Loli thread v2

Loli thread v2

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Blow your brains out, pedophile

Ohh by the trips of truth, this is now the comfy CAT LOLI thread v1.

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Wickr yeet4loli

Might as well post this

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Thanks for the bump homo

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Don't mind me just checkin'

Blow your brains out, pedophiles.

Kill yourself, pedo.

You're not fooling us, you stupid glownigger. Die in a grease fire.

All pedophilies deserve to die, even if they don't rape kids or only like fake CP

We're blowing our brain out with rainbows and cat lolis and happiness and all that stuff.

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Fuck you, faggot. Go be a pussy somewhere else

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We all deserve to die one day, including you, that's the whole point of life. Don't forget, you'll die one day too, and make it to the cat loli heaven where there is no sadness or depression, only love and sunshine.

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Slit your wrists you worthless pedo

you will be burning in hell where satan will be raping your asshole until it prolapses for all eternity, pedoshit

How about a blow my load? Final offer

Sad to say I haven't sorted my folder into cat lolis, I know, I'm a disappointment

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Why tho


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Satan has a collection of bad behaving lolis. The evil lolis, because we all know most of the cats are evil. So it's still a win win situation, just because of the cat lolis alone.

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"Not me, user. I'm going to live forever and ever"

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Wanting to rape kids is worthy of being tortured to death, even if you don't act on it

Neither have I. But I don't have standard lolis too much, so it's maybe by default a cat loli folder?

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>Believing in Hell

Get a load of this guy, fuckin' fossil

Who wants to rape kids? That sounds a bit like projection, mate

They will stick needles in your cock and gut you, sicko

"I know right, everyone knows we live in a computer simulation."

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he said he would being going to heaven lmao
Also neck yourself, you pedo

I hope you all die agonising deaths, pedos

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Try to rape my kids and I'll crush your dick and nuts with my boots and I'll relish in your screams of agony, sick fuck


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I feel for you
at least Pedophiles have low IQs lol
wanting to fuck kids literally means you're retarded

"I'm afraid for your kids, to have such a violent father that relishes in cruel and unusual torture. What horrors are you bringing on to them. Please explain in detail."

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Most of us can distinguish between fantasy and reality. Sounds like you can't. You should have that looked into.

"This guy probably thinks that cat girls are real, and this is an actual living being."

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Blow your brains out, pedophiles.

You want to rape a kid, even if its not real you're a pedophile and you should be executed

Isn't that basically the same as believing in God

I'd love your gouge your eyes out so you can never leer at a kid ever again, freak

Why tho

"You want to literally murder people that ARE real. YOU should be executed."

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These spambots are getting really annoying.
Who said they want to rape a kid? We're just looking at pictures like you are.

Why tho

"Awe user, I love your eyes too."

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Murdering pedophiles is perfectly okay
Because you're a pedophile duh

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"I bet you wouldn't stop at pedo's. How many people have you killed already?"

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>the only person who says something nice in the entire comment chain is the one talking about cat loli heaven of love and sunshine

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Man it feels good to be a dirty pedo. I wanna fuck kids and stick my dick balls deep in lolis, and love them, cum in and all over them, followed by cuddles and headpats. If you don't wanna love and headpat kids and lolis you're the only sick fuck around here.

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"Am I a joke to you?"

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>Believes the low IQ statistic.

Gee, I wonder why all the pedos that are so dumb they got caught and thrown in prison have lower IQ than the general population

"Rhetorical question, I'm nothing but jokes."

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ok roasty

any tributes?

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*Pedos in Spanish*

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>Because you're a pedophile

Doesn't sound like my fucking fault

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If it's a cat loli I can take it.

Cat lolis are love, cat lolis are life. May eternal cat loli heaven watch over you.

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Wickr: flipdipper

I don't have one :(

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imagine actually having a little sister who gets angry at you for not using her for sex.

post cat lolis for JUSTICE

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Always cat lolis

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Sauce on this? Never could find the doujin

Truly sad, I feel your pain. I'd give anything for a sexy little sister

I fucking know right? Would be pure heaven~

One cat loli coming right up!

Sadly I don't have sauce, I just have this crop of the doujin page :(

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Sauce on the request: Totsugeki Tonari no Onii-chan Ch. 1-7 on page 41 top page.

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The actual page

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Cat loli master signing out.

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Thx user

Have y'all played this shit? So good.

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I need that .mpo file

If they tell you your goin to hell they are not Christian, cause a Christian doesn’t pass judgement

Illusion studios are better. That is just like a ... uhm, flash... Just like the liru game.
But the downside with illusion is the sound effects. They are horrible... not even the lowest budget hentai have sfx that bad.

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The studies compare pedophilic sex offenders to non-pedophilic sex offenders and non-sexual offenders, that explanation doesn’t work

No, they're sandniggers hating on cat lolis ahd happiness and no depression and shit man.

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Be nice

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>still think IQ is a relevant argument in a discussion

Wow folks, you know you're stupid when numbers define you as humans.

As a pedo whenever I see some other pedo getting defensive at the IQ statistics it leads me to believe it is probably true, because that retarded pedo is evidently too stupid to know what the word AVERAGE means

Happiness and cat lolis, yay!

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So I'm just special for somehow being one and having a high IQ? Gee, user, you really know how to make a guy feel special

Wanting to rape real children and wanting to have consensual sex with a drawing are 2 different things

I would say I seriously doubt that you do if you think the statistics mean that you shouldn’t

If only pussies got wet that fast

Also please source god dammit

That still says that average pedophilic sex offender who gets caught is on average less intelligent than the average sex offender and non-sexual offender that gets caught. That just indicates that you need a lower IQ to abuse a kid and get caught for it, than you need to steal a car and get caught for it.

I'm aware if my own intelligence, I just get defensive when people use bogus statistics to argue why certain groups of people are worth less as humans

anyone who calls themselves master of anything is a faggot

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I don't think that the statistics have any bearing on me as an individual. But you're using the IQ stat to argue that pedophiles on the whole are subhuman