The Impossible Whopper tastes better than the old whopper
The Impossible Whopper tastes better than the old whopper
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>mmm this fresh turd tastes better than the old turd.
Is trying to be a femboi so I eat 2 of these a day and my ass has gotten fat af
Fake news
Fuck off CNN
Post ass
how much do you get paid to shill shill?
it really doesn't.
it only tastes like beef because it's heated on the same surface as their regular beef patties and it absorbs the fat and juices.
Prove it. Give me one for free and if I like it I'll let people know.
I get mine microwaved and it tastes exactly like beef.
t. carnivore who eats impossible whoppers to stay healthy
Damn, you weren't kidding. The impossible ass
Thank you
>reverse image search
>some faggy porn website and reddit
and this still tastes better than both
It's because they always make them on the spot. They're never sitting under a heat lamp for three hours. They and the patty is tastier.
It actually does. Agreed. I love the burger.
All these idiots posting the opposite or fake news are just that, idiots.
snopes is fake news bro
it's an unreliable source because the people who run it are unreliable
Your ass is fat because you're a fucking pig eating 2 whoppers a day
It's even better made by a real burger place. When it gets all fried and burnt in the edges.... So good
>whoppers to stay healthy
>carnivore who eats impossible whoppers to stay healthy
Top kek
Inb4 fat fucks on their meat eating high horse who have manboobs anyways tell other dudes the Impossible Whopper will give them manboobs and call them soy boys.
Technically it’s “healthier” than the normal beef, mainly because it has less sodium.
Someone please tell BK that this shill thread campaign is not working. Not only will I not eat their plant patty sandwich, I have in fact blacklisted them completely and will never eat at another BK.
That's the semen based "secret sauce" you're tasting! We knew you'd enjoy it.
TBH, a Whopper is piled with so much shit I can't taste the difference between the two anyway.
Settle down, Wendy.
When I read this, the voice rendered in my mind started mouth breathing. I bet you're the type that drinks Mtn. Dew 2 liter bottles with a straw.
Stop pushing your gayness onto us you regular-burger eating faggot
Go enjoy meat in your mouth at
Supersize Me 2: Electric Boobaloo
I can eat almost all fast food no problem but BK always makes me vomit. Literally every time so I've stopped eating it. I don't know if it's the oil they use or what but anything I get from there - burgers, chicken sandwich, even the fries or nuggets make me sick.
And I bet you're the type that has received a facial in an airport restroom. Shill harder faggot.
Probably the spray-paint they use to make those grill-marks.
>mouth breathing intensifies
So what? I wouldn't eat that either. But I also don't see daily Wendy's shill threads unlike BK so who cares.
>cum gargling intensifies
>faggy, fatass mouth breather tries to make you be gay with him
Fuck off Bruce, I won't get fat with you
Do you.. do you not know how to grill, user? Or how to baste your burgers over the oven?
Stop fantasizing about fat sweaty gay sex with neckbeards BK
>ass gaping reaches maximum intensity
>meme arrow implication
Snopes is just a guy and his ex-stripper wife in their basement.
Processed protein powder and oil with no nutrients is better than beef
dont forget the 44mg of estrogen per patty on the impossible whopper.
Fake news libtard
what the fuck are you talking about
they lack fat and oil but they are way heavier in sodium
not a 'healthy' alternative, just a conscience assuaging one
shut the fuck up you anti american faggot. im sorry if all you wana do is get you fucking sex change, but using impossible whoppers instead of medication is way to much estrogen. Or go for it eat 4 a day and you will grow breasts with in the week.
This doesn't negate user
In fact they admit that there are a bunch of phyto-estrogens in there along with all the fat and calories
People actually care about / eat whoppers?
I've gone to BK a few times over the years.. Whopper always seemed to be the least appealing option on the menu.
Not even fucking trolling.. it's just a super unremarkable fast food burger.
>phytonutrients are estrogen
I remember my first day in chemistry class
>didn't take a single science class
I like it because the estrogen in it is going to give me boobs.
Why the fuck are they comparing the impossible Whopper to a "regular beef burger" and not a "regular Whopper"?
Nobody gives a fuck
I'll comment on it after I taste one. Looks legit, but still not taken in.
ITT: enough shilling to make a jew blush.
They have more calories, cost more and taste off. Why the fuck would anyone buy this.
Easy virtue signaling for fatties
Me too, user. I think its the salt and the over-crispiness of thr chicken. It may literally be carving micro abrasions in the stomach lining.
In not even joking, Its the only fast food that made me vomit too. user
That's human e meat
had one of these that was grilled alongside beef patties. taste was great (im sure the smoke and grease from the beef patties helped a bit). honestly indistinguishable from beef. HOWEVER. the texture was so mushy and disgusting i wanted to kill myself. the texture of pate but the taste of cooked beef was so off putting. will not try again.
It's not about being healthier, it's about being efficient by turning plants into burgers, instead of turning plants into food for cows, then into cow farts and meat, and then into burgers. It's just saving a step.
plants -> burger
plants -> cow -> burger
It has more sodium than a regular whopper.
I’d be willing to bet you have man-tits anyways.
Kek i do
t. ketolard for 2 years
I like the burgers but the chicken is a no go. Something about them almost makes me sick.