Hello Sup Forums , I got this shit on my balls for quite a while and have no idea what it is, any ideas...

Hello Sup Forums , I got this shit on my balls for quite a while and have no idea what it is, any ideas? Will I die soon?

Attached: ballslol.jpg (1116x1488, 155K)

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It's probably genital warts tbqh lad
RIP in peace OP

i had this a while back. just take a needle an poke it open then it will heal in like 2days

pop film and post

try to pop it like a pimple

Pretty sure its nothing to worry about, iirc its a result from shaving without being 100% clean. Like a super ingrown hair mixed with a pimple.
Can just lance it or let it pop naturally.

Tho mine was on the base of my dick, not my balls, so idk, could be something different.

>ribbed for her pleasure

I have the same thing, sometimes i think about using a needle

bro i have the same thing, can post pics if you need. Its like pimples from shaving.

This. Take needle, clean the area with alcohol and pop it. Don't forget to post pics

do use a needle and post it here for ebic upboats

you fags need to stop talking about it and post some pictures

Ingrown hair. You're fine.

Definitely AIDS

its penis eater, basically takes the meat from your penis to the bump
your penis will shrink to perfect 4 incher

Nothing to worry about. I had these, went to see a doctor and I got an appointment with surgeon.
The surgical procedure was pretty quick, ten minutes maybe. You'd be out in under an hour (including overhead such as undressing, dressing, etc.)

Not sure about the needle. From my experience, smaller ones could be popped like a pimple, larger ones were quite firm, maybe a razor if you're into that.

Search google for "sebaceous cyst scrotum", or see wiki:

>Will op die soon?
Bathe more often.

Go to a dermatologist if it's worrying that bad. Probably just an infected hair follicle / pore created a zit on your cock.So either lance it with a sterilized needle & drain it, or go see a doctor.

med fag here, 100% sure you’re growing a 3rd nut

Looks like an ingrown hair to me. Take a needle and pop it

It may be a cyst, since it's white try bathing it in warm salty water and see if it pops.

>on my balls
Do you stick your balls in too user?

Sebaceous cyst. Probably means you need to wash your balls more because all that gunk is getting clogged in your pores.
Easy to solve, just stab it and squeeze. Will hurt a little.
I have a few of these, not of that size, though. They'll keep coming back if you don't get them lasered. Cyst wall will stay while the contents go, so it'll keep reappearing.

Had one high up on my balls, disappeared on its own. Got a fresh one further down on my balls later tho, and went to town. Had to snip it open with sterilized scissors, lots of blood. Dug around with tweezers and had to physically pull out the cyst, no amount of squeezing would have helped.

MD here. Go to the doctor immediately. This is cancer of the ball sack.

Looks like early testicular cancer. Balls aren't supposed to have lumps, not even small ones.

Just a cyst. pop it, keep it clean.

Moms a nurse, she says its herpes sorry bout your sick dick bro.

This. I had it for two years and it popped in the shower to weeks ago.

It bled a little then I squeezed out a little stone like thing.... all healed up now I've always blamed it on an in growing hair.

Pop it and post video you fucking charlatan


did the same, small scalpel, small incision, bit pressure - it'll go
desinfect everything before and after

i can tell. you its not a wart and do NOT pop it just in case it is cancerous go to a dermatologist dont be a fucking retard for some fucks on the internet #paramedic

also i may not even know what im talking about i am just a para not a dr.