Trump is a bitch ass failure fuck fuck fuck fucking bitch ass motherfucking failfure fuck! Prove me wrong

Trump is a bitch ass failure fuck fuck fuck fucking bitch ass motherfucking failfure fuck! Prove me wrong.
>Protip: you can't!

Attached: 4568741.jpg (480x360, 78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you need a tissue, crybaby?

this post is like facebook took a shit on Sup Forums

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Are you mad because he didnt kill any civilians in his Iran strike like Obama would have done?


I can't user.

Attached: 1571902884475.png (590x262, 45K)

Within minutes some retard will post the 'you are here' image.

Attached: f33eea2a8962647da893786b74f5b8589c031f8caaa760ec0ab4eff20d7be160.jpg (625x508, 74K)

you are here.jpg

>Boomer far left incel cries about Trump's inevitable 2020 re-election: The Thread

>MAGA people be like

Attached: 1513209560233s.jpg (125x124, 4K)

seems you know where you stand. user has done his job

Have fun getting drafted libtard. We need all the canon fodder we can get at this point.

3 years of your autistic screeching about Orange Man Bad down, 5 to go.
How frustrating it must be for you, when you visit NYC do you walk on the other side of the street from the Trump tower?

Imagine being a buttblasted liberal cucked so much by things out of your control.

Being an emotionally dysregulated gender dysphoric autistically screeching self-loathing libtard bending the knee (and over) for his mentally ill lqbtqp overlords is no way to go through life.

Remember that feeling you had, the night she lost?
That sick feeling of shame and helplessness, like some indefinable part of you had been raped?
That feeling of despair?
That the world had just flipped, turned upside down?
That evil had triumphed over good?


Well, get ready for a second dose come November 2020. Because there will be no impeachment, contrived articles are rotting on Pelosi's desk. And no amount of shilling on social media is going to save you faggots.


It's like trump raped your mom, set your fucking house on fire and ripped your nuts from your crotch and is wearing them publicly. That's the level of fucking assblast you people exhibit for him.

Attached: !cryingloserliberals2020.jpg (1191x1200, 189K)

There he is.

>assuming only libtards getting drafted
>all the bitch ass nazis and trump supporters like me are getting drafted too tomorrow
Fuck you user

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Cry more you pathetic little internet faggot.

nigga got trips...guess you better listen

I voted for Trump cause I thought he would fix things. I was so wrong, I've never been more disappointed in a president, myself, or my country. He is the biggest threat to America and the world at large at this point. Any other Republican but Trump 2020 pls

have sex


>I'm too retarded to LARP properly.


Attached: libnightmare.jpg (958x960, 357K)

Im a fucking anarchist and you're a shit baitist, git gud

I don't care I don't vote the world is a shit waiting to get flushed

they're just dodge the draft like they did during vietnam, and complain about 'private bonespurs' at the same time. the narrative will shift from "fucking draft dodger" to "but he did it 1st so its ok"

Seethe more

Attached: trumptrig.jpg (599x600, 72K)

I'm not getting drafted, I don't meet the eligibility requirements.. I'm too old... suck it, nerd. lmao

You expected anything different from any politician? How stupid are you?

>Guaranteed 5 more years of Trump
>Guaranteed at least 4 years of a GOP Controlled Congress

Yeah, I'm sure they're tore up over winning, mate. You can't even put on a brave face you're seething and crying so hard.

Attached: sure.jpg (407x521, 32K)

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I've been voting red since Bush. But the GOP used to be the party of values and this clown is destroying our image. Now we're the party of pedos, perverts, crooks, and exploitative billionaires. I'm a never-Trumper cause it's the true GOP. He's just some russian bot

>I've been voting red since Bush.
You don't have to KYS, your clock is ticking boomer.

>Implying there's going to be a draft.
user, no one's getting drafted. First it'd have to be approved by Congress - it won't. And It'd require the Iranian regime being suicidal enough to want to be obliterated by a sustained American aerial bombardment. The Mullahs are all about survival.

TL;DR - stop being retarded.


Fucking shill, politics go on pol. Your on the wrong board. People on b have no standards and are here to fap to something disgusting. We don’t care about whinny faggot political shills