I'm thinking about starting a movement for serious Fascists, what do you goys think?

I'm thinking about starting a movement for serious Fascists, what do you goys think?

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Sounds like a solid plan except for the part where you get raped in prison after being convicted of running a terrorist organisation.

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Nazis suck.
Go fuck yourself.

You know it’s just going to degenerate into a bunch of lonely guys flexing on each other over who’s the most many and dedicated to ‘the cause’.

keep crying about it, jew. and if you're not one, stop being such a wannabe victim.

I think you should find an actual useful hobby instead of participating in dumb irrelevant shit like this.

Join the left climate change nutters.

Just go to Sup Forums

Fascists and national socialists would've sent the degenerates like you and the idiot in the pic to concentration camps.

I think you should just skip to the part where you blow your brains out in a basement to save time

Bro I'm with you. Fuck Jews these sheep have no clue that they are in fact, sheep.

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Bu why bother when Antifa already doing so well.

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this is an image reply for a post on Sup Forums because I'm ip range banned from posting images on Sup Forums.
fuck jannies

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We can see you from space glownigger

So you're a cuckold huh? Just picking whichever side is the strongest? no personal beliefs?

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Go to your local police station and offer to clean their boots with your tongue.

They thought tattoos were reserved for freak show performers and considered those people to be degenerate so that’s a fair bet

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why dont you join one instead OP? Theres far too many around, starting something new is hopeless. Unless you have a decent plan.. or some friends.

What a douche.

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Op at the moment.

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yeah definitely not trolling

Why would anyone want to do this to thier body... men aren't designed to take in horse cock that's why not what god or nature intended

Why are you asking me? Ask the OP.

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Go back to pol you mongoloid

Ok liberal

it's the parasite inside them. It demands they shove things in their butt, and people, as to spread the parasite.
It's the difference between gays and fags.
Parasitic Infection.

Yeah, being open about that kinda thing is a good way to get ostracized by society. And then you can't really be the change you want to see in the world, can you?

No way this is a troll thread, can't be, otherwise there wouldn't be this many responses.
Ahhh Sup Forums what happened to you?


Aren't there any nice girls that you would rather be spending your time with instead?

God created niggers and is responsible for every act of evil, if he exists. Not gonna take any pointers from him. Same for 'nature'. But yeah, the man in the picture is a degenerate, and is hopefully gone from injuries received from a massive fucking horsecock.

I think you're too much of a pussy and your low breed mix mut ancestry being exposed to them will find you and the end of a rope

Big plans no girlriends

Get butt fuckd shnizel suckers - come get stomped on again like the prissy little leather wearing gimps y’all are

Liberals are ironically fascist.
Liberals ironically promoting global socialism.

Neo-liberals pieces of shit must die

Just apply yourself. Girls are fun. That is all. Best of luck.


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I’m down as fuck. Please use assclowns united as your music at gatherings




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The corporations, state, and private central bank are already blatantly married in the US.
What kind of fascism are you talking about?

user I'm not talking your stupid race war crap get get back to pol that's wwre you belong

I'm thinking: why bet on an ideology that has never succeeded? There's no argument supporting their ideals.

kek. brainless pidorushka

>serious Fascists

Not me, I'm starting one for flippant fascists.

Dunno but here's a virgin Jewish girl I really wanna see get wrecked by a superior Aryan stud lmao

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>>serious fascists

Thats the thing about fascists. They can't be serious no matter how hard they try.


Kike just realised communism is coming for him.
Don't join the unpaid army of free fascist worms

all fascist groups take them selfs as serious as you take yours

nobody actually identifies as a fascist, it's just the leftist equivalent of "nigger" and equally as mindless

actually believing stereotypes about people you politically disagree with will be considered embarrassing and childish by the time we are old and these days will be the reason for it

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Just because someone doesn't admit to being a fascist doesn't mean they aren't one. Not all opinions are equal. Some people deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised.

>i'll be considered an absolute cringebaby child with dried up chocolate pudding on his face by people 10 years from now

shouldn't you be off building THE REVOLUTION or some shit? in between episodes of rick and morty i'm sure.

