Don’t be nice to them or you’re racist

Don’t be nice to them or you’re racist

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White people shouldn't be allowed to speak.

This is 100% fact the KKK has been killing them niggers with kindness for 200 years.

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Niggers don't deserve to breed I wish a holocaust happened only for niggers

Shut up, white boy.
Speak when spoken first.

I will slap you with my BBC.

Get zykloned

Muh dicc
You made me hate black people

Never relax....

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You disgust me, son of Yakub.
You hate us because you fear us.

Melanin makes you strong.

It speaks for themselves that the only thing blacks try to boast with is their dick.

And dim witted

There’s still hope

IQ of 60

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Truth hurts.

Look believe what you want, I disagree with this too but when you post internet articles as a show of what people think in general you’re fucking stupid and small minded. I hate this generation, too fucking stupid to ignore filler, can’t read between the lines blind retards.

There are no niggers in this thread, prove me wrong

And that's nice, until one shows up...

O hell nah nigga just wait muthafuckin cracka this shit ain’t a joke wait till I see your ass nigga

"Everything is racist, everything is sexist, everything if homophobic and you have to point it all out."
-a con artist

hey white boi. imma woop ur ass

be silent troll, or i cut your finger nails

kinda gay tbh

Selective breeding made you strong

Do have to laugh at the amount of blatant racists there are out there who claim it's ok because it's not possible to be racist against white people. Racism is racism, pretending your not racist just makes it worse. At least fess up to it.

It's been there motif sense the far right thing really took hold, Look proper and put on the airs of politeness while also spouting hate speech

I think there is certainly something to "benevolent racism", those who are trying be overly accommodating to a person solely based on the colour of their skin (especially when there is an audience around that they can signal their virtue to) are showing more racism than someone simply speaking out of ignorance or expressing their own viewpoint.

Treating minorities like they are little children than "NEED OUR HELP!" rather than teaching them how to take care of themselves and take personal responsibility does nothing but reinforces the notion that they aren't on the same level and need their hands held at every moment for them to succeed.

I don't think there's any surprise that white Americans like to talk about African American's problems more than they do.

This just seems like trolling like using the okay sign.

Thanks for being part of the problem Jamal.

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I love how you BBC is the only positive thing you can think of.

>Sup Forums making everything a white supremacy tactic
>sjws actually taking it seriously
it's literally like holding your finger super close to your sibling while telling them you're not touching them

>I never met a polite jew
Well, he isn´t wrong though

Yeah, being loud, rude, and ignorant is a black thing


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no one on earth detests african americans (all of them) more than i do


looks like a dude tbh

I disagree, btw I’m chinese

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I dont dislike you because youre black. I hate white people and asians too. I just dont like people in general and feel the earth would be better with nobody on it

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So... They're saying I SHOULD call them niggers then? Cas that would be mean and therefore not racist right?

Chinese are the niggers of the Asian race.

What else is new

They want you to give them your money and then die

If you're not nice to an entire group of people because of their race, then yes that means you're a racist

Me have big dick
Me skin dark
Me know only chicken.

Also if you're white and nice to people who aren't, then yes you're a racist

It’s true though. There’s a guy in my workplace who is by far the friendliest, most outgoing person there. At the same time though, he’s a ’race realist’ who believes that most people are sheep, while a small minority (including him) are qualitatively better. He’s glad that people like him are banding together, and looks forward to the day that they take over, at which time he will rejoin the military, he’ll then have a whale of a time probably riding around in a tank with his buds, maybe doing a little ethnic cleansing or whatever. Doing society some good, you know?

The ’being nice’ is just a cover. Don’t be fooled..

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u all want it
too bad, not allowed to look anymore

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i know another thing minorities say

white people are really nice. until they aren't.

look at this racist white boy (video related)

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Mother fuck this pisses me off. My wife's co-worker is a Quan who had to be told not to throw trash wherever she wanted. The Quan bitch literally had no idea she was supposed to use a trash can, because she was raised around other quans who were equally as ignorant.


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U didn’t like black panther? Bro you’re racist

All "black" posters are race-baiting Jews. Answer the JQ correctly and we all win a prize.

>Stop forcing WASP culture on us
Simple: get the fuck out of White nations and take your kikes with you.

You must've forgot about Filipino's, bro.

Show bobs and vagene, bitch