Alright Sup Forums so there is this russian screencap software, where everything capped is automatically uploaded to the website. Just type in Prnt,sc/[Six letters or numbers]. Let me know your findings
Alright Sup Forums so there is this russian screencap software...
Other urls found in this thread:
/gh6395 is someones credit card information
What’s the story here? Where do these screenshots come from?
people who use the software
It looks like Lightshot is a screenshot app but it saves the screenshots to prnt-sc website.
Yeah, it's very shady
Pretty sure its just the link they’re given when its taken although whoever made it parse publically is an actual retard. You could write a script to pull a bunch of them although its mainly russian boring shit so far no naked chicks
ohhh Natasha
Let's see what I can get out of this
Found a dick
made me kek
something about minecraft again. cant read it though
Too bad its already expired
i have a shitty java app that does this with imgur.
The numbers and characters aren't randomly generated
it's basically a counter
It first goes from 0 to 9 then from a to z
At the moment the counter is at
If you increase the counter enough you can catch up with the screencaps that are being made and, if you keep reloading the page, you will eventually see a screenshot instead of a text saying that it's been deleted
This means that you can gather screencaps from this site directly when they are made
Found someones password reset bois /qjdjad
This becomes self evident when you see
/qk2yj3 gave me a bit of a shock when this popped up.
Is there a way to find the earliest screenshot that hasn't been deleted yet?
/poopee is fucking nonsense
if you mean the girl, @Ziiiiper on twit, nudes are out there
Imgur roulette is better
If you're willing to count in 0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz instead of 0123456789 and you use a little bit of brain power
Then yes
It's a higher lower game
If you see an image that says "This screenshot was removed" you need your 36-base number to be a bit lower, if you see a screencap you need a number that is a bit higher
However, there is a constant stream of new screenshots being made, so catching up with that would mean you'd have to type at an ungodly speed and your internetspeed has to be fast enough.
So no you won't be precise, but if you play the higher lower game good enough it will work
Kind of
What this has taught me so far,
Shit loads of russian
Screenshots of the most useless crap
Found someones entire vault