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Why not try and start a girlfriend instead?
You can't be an angry fascist incel forever you know, maybe it's time to grow up? Pic related.

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Wow edgy

I don't get the nazi deal.

For being a master race, they sure as shit lose a lot, don't they? They lose a lot, and they need to lie about it afterwards. Doesn't sound so fucking master to me.

That wasn't the Nazi deal but ok boomer

Just because someone doesn't admit to being an incel doesn't mean they aren't one. Not all virgins are equal. Some neo nazis deserve to be marginalized and disenfranchised.

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I'd say your fucking scum. I hope you eat lead for Israel after being drafted you wannabe tough guy fuck.

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You either spent 3/4 of your life in basement or are a 13 year old. Go back to Sup Forums for your regular circlejerk.

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I think your whole political ideology is based around a jew (shitler) and it is controlled opposition and that you should kill yourself.

Yeah people like you ya fuckin' retard

Can't you just join one of the umphteen other ones? Of do you need to be the leader since you are such a genius?

quads of truth

Neck yourself

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By who? We're going to kill you all before you kill us, just like last time.

yes. please do. and make sure you share all discord/irc/onion links here. you know, so we can all totally join you.

each person in each of these groups is trying to climb the ladder of shit toward the top. only thing they hate more than minorities is eachother.

why? fascists have lost every single time.

Imagine getting this triggered by someone saying the word nigger offhandedly lol. The post wasn't even about race.

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lol funny thing is that this place is an even better honeytrap than stormfront


Fucking do it m8 we need more white unity

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Okay glownigger

Beware of false flaggers, infiltrators, and other agitators. The start-up phase is where the FBI loves to place sleeper agents.

don't listen to these losers, go for it user, you have our support, CLEAN UP YOUR HOME TOWN!

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I think you'll end up with a bunch of npc edgelord kids online, just like all modern fascist movements are today. When the time comes to group up and actually rally in person the resulting populations are nowhere near the numbers that they appear to be online.
>yfw when your "movement" is 90% meth-head 18 year old keyboard warrior children

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hows it feel to hold an ideal so worthless that it still risks a beatdown from everyone around you in the number one country for freedom of speech?

Well the thing is, even tho leftists label everybody fascists and nazi's these days, the amount of people who want to actually murder or hurt people over their Ideologies has never been so low since the 2nd WW (except Muslims). So you will find out that practically nobody will join your party. Right nationalist, and intelligent identity politics righters, diversity by separation but collaboration with other ethnicities on the other hand have never been so popular. (30-60% of the population in almost all non African and middle east countries) If you set up a group with smart, well dressed, well spoken people you could have a colossal fanbase within a year.

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yeah nah bro. a piece of shit in a suit is still a piece of shit.

Glow for it, user. Make sure to use your real name and post on Facebook about it, don't be afraid anymore. Everyone will support you in your glorious luminescent ways!

You're making an awful lot of assumptions for someone talking to an user. But then again, can't really expect that much from you, can I?

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i was born better than you. you wouldn't understand.

Not the Sup Forumsro you're responding to but LMFAO. Sorry to break it to you there SHitler but yes, the Nazis lost. So did the South in the U.S. Civil War, which makes redneck nazis who embrace both losers the most entertaining kind of stupid.

Happy to hear that you finally love yourself user. Just remember to repeat the mantra "I am deserving of love and respect" every time you wake up and it'll all be ok!

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Fuck You Jew! Fuck You! Fuck You! Fuck You!

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Shut tf up! The civil war was for territorial & economic interest
so you fought the south in favor of your union kikes same for WW2

Right, because the only people who don't like Nazis are Jews.

HAHAHAH SHITler hahhaha funny meme pun hahaha funy pooppoo hahaha shit LER hahahahahahah

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same fag shit
retarded larping bait shit faggy cancer ebola thread.
fuck every one in it.

You're right! Lets fix it! This is now a post any image/gif/webm thread! anything goes! Lets make it entertaining!

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Take advice and be like the main protagonist in SLC Punk. Become a lawyer and gain power somewhere and then influence. Not be a keyboard warrior pleading for donations.