how do I rape the most women possible before I die Sup Forums
How do I rape the most women possible before I die Sup Forums
You killing your self or you just wanna get away with it?
Join a frat
Tinder. DMT.
By being reported to the feds
>pay for prostitutes
>rob them after
>must be rape now
Kys troglodyte. Also drunk women are your best bet.
you have to be born a goatfucker, then its like a daily chore.
seems counterintuitive but ill try this
How many xany bars for blackout?
ask bill cosby
dont roofie, too risky, just go to alot of parties and wait for one to pass out
No more than 8mgs
Become a chad.
Women will let you rape them.
Train until you’re abnormally strong. The key to this is speed. If you’re going for the most, you have to keep going until you’re caught. If you space it out between days, you’re likely to get caught before it’s even begun.
Get viagra from your doctor, claim erectile dysfunction.
Wait outside anywhere of your choosing at sundown. Pop Viagra. Drag the first alone woman you see somewhere secluded and rape her. Drive to a new location, repeat. Keep doing this until sunrise. Go home. Do it again the next day with a new set of locations. Keep doing this until you’re caught, and you might end up with the highest tally ever done. Godspeed user.
So 8mg and they're a ragdoll?
Be rich, handsome, and psychopath.
set link please?
Women are super easy dude, go fuck bar sluts, why do you need to rape them?
Maybe I could be a chad but it only takes 2 years to build a good body, then an hour or two to put on deodorant, trim yourself up, etc. then go out.
Just study a bit of sex psychology too if you want to be that good and it shouldn't be hard at all.
If you even have social anxiety you can do exposure therapy and just go to public places and talk to random people, not that hard, figure out a bit of psychology and youd be golden.
Join french foreign legion... lots of rape in war zones
know from experience?
>then an hour or two to put on deodorant
nigga just how fucking stinky are you?
i am a big stinky nigger haha hoho
giv them money and they let u rape them, i fuck a diff girl every eek, always a 9 or 10
pics or didnt happen
but what kind of money??
Anyone else have like the opposite of a rape fetish? I really like the blushing and cute looks girls give me when they really want it.
>Big stinky
Yup. 3 yrs and then I deserted. Tons of degenerates. 1 in 10 dies before 5 yr contract is up. 10 outta 10 raped a bitch.
Easy, snap your own fucking neck.
Not sure what advice I can give but I feel ya OP. For what it's worth, I raped my girlfriend before she became my girlfriend. I was wearing a mask so she doesn't know it was me. Was her first time too so getting to pop that cherry was fucking awesome. You'll get your chance man, just don't be dumb about it. has some solid advice on the matter.
>be rich
>be raging liberal
damn that pic
greentext everything
Have daughters. Break them in young. Rape regularly. Worked for me.
>Pop Viagra
I've heard Viagra can make it harder to cum, probably better just to avoid masterbation until you're pent up enough
liar lmao
lol why did u post her here lmao
I mean it works for sure, you get started very young and rape and fuck them constantly, you have perfectly obedient sex toys and free pussy for life. Good stragey for pedos and also for just rapists who want it easy
this lil feminist bitch has 0 nudes online... get that shit out of here
Rape at an average rate, but live for a very very long time.
best advice in thread
>that pic
idk mane.. if the sexes were reversed im p sure they could make an identical collage
plus, it's only 3 responses. they omitted the countless ones calling him out i bet
right, cause if you don't cum it doesn't count as rape
im sure that will hold out in court
This version is cut down, there was one chick that was trying to get freaky saying she could be his little one or some shit.
switching the genders isn't really going to prove the point as a guy would fuck mud.
But put a fat balding man as the photo and then see what happens, being the point. I think.
I don't exactly know why that point has to be made, both men and women like attractive things.