Another day another hyena!

another day another hyena!

Attached: bae jasiri -o.png (933x930, 475K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>another day another lonely autist wasting his life

This guy is edgy and cool and i wanna be just like him when my life is wasting away

Ohayou to you too!
stop being a jealous cunt, we all know i'm cool.
thanks friend, if you want to be cool you can also start smoking!

Attached: jasiri and janja smile -o.jpg (444x250, 10K)

no fake personality avatarfagging softposters are cool. you're all lame, bitter autists

¡Hola! Cada día que pase se necesita a la hiena -J

hey guys! I'm still busy, but I want you to know that I'm thinking of you

Attached: rita_chest.png (338x422, 150K)

>I want you to know that I'm thinking of you
You have no idea how much I appreciate words like those, you have made my day! ¡Muchas gracias Rita! -J

no fake personality, we're our own personality, we don't try to be someone else
also get jealous some more.
hey J!, i didn't miss your comment yesterday, i tried replying 2 times, the thread 404'd before i noticed the comment didn't get posted
ironically i did miss the reply where you mentioned i might've missed your reply
same with you man, do what you gotta do, we won't go anywhere

Attached: kion holding Jasiri -o.png (654x576, 422K)

you don't have to thank, it's true!

what's going on, no pictures today?

Attached: rita_consider.png (881x799, 162K)

think she forgot the images, here's a picture of a rusty bathtub with wheels as an apology on her behalf. hope this can make things right

Attached: 1-Hershey-Chocolate-Factory-Antique-Recovery-Bath-Tub-_1.jpg (400x300, 44K)

>i didn't miss your comment yesterday, i tried replying 2 times, the thread 404'd before i noticed the comment didn't get posted
>ironically i did miss the reply where you mentioned i might've missed your reply
Ugh, that already happened to me when I tried to reply to you other times.
>what's going on, no pictures today?
I would love to, thing is that I have the pictures on my mobile phone and right now I am on a desktop multitasking. -J

you fake being nice, but underneath that fake niceness is a deep-seated bitterness over being a lonely friendless incel.

at least the rest of us are honest about our anger and bitterness. you phonies disgust me

You'd make for a poor psychologist, not everything is white or black in life.

>you fake being nice
alright, you made a claim, prove it
>but underneath that fake niceness is a deep-seated bitterness over being a lonely friendless incel
you know my social status, you don't even know my name.
>at least the rest of us are honest about our anger and bitterness. you phonies disgust me
i wouldn't say i'm bitter, but yeah, i can get angry at times, never said i was perfect, its you that thought i did.

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>are for

or for people looking to make the comment easy to read.

Attached: Jasiri hopping -o.gif (495x524, 1.16M)

yep, that's how it works

Attached: rita_argument.png (881x799, 164K)

It actually makes it more annoying to read, and in the process makes you look like a pedantic, nitpicky dork so yeah, bear that in mind in the future.

Could a pack of Hyenas take down a Zebra?

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just because you have troubles reading lines doesn't mean everyone does, saying that makes you look like a retarded kid that never went to school, bear that in mind when you try to criticize my way of structuring comments

Attached: kion and jasiri pride rock -o.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Hi, fellow white people. I too think masturbating to pictures of cartoon hyenas is a better way to spend your time than pursuing real women

Attached: hahaha.png (152x254, 50K)

attention to detail my one day safe your life

no matter if you are just at work or actually in some armed forces. attention to detail,

Attached: rita_bedroom_eyes.png (900x553, 171K)

i'm sure they could
thanks fellow jew, stay away from those goyim!

Attached: confident look 2 -o.jpg (805x842, 44K)

I realize smug is your default setting, but it's a really unlikable quality. That's probably why you don't have friends.

you should listen to him, he has a good point, stop being an arrogant prick and realize when you are wrong
>I realize smug is your default setting, but it's a really unlikable quality. That's probably why you don't have friends.
why should anyone take anything you say seriously if you can't even reply with logic?

>That's probably why you don't have friends.

I have my hyena friends :)

indeed! in fact, lions are often stealing prey from hyenas

Attached: rita_stand.png (564x700, 140K)

You're really making a strong point against being an autistic keyboard warrior here

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>I have my hyena friends :)

exactly, there's nothing like hyena frens
i know, because i'm answering with common sense.
sad is the fact that no hyena likes you user, and hyenas like everyone.

