I watched someone die IRL once

I watched someone die IRL once.

I can't tell any one IRL. Too guilty. It’s eating away at me

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You better keep your damn mouth shut.

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What happened

I was drunk, walking home so late it was early and I saw a guy crash his whip. He survived the impact but was all messed up afterwards. Instead of calling for emergency services I watched him suffer and expire

I regret it man

Even if you called. If the injury was so extreme hè would've died b4 medical service could be there?

Thanks for telling us

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Nah. He would have likely lived if I called right away and he got to a hospital.
His left arm must of gotten caught between the ground and car when it was rolling over. Looked like shreds of flesh and fat clinging onto pulverized bones. His elbow was indistinguishable.
Had a rather large gash across his forehead towards the scalp and something must have punctured his chest because it was soaked in blood and was gushing it out at first.

It was almost 4 am and the hospital was only 10 min drive with no traffic at that hour

I could have saved his life but i instead watched him bleed out for half an hour

The medics said he died by the time they arrived. I lied when i said i called them right away because i was scared if i told the truth that i watched him suffer

Haha even though this is Sup Forums im posting from a public library

No one canever know I acted like this

i seent a crazy ass light dont heard me bitchin


monkey speak, ignore

There are security cameras in libraries and probably around any building surrounding it. They just have to align dates and times. I'm sure you might have even had to sign in to use the computer.

whhy did you just watch him retard

Lol so what
I never stated where I am now, where this took place, when it took place, any other details.
Thousands of people die in car crashes every year. Nobody is going to connect the dots of some user and John Doe.

Besides, Im not concerned with the legal standpoint. I don’t think what I did(or didn’t do) is technically illegal. I’m more concerned from a moral POV. I did something selfish and evil. It eats at me all the time. I csnt stop thinkng about how i heard him beg. I wake up sweating and scared from nightmares I cant remember. I want to apologize for my sins but I can’t because he died and no one else but me knows what I did.
I cant tell anyone IRL because they might look at me as a monster


In the moment I was marveling at his injuries and how he seemed not in pain. Slowly the adrenaline faded & he felt it, I was just sucked in and wanted to see how far he could feel it. The mfer was begging me to call the ambulance but I was too enthralled at watching the viscera.
It’s kind of like; if you’ve ever watched those Mexi cartel beheading videos, you know it’s fucked, but can’t look away.

I snapped out of it when I realized he was passing out from blood loss & was watching a human being die because of a morbid curiosity.

It actually is illegal at least in my country and you get jail time for failure to provide assistance

And by the way yes. I realize this is borderline psychopathic behavior. I’m a depraved individual but this, this bothers me man
I notice I drink alot now to avoid the guilt I feel.
Im so sorry Mr. Dudebro. You must hate me

Maybe it is here too

I dont care

Not going to jail over a guilty conscience when nothing can be changed now. He’s gone. Forever

Maybe ill kms over guilt ona these days. Maybe. I’ll take my own life before I let the state own me
Maybe I’ll take this with me to the grave.
Most likely

you are a piece of shit for not helping him.

I know
I wish to repent or atleast make up for the deed somehow

You sound like a cunt.

Tell me something I don’t know

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Final Bump

Did u at least jerk off while he was dying u sorry sac of shit lol

Fukken saved lmao

You probably already know that you should kill yourself. Yet here you are.

No i was not sexually aroused lol
Like i said b4. Unlikely