Drawthread - Lazy Day edition
Drawthread - Lazy Day edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Please redraw my oc
Fuck off
Requesting a redraw of the bottom right scene with Bulma giving a cheeky expression.
Requesting Hyp getting /ss/'d by Reimu and impregnating her
Requesting Mercuria riding a human cock with a good front view.
Requesting Geppetto-bot from the movie Pinocchio 3000 with an erect robot cock.
/ring/ a CUTE female frieza with pom-poms wishing us a happy frieza day, please.
Requesting her getting impregnated by some bottom of the barrel, lowlife scum of a man. For example a hobo, maybe in an alleyway, and have her be into it.
Fuck off
Nice one, rider. Also, nice dubs.
Rider kill yourself
Requesting someone getting a blowjob and their facial expression is like pic related when they are near climax.
requesting frieza teasing yamcha (sexually)
Hello, rider. Are you doing requests? If so, I'll be requesting pic related getting fucked by someone who's standing up who has both her legs lifted up. While she is fucked she is saying "Cuuuuuuuuuum".
Why do i keep coming back to this place.
not doing requests kinda busy atm
nice one too nice trip user
Fuck off
/r/ this scene but with naked women
Rider is a trap.
I sexually violated a drawfag
Requesting some zombie Jill and zombie Claire lesbian action
Requesting a conjoinment of Palutena and Pit like in the reference, their fused form would have both penis and vagina.
tell me about that time you pretended to be queen of england at Sup Forums
Requesting to draw her
ths is a new pokemon, i call it beardick
You sure are obsessed with this fake queen of yours.
Now show it's evolved form.
Fuck off
Requesting this girl i.imgur.com
it is now a beardick&balls
Fuck off
And it's final form?
>yay poka is in thread, lets join
>o-oh ...what the ...
maybe another time
why do you want a drawing of Gozer the Traveler's pussy?
needs more dick
one and three are me the rest could be one very bored user
>when you take the time to memorize some random faggot's name on a anonymous website
I claim 2/5/7.
So it's at least three.
It's.... it's in the filename. Every time he posts.
>Being this desperate for attention.
user. I pity you.
suck them off harder goon.
>when your brain is so full of shit that you can't read filenames
ive been practicing my drawings
i can draw some stuff for yall if you want but im not an artist i just do this to kill some time
the newness in you it is large and gay
Fuck off
>this close to digits
You do realize he's drawing huge cock monsters, right?
Swing and a miss again, friend. Good to see you have a hobby though! Because with those below rookie numbers you'll never get a job in this town that pays.
that's what your requesting.so why do you want that?
your a robot programmed to post that when pictures are sent
yeah, keep sucking them harder, it might work eventually
If that's the case draw me an extreme koala commando killing kangaroo insurgents in war ravaged australian outback ruled by the king cane toad Carl. Who just so happens to have started this war with his brother Corl.
they only post when an artist posts so probably not
It already worked once though. I got his cockmon to evolve.
Is this jealousy I'm seeing in you here? Are you jealous of anons and drawfags on a vietnamese butterfly collecting forum?
>The robot theory
Requesting this girl getting her first anal inside a car something like that molestation scene from the movie bastard out of carolina when the protagonist is sodomized by her step-father inside a the car. That or her giving a deep blowjob(her with a throat so deep that her lips touchs guy's balls)
It is you who is avatarwhiteknighting on a korean basket weaving forum.
Seethe harder, slave.
obvious samefag
well would you look at that .who knew suave Boomhaur played basketball?
Im not requesting that woman from ghostbusters. Please read the whole request
Not sure how I'm white knighting. I'm just havin' a laugh with drawfags. And, at the moment, a jealous fag who's probably more lonely than the only negro in rural japan
Your desperation shows, friend. Maybe you'll get lucky next time.
you got this delivered yesterday. at least make a new scenario or pick another character you putz
That's sad. Even sadder than avatars looking for validation from anonymous strangers on this chinese production evaluation website. An user looking for validations FROM the avatars.
Big yikes.
i want there to be real korean basket weaving forum i want to see the korean wicker art
this hurts my head i dont think i can handle this unless you explain it better sorry
did you post it
you could be a program running off of a computer
jesus would never forgive me
somebody else will do it for you probably sorry
suave boomhauer lol they look really similar
wish they brought that show back havent seen it in years
>Implying it's about validation
I'm sorry to hear that you view yourself as an invalid in search of validation at every turn.
But most normal people don't give a fuck if someone "validates" us or not. A laugh is a laugh, son. And if you can't understand that, you're a very very sad little man.
You have my pity.
Requestin this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a giant snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out
Snake v0re references: imgbox.com
Any excuse that keeps you sucking off the avatarfags. I am logically more superior than you
okay okay okay. Consider this then.
A koala hopped up on meth attacking a coked out kangaroo with a bowie knife while proclaiming like a war cry "Great Toad Carl is the only true king!" Or something.
that is clearly a cartoon version of Gozer in the link why do you want to see her pussy?
Yet your linguistic logical syntax is all full of fuck.
So... doubt.
do you even have friends or watch comedy movies?
Whatever you say old man.
I just want the blowjob thing, but without forget that she is a 8 year-old kid and she is giving a blowjob to a penis adult, so she giving a deep blowjob as to her lips touch the balls, well, if she does that im pretty sure that wouldnt be nice to her little throat and mouth.
>the literal state of Sup Forums drawthreads
oh look vorefag and abusefag's here all we need is fernando and the holy trinity of autism is complete
breh those tits are wobbly as fuck and tail too thick but the face and poms are great, nice job yo.
I dunno, maybe because im a bad person as to sexualissing children as to desire such pedo thing. And nope, she is not that woman from ghostbusters.
just go watch some hentai dude there are dozens if not hundreds of loli hentai where grown men shove their dicks into loli's faced forcefully and its still free plus its animated who knows there might even be screaming and begging for them to stop and maybe blood too since you're into that
Look, I get it; I do. All the drawfriends are absent right now, but that doesn't warrant lashing out like a spergmeister and dragging the thread down further. Your time would be much better spent goofing off in MS paint with the thread, not responding to bait and sperging at your self-created, hallucinated personalities you think are "killing this place." Be the change you wanna be. Be the step in the right direction. Become a chad like me
you call my post sperge when this shit is going on?
are you retarded?
It's just that i really like this loli. I love her haircut. Plus she is orphan street child, so she being molested by pedo males only expands the dong. Now i would like see her being forced to let be anally fucked by a boar
I don't have the time or interest in reading through walls of text. You're sperging out right now; that much I can see. The ball's in your court, user. You gonna sperg, or are you gonna take a step in the right direction?
>Walls of text
>He writes more text in his response
oh you are retarded then thanks for confirming
>Wants to sperg
Alrighty then, if you wanna suck off me, your king, so be it
i bet you dress like her in real life and put things in your peehole and look in the mirror don't you?
Nah. I'm good. You seem to be a pro at autococking it.
can't wait for the new pokemon games targetting the grown up audience
what, are you afraid you might like it ? :sunglasses:
please no more
>when you can't even memorize the typing pattern of the user you replied to
Fuck off