Are the Chinese human?
Asians > whites.
I like the Japanese but Chinks are shit.
I hate them, and JAV pornstar sluts. Anyone notice that japanese pornstars either look like a small eyed ugly chink ass Felicia Day? or their just fat and look like a disgusting duck panda hybrid.
Fuck i hate them, ALL OF THEM
White = Asian = conservative blacks > Hispanics >>> leftist blacks = middle easterners
No, they're Asian.
More human than leaves
You remind me on once my uncle asked me if the Chinese are Gog and Magog.
And he was like... just think about it, they are short, a lot, everywhere...
He would actually make a good Sup Forumsack shitposter.
>Implying implications
Chinks have no soul, therefore no, they're not human.
Japanese can stay.
Some Koreans have souls.
Nah, they don't have souls
What if Im leaf and chink?
>black man tried to kill white man with glass in food
>starts thread to ask if chinese are human
at least we dont do any of that shit to you
Are ants insects?
The war against individualism is something I admire from the Chinese.
Yeah that's there's a billion useless peasants leaving their sinking ship.
Absolutely not.
It's amazing how people think Korea is alright when they are no better than Chinks.
>copies shit just as much as China if not worse since they get away with it
>not even remotely interesting if China didn't use them as denbt payers and if Japan didn't rape their ass
i like chinks, but chinks are shit
you see folks , this is why it's better not to mix white with yellow , you'll get a malfunctioning human being
Japs are pretty westernized and are usually respectful. Chinese are literally animals.
hmmm now you sound more normal ,
i have to agree with you , Chinese wont give a flying fuck about a dying person next to them , its like NK v2
The Chinese are an absolute hivemind.
Hence their minimal personalities, and all finding niches in shit jobs that contribute to the chinese HIVE-MACHINE
Chiniese are dogs.
Taiwan is ok.
Japs and Koreans are fine.
Thai """women""" are fine too.
China will stand strong while you pathetic degenerated western faggets will get killed by IS and Sharia.
Also kek at the self-hating chinks aka white washed, aka Taiwan chinks.
Pathetic level over 9000.
>Japs and Koreans are fine.
I actually like them. They make good music and video games. They make good entertainment.
What's Gog and Magog
Hello again Hans. Back again huh:
You apparently...
Jk, they are creatures on Judaism, Christianity, and Islam that will invade the whole Earth, kill almost everyone, and eat almost anything.
Protestants believe on this things the most, while in Islam it's "arguably" and since it's not reality to daily life scholars just ignore it...
It should have been noted that Bush said to France president that the Iraq war was to attack when Gog and Magog will come from, and on general it's supposedly will show up in Middle East.
Also in Islam the fact they exist and got jailed by an older civilization inside the Earth is true, but the fact that they will show up is arguable.
Human garbage
nigger i know all of that shit also they should say incha allah in order to leave a mountain or some shit
It's just a spooky story that our islamic education used to tell us
I'm mooroccan obviously
Why are you asking me then a Zaml?
Not at all.
>over a billion and they're worse than nignogs
bc i'm bored i just wanted to know what a Sup Forums moroccan's point of view about it
Pro tip: That was by a Chinese performance artist who made a bunch of fake photographs of people eating disturbing shit to troll people.
I know the child didn't die, but like come on. How fucking heartless do you have to be to attempt that on a child.
dare tell me there's not some guy right now in China eating a fetus
based af
t. not a chink
>kys senpai lol
>does it
Uh story?
that dust falling really makes you think twice about how much power goes into a shot
I'm not a Sup Forumsack, I'm conservative on the Moroccan way...
The fuck are you doing in chinkland?
Bokanovsky's principle.
Humans are not a eusocial species
so no
shh it's a secret , my ISP and IP range are blocked , and I have a static IP . I'll let guess the rest by yourself
qaddish dubs
Koreans aren't as far removed from the Chinese say like the Japanese who are like another type of Asian (some have non-Asian wax and lots have body hair). but they are certainly different.
Its a bit like how Chinese from HK and Taiwan are really chill in comparison.
libertarians wetting themselves
Why the fuck they started rofling?
You literaly can kill 1,000,000 every day and by the end of the year you only killed 365 million of them. Makes you think...
Of course they're not human.
I'd place Taiwan at near the same tier as Japs and Gooks.Taiwan is very modernized unlike their China counterparts.
>Thai """women""" are fine too.
I saw what you did there. Normally I'd say death to all traps, but I guess they're ok if they're just treated as normal people like they are in Thailand. Trannies in the USA are treated like rock start, but most of them are just 6'2 fat White guys. At least the Thai shedicks actually resemble women and are as small as a woman.
Chinese here. Yeah we're human, we just don't know how to handle emotions and money well. And the ones that can are usually monstrous and end up drinking too much.
>Chinese here. Yeah we're human
Maybe the Taiwanese or Singaporean chinks are human but not the ones in China. That leaves a good chunk of Chinese as subhuman.
Yes they are.
What makes you say that? Hans anywhere are pretty much the same. The ones you talk about only complain about the weather more and take longer to write something.
THIS. All blacks need to do is be productive and have strong family values (be white, essentially) and we wouldn't have issues.
Have you seen the other posts?
Here is a good response from another thread. The guy who posted this is also Chinese, just not a mainlander: You just can't compare the Han in China to Han everywhere else.
Nope, not at all. The only human SEAs are Japs. Chinks and gooks are soulless robots and complete assholes who don't know how to act around other people.
Why didn't you rape more of them nip?
Why didn't you give them some slightly better genes than their current monkey ones?
Still biologically human, but they lack humanity
saved ;)
>What if Im leaf and chink?
Nah, you're just a chink.
>good music
Not Koreans, but Japs actually have the second largest music industry in the world. I dunno what kind of genres you like, but nips have a pretty thriving, healthy music scene.
Chinese people in Germany have the lowest crime rate of all people here. For that, I like them a lot.
they are also socially autistic much like your average kraut
Nice try Merkel.
Time to get a new proxy.
At least they don't shoot us or think that we owe them anything.
>implying Merkel would appreciate high-IQ migrants
Your instinct may say "no" but believe it or not, recent advances in biology have found that chinks are human indeed
jap detected
The higher up ones are a little shady, and the lower class peasants are kinda crazy, but for the most part, they generally follow the rules of society, except punishment if they get caught/make a mistake and at least attempt to fit in.
They generally don't use their culture as excuse to commit crimes, although they eat weird shit sometimes.
they're dangerously inbred.
They are half cat and half human. Dr William Mount told me this.
If we could have, for every refugee, have instead a chinese come here. I'd be glad.
They generally work their asses of so their children can be a doctor.
And their daughters smell way better...
t. weeb
>westernized in 2016
shut up kim
would you use a chinese elevator/escalator for 1mil in gold?
Why are the chinese so fucking crazy?
I went to Costco near Richmond Hill and holy shit is it chink city. Motherfuckers cut in front in you everytime you walk and act like complete jerkasses.
This makes me angry.
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Because you have not yet learned how to deal with them.
Mainland CCP Chinese are subhuman and also Jews of the East, the CCP killed all the mainlanders of value.
I don't know. What does it mean to be human? To be like whites? To be self-hating? To let niggers run rampant? To bend over for muslims every chance you get?
Yes, I'm a chinkfaggot. I like white people for the most part, but the one thing about them that disgusts me is their self-destructive pathological altruism.
Would have been irreverent since the CCP killed all the mainlanders of any value.