Attached: confident 2 -o.jpg (960x540, 28K)

Not strong on the concept of sarcasm either I see. Common autistic trait

sarcasm can't be conveyed through text, it can only be assumed, but keep trying, i'm sure one day you'll mature enough to understand that

Attached: kion and jasiri smiling -o.jpg (752x628, 42K)

At least user has friends and you don't

>mature enough
ok logposter


Attached: sisi ni sawa kion jasiri -o.jpg (1024x683, 92K)

Dean and Gene Ween clean the teen yeen peen

wow, that must have hurt

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nice comeback bro, you really got me there!
those are some sick rhymes you've just spat, thanks friend, it got me really emotional

Attached: jasiri is bae -o.jpg (1280x720, 46K)

I'm having a good time with you my fellow hyenas :)

Attached: rita_drink.jpg (3500x2500, 1.98M)

people who are having a good time don't need to announce they're having a good time

are you crying right now?

Me too, amigo. -J

no, I'm soldering

Attached: rita_teeth.png (740x906, 889K)

thanks, same!
>people who are having a good time don't need to announce they're having a good time
its something you only understand when you have friends

Attached: jasiri and kion 6 -o.jpg (1170x711, 94K)

Okay I'm gonna stop giving you autists the attention you so desperately crave. Enjoy your sad circlejerk and get AIDS losers

>another day another hyena!
Also another day without showing us her penis.

it'S nice to see something else than cocks, tits, and all the other crap, right?

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nice, you lost in the argument so you're gonna go, that's actually the most logical thing you've done so far, but i just have to say one thing

thanks for the bumps
its a feminine penis, i swear

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She's adorable but why is this an everyday post?

why not, do you prefer the usual shit that festers Sup Forums?,

also if this spam annoys you, get Sup Forums x and i will gladly give you the md5 list, friend, you will never see the hyena again that way, but who wants that

Attached: jasiri sitting happy -o.jpg (474x666, 22K)

she's like Batman. it's about the thing she represents and to show people that they are not alone

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>also if this spam annoys you, get Sup Forums x and i will gladly give you the md5 list, friend, you will never see the hyena again that way, but who wants that
that's a lie, because I have that list in my filters and I still see their threads

Point taken, was just curious.

well summed my shark fox friend
not really
using Sup Forums x?, it might be because you're using a slightly outdated list, i got a few new images not too long ago, just filter them out again, sorry i will still occasionally pop up as i get new images, but that's like once in 2 weeks or so

Attached: season 3 jasiri and kion -o.jpg (1124x635, 51K)

>do you prefer the usual shit that festers Sup Forums
This exactly.
>she's like Batman. it's about the thing she represents and to show people that they are not alone
I can't agree more. She unites us nice people. -J

if you got anything you want to know feel free to ask, friend

Attached: jasiri and kion singing together -o.jpg (1730x731, 100K)

I genuinely want to know if yall are actually into this or are larping to annoy people. If it's the first case, consider making your own discord server to do this in and leave Sup Forums to funny stuff.

the latter, obviously

as far as i'm aware none of us are larping, most of us just like the threads and enjoy the chat, i did start a discord server, however i intend on doing most of the posting here, first off, Sup Forums is the place for this, second, this has a purpose, besides chatting in a friendly manner,

i'm doing this for several reasons, i like the show, and doing this gets more people onto it, i have already gotten quite a few to watch it, and most of them had no complaints, i like the character, and i think Sup Forums's mods are complete assholes
they let the spam run wild on Sup Forums, going as far as promoting it while silencing anyone with a tiny bit of originality, shitposts that started 4 years ago and last all the way up to today, they do no good except as a way for trolls to enjoy themselves, if the mods don't give a shit about spam, i might aswell join the winning side,with enough people joining in either Sup Forums's mods will do something more useful with their time, or the users will just get annoyed and disappear, either scenario makes me win
that's your opinion, but you would be wrong, if i was doing this to annoy people i wouldn't go out of my way to let them filter me.

Attached: kion and jasiri 6 -o.jpg (480x480, 33K)

>leave Sup Forums to funny stuff.
Sí, funny stuff like foot fetish, Andy Sixx, gore and pederasty. -J

No force in the universe can stop his soft, spongy rectal smegma.

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as someone who was around here for a long time, I really don't like the way it's taking.

sure, porn, gore and that other stuff was a part of Sup Forums, but not mainly like it is now. back then there was so much creativity, people organizing to do funny stuff or just to have a meeting.

all i see now is just rate my cock, traps, tits, wwd, and so on. it's got too prominent. we were people with free minds and free ideas, Sup Forums was the nihilistic board for us. now it's just shit.

for me: I met some nice people and I have the opportunity to drive the cancer away. I think like the phoenix, I have to drive this cancer insane and away so that we can start new.

only for the sake that creative people have a place to exchange their ideas.

we did horrible things, we did great things. now it's no longer of a community but just a sewer for fuckwits.

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well said, its the coomers and all the youtube channels that tell stories about what Sup Forums did, the coomers invaded, saw that Sup Forums isn't the everyday funny zomg shenanigans the video talked about, and some stayed for the porn, the mods are the only ones to blame.

