Perth, WA nudes thread!
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Perth, WA nudes thread!
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North or south of river hmm
hey that's where my gf is from
wheres that guy who posts the creep pics from cottesloe?
anyone tahlee goodwin?
Post her
Probably in jail
Fucking hot name?
Need some Brandi
would have to go through some old phones to find the pics but deffs have a fair few flicks of exes from freo
Hell yeah bro, can you name a few?
EG means nothing to me ree
That's a shame
What about down south in Esperance
Brooke T
Know a girl named Mel?
Fucking hot, anymore?
Yeah, I do
What does her last name start with?
also got any nudes of her?
anyone got nudes of her? Sophia something
S, no
got kik?
Anyone got Alison Wiltshire?
I fucking hope so.
Vid here
I suggest you make one if you want to know more ;)
how do you know her?
Would you fuck her?
Any perth cosplayers?
Anyone looking for south of the river girls?
post some names
Anyone got pics of Ashleigh hanks?