do in their natural monkey habitat. I wonder if any of them started flinging feces after the video ended.
One can only imagine what Black Friday is going to look like. Niggers are going to be in a frenzy.

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yeah she is sexy

Of course, this nigger had a dartboard name, where his sow mama threw darts at the alphabet and got his name. It's a "D-dash" name.

A Niggeye's chiggun opened up near where I live this weekend, Friday to be exact, and there have been terrible lines, blockage of traffic and other nuisances around the place open to close. The first day, greedy niggers stood in line to buy multiple boxes of chicken and then walked up and down the median of traffic selling boxes and individual pieces at a marked up price. Niggers parked *everywhere* and anywhere they could, and businesses were threatening towing cars off it got so bad, and of course, niggers parading across a six lanes of traffic without so much as looking to get across the street to buy their salted grease meat. Even when there are no shootings, beatings, or stabbings, niggers still manage to find a way to be a complete inconvenience.

I'm sure some kind of TNB will occur at this Niggeye's location given enough time, I suppose all any of us can do is sit back, enjoy the show, and hope no humans get injured during the course of business as usual being transacted in niggertown. T. Popeyes NÎGGERS

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Is the Alex OP still here? Would love to see more new pics of her


nice ass

desi slut?

Follow up:

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fuckkkk left!!!



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anyone have a favorite?

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A friend had called me and said he'd be over to my house in awhile as he was already close by. A few minutes later, the door bell rang and I made the mistake of answering the door without looking to see who was there. Yep, you guessed it! A nigger! The nigger started ooking about how it was in college and needed money fo' its studies. In its paws it was holding a stack of Christian pamphlets and used that to ax fo' donations. I used my standard response when dealing with begging niggers and told it that I don't carry cash, that I went "plastic" many years ago. The nigger had the nerve to pull out a portable card reader and ooked that, "That's ok! I can take plastic!" and grinned at me as if it had outsmarted me. I just looked at it and closed the door in its face. It then walked off heading in the direction of my neighbor's house. He hates niggers with a passion so I immediately speed dialed his number and told him what was about to land up on his front porch. I watched as the nigger went up to his door and kept knocking on it but never got an answer. It then knuckle dragged off on down the street. I watched and no one within my view answered their doors- lol- word must have spread fast!

Anyway, it was an obvious nigger scam and I wasn't falling for it. Niggers are always trying to pull this kind of crap but usually it's niggers axin' fo' money to help da niglets learn to read and sheeit. As if niglets give a damn about reading! It would at least be realistic if a nigger showed up at the door asking for donations to help teach niglets how to shoplift, scream that everything beez racist and how to fill out applications fo' food stamps when they get older. Even then it would be ridiculous because their mammies can and will teach them all that fo' free.

fucking diamonds for this slut

stroking hard for her

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In any case, this is the first nigger that's shown up on my front porch in years and I hope I never see another one! However, since it got no donations in my neighborhood, no doubt it will spread the word to other nigger beggars that this neighborhood "ain't cool." Even so, lesson learned and, just in case, I won't be answering the door again without looking to see who's there first.

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hnng one of the sexiest desi sluts i've seen

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i agree, make sure you look before answering

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literally perfect what a fucktoy

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fuck! those tits and that tight body

I'll be frank with you...YOU ARE A FAG.
That's right, a FAG.
Seriously. Your faggotry knows no bounds young man. Even a bundle of sticks pale in comparison to your faggotry.
Your also a nigger. But a nigger in the sense that your an ignorant motherfucker. And you can be black and still be a nigger but you can also be any race and be a nigger. Black people do NOT equal niggers. Although some of them do...
Any way long story short you are a nigger a faggot and an enormous waste of my time. Kill yourself you enormous faggot. Don't you have any fucking clue who I am! I will rape your nigger anus you fucking abortion. I will rape you in your sleep. I will rape you when you're taking a shit! YOU WILL BE ASS RAPED FOR ALL ETERNITY NIGGER! FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR FAGGOTRY!

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her tits are amazing

I've been to prison and let me tell you something. The key to surviving and not getting shanked or punked is to be the one behind the punk shanking him. Its kill or be killed, rape or be raped. I remember my first day in some big fuckin coon named Darnel the biggest shitskin in the joint tried to get my ass in the showers, he beat me down pretty bad and was about to put his filthy nigger dick in me.

Laying on the floor with blood gushing out of my mouth,that iron smell in my nose, my head feeling like it was going to cave and water showering into my ear, he grabbed my ankles and pulled me back. In a final attempt to save my white anal purity i grabbed a bar of soap on the floor flipped around kicking him in his nigger multipliers, as he gasped in pain i shoved the bar of soap down his watermelon hole and that bar got jammed in his windpipe and he began choking to death.

On his knees with his hands on his throat nothing coming in or going out just the look of terror on his face as his life began to fade. i whipped out my dick, put it to his lips, grabbed his greasy fuckin cornrows pulling him forward and said "i'd make you suck it you subhuman faggot but im not into bestiality" i then jabbed him in the throat causing the soap bar to fly out of his mouth like it was something out of a fuckin comic.

he fell to the ground and as i walked away i looked at the shocked skinheads in the shower. "didnt know niggers had talent as fucking pez dispensers, hes all yours boys"

Thats the day i became known as Ben " Nigger Dispenser" Garrison some would call me Pez but i frowned upon this as it sounded like a aztec monkey name.

If you'd like to know more about my days in prison just let me know

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fuck yes rape my ass and call me a faggot, it turns me on honestly

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go on...

There will be so much blood in the streets, you’ll be able to float a dingy down Main street.” said Skinhead Militia leader and prominent Antisemitic cartoonist Ben Garrison in a recent call for open race war in America. Appearing in a video on YouTube, which has since been removed, a shirtless and heavily tattooed Garrison called on his “racial brethren” to rise up and “cleanse the genetically inferior filth from our homelands and return the Aryan race to rightful its place of domination over the earth.”
He had some particularly harsh words for the “anonymous Internet trolls” who edit his racist and Antisemitic cartoons to make them about libertarianism, saying “on the ancient Viking Graves of my divine Aryan ancestors, I vow to mow you down like weeds, you spineless kike cowards!”
Though little is known about Garrison’s past, he claims to have done three tours in Vietnam where he “killed more gooks than you can shake a burning cross at.” Upon being dishonorably discharged from the military for what official records call “a spree of genocidal massacres,” he returned home and began making racist cartoons under the pseudonym of A. Wyatt Mann. He says that he used a pseudonym because at that time he was trying to infiltrate the government so that he could “bring down the entire kike system from within.”

has potential

Man I love this slut, been following her from thread to thread. Can you just dump what you have in a mega or something user, god she’s so perfect

she's got it all wow

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Zyklon Ben "Pulling the Trigger on Every Nigger" Garrison here.

I've had enough of the chimpouts in Ferguson and I'm heading down there right now to cleanse the city of the savage nigger hordes using my trusty AR-15 and some sticks of dynamite that I have left over from my last string of synagogue bombings. The streets will run red with the blood of savage subhuman coons once I'm done with the place.

Wish me luck, White brothers.




Do you like twins?

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nme for fap folder, built for fucking and what a tease

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whore is built for bbc

can't get enough, got more good ones of those tits?

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cute slut

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More of her please

Oh man I hadn’t even seen any ass yet. She’s a 10/10 imo

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