Attached: jasiri drawn face -o.png (600x480, 242K)

>thinking you're stopping anything by making 10 threads that quickly get lost
spam the coomer threads if you're going to do something instead of making more cancerous threads you retard

we're not here to take over coomer threads, atleast not for now, we don't have the numbers or time to do so, currently this is for fun, and i'm hoping more people will jump on the trend.

Attached: jasiri laying on kion.jpg (1600x1093, 132K)

spaming other threads wouldn't be better than the other stuff that is going on here.

well I probably won't win the war, but I'm doing something. are you?
I take my time and try to change something. no win without struggle. and even if I lose, at least I tried.

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Imagine sticking your dick in hers.

You're literally doing nothing. It's like there are children dying in africa and you're hitting your own dick with a hammer going "I'm helping!"

we're not trying to help the children in africa
>You're literally doing nothing
we are, its like you arguing that 1 is actually 2

Attached: sweet yeen girl -o.jpg (837x675, 52K)

1st world problems, I know. but they are my problems and I try to do something against it

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Well, if yall do have a discord and want to organize hits on the coomer threads, I'll help

I need her yeen peen in my mouth

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you're not doing anything. what you're doing has no affect but to mildly annoy Sup Forums users. congratulations, you've accomplished being mildly annoying

yay for you

fucking coomer

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thanks man but this isn't something 12 people can do, we need atleast 30 to have any impact, and i rather not get into that territory right now, feel free to join in when and if we start doing it eventually
>not doing anything
>annoying Sup Forums users
you're pretty inconsistent, friend, please check for any co2 leaks

gonna go to bed now, see you guys later, bye J and ritafriend

Attached: happy yeen girl -o.jpg (462x595, 19K)

as I stated, I'm aware of this.

do you have a better proposition? if so, tell it.

that's nice of you, but as I mentioned, if we invade coomer threads, we wouldn't be better than the other shit that is happening

Attached: robin_ohdelally.jpg (809x1024, 138K)

What you wrote is very interesting, Rita. Do you have any screenshots or stories to share about how was this board back then? Also, when would you say that its quality began to diminish? I have heard that arounf 2009/2010. -J

so you admit you have no noble purpose and you're just shitposting circlejerkers? that's good you should be honest with yourselves for once

that's pretty dank, i'll save that image
you missed the point again, but thanks for atleast trying.

Attached: jasiri and janja a new way to go -o.jpg (467x350, 20K)

You want to cleanse Sup Forums. Making your own threads might work to rally forces against the coomers, but it doesn't do anything against them. Seeing cartoon animal threads every now and again won't drive them off. If you want change, you need to go on the offensive, and strike into the heart of the coomer, raceb8er, and politicfag threads.

>shit he's right how can I do damage control here?
>y-you missed the point

they don't want to do that. they want to circlejerk and shitpost

What does that image have to do with this thread?

>bye J
¡Adiós amigo! -J

Nothing, but if I'm going to post replies to the thread, might as well post something some people might enjoy.

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Attached: andycoil.png (583x366, 258K)

This guy has the right idea, he is just targeting the wrong threads. I wonder why I never see this shit in the coomer/trap/raceb8 threads.

well, I lurked for some time, and began to be an active poster about 2009/2010. I have some stories, I have some screencaps but mostly it will be most darkest depths of the human soul. but also one or two nice stories :). we can talk about that some other time, thing is, I'm working tomorrow and have to go to sleep now.

as ONLY stating for me: yep

I do understand you, but that's not how we work (at the moment)

Attached: robin_tired.jpg (1030x1387, 118K)

see ya friend

Attached: robin_melt.jpg (845x1447, 134K)

The image makes no sense, tylenol isn't an antidepressant nor works like one.

>I'm working tomorrow and have to go to sleep now.
Me too. Well, it was very pleaseant to read you again, ¡buenas noches, Rita! -J

It's about people attempting to commit suicide by overdosing on Tylenol

Good night J!

Attached: robin_smile.jpg (728x1024, 86K)

Yes but it says "so now you are not depressed, you do not want to die anymore", why not? Failing at trying to kill yourself doesn't make you stop wanting to die.

this is actually better than jasiri.

please make rita threads

just before i'm going to bed, i'm here to clarify, currently this doesn't do anything directly to the coomers, but i am promoting Sup Forums x, which has a better filtering system, which works against the coomers, if everyone used it the place would be a lot cleaner.

Attached: hello there -o.gif (480x270, 1.41M)

usually when you realize you're gonna die it gets you to appreciate life, or go down from suicide

Attached: jasiri and kion -o.jpg (1164x681, 74K)

rita vs jasiri

>rita has a pussy that isn't debatable
>jasiri has a psuedo cock
>rita is more recognizable
>who the fuck is jasiri?
>rita has a cute design
>jasiri is just . . . ugh


This thread is hellish.

And that's coming from someone who can only get off to traps.

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