Why do retards blame the Australian fires on "a climate crisis?"

Why do retards blame the Australian fires on "a climate crisis?"

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Were in an extinction event. Humanity will be lost in 11 years.
Havnt you been listening?

Why do you disagree with 99.9% of scientists that are educated on the matter?

This is has to be bait. 99 percent of scientists dont think the apocalypse is coming you dip shit.

because over 100 australians have been arrested for starting these fires

99.9% of zero is still fucking zero

it's easier than acknowledging global interests are behind it'
attempting to drive Aussies from rural areas into large, easier to manage cities.
agenda 21 etc

t. didn't graduate middleschool

Scientists said the ice caps would be completely gone by 2013.
Scientists said numerous European cities would be underwater by 2020.

because many people have to blame something other than the actual cause.

Huh? Are you quoting them from the 60s or did your Oil cult tell you this?

No they didn't you fucking liar. Some asshat washed up politician did. Gore I think. But no fucking scientists made that claim you skunk.

Trips of truth. OP will never recover.

Which scientists climate model has been correct so far?
None, that's right.
I remember hearing the same roar in the 80s. How we had 20 years left.
Then in the 90s, we had 20 years left.
Then in the 00s we had 20 years left
Then in the 10s we had 12-20 years left.
Just because you think the story you're hearing is special and one of kind, doesn't mean it's true.

You clearly dont have a memory beyond 2 years then.
I'm not saying the climate is stationary, but the doomsdayers have been around for decades.

Why do Religioustards take "x years left for y" as "HOLY SHIT WE HAVE X YEARS UNTIL THE END OF THE WOOOORLD"

Are you personally carbon neutral?
No, you're not.
So you're bitching about an issue you're not willing to impose restrictions upon yourself to fix, yet you want others to impose those restrictions on themselves. That's called virtue signalling, and it's worse than being a jew.

Not my fault your figurehead uses terms like "extinction event"
Is that supposed to be a calming term?

Right. It should be easy to prove then for you. Post any fucking study two years old or you know what, I'm going to do you a solid. Any study 20 years old or younger, peer reviewed that claimed ice caps would be gone and cities would be under water. Go ahead. Go get that fucking evidence.

My only claim so far is that no scientist has claimed that ice caps would be melted at this time. You're confusing me with some other fucker you're debating with. I just tuned in.

In the 60,glibal cooling was the big fear, then by the 70sit was warming.
80s and 90s were "climate change" 2000s and 2010s were global warming and climate change again.
And not supprisingpy it is always some politition telling us this, NOT scientists.

As an Australian I can tell you 100% climate change is to blame for the fires we have to deal with right now
We have 3 states at catastrophe levels right now, a point at which we had to call in our army reserves in just to combat the fires
Something we've never had to do before in our entire history
We have had record breaking heat waves year on year for the past 10 years in line with the amount of carbon dioxide parts per million in the atmosphere having passed the point of no return point where would could have stopped the greenhouse effect being a runaway train
We're past that no btw, since 2012 and things will just get progressively worse and worse as time goes on


You're right. The alarmist rhetoric is purely from global warming deniers.
At least were in an extinction event and humanity only has 11.5 years to go, per your figurehead. What have you done personally to be carbon neutral? Nothing? Sounds about right.

Because our queen Greta says so

Herp the derp

>I'm aussie I'm expert trust me

I just took a poop that was big, it hurt.

I am now expert on anus.

No it wasn't. 60% of the papers published in the 60-70s predicted warming. Only 20% predicted cooling. Some assipe of a journalist took the story about cooling and published it precisely because it was controversy at the time. It went against most of the papers, so it was news worthy.

I have a counter question: do you think lying about what happened will change reality? Do you think biting down hard and refusing to change opinion will somehow change the change we're all in for? Because it won't. That's not how reality works.

The evidence is overwhelming at this point, and the only way to contradict it is to engage in faith.

There's higher than 99.7% agreement on climate change data from experts and the more education someone has on climatology, the more they agree with the negatives
In short, if you still believe climate change isn't a major concern in 2020 you're LESS intelligent than people who believe in a flat earth- there's genuinely more evidence to support flat earth than there is to deny the effects of climate change
But then believing retarded nonsense in the face of reality was always a speciality of Sup Forums

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Yeah we all get it.
Extinction event, 11.5 years left for humanity.
Are you carbon neutral? No?

>your figurehead

You mean Soros puppet?

No one else that matters takes that stupid autist bitch seriously.

>deflection at the highest level.

Imagine the coincidence that liberals run California and they have the same issue as Liberal ran Australia. Look at your government for lack of action on underbrush.

What fucking figure head? What the fuck are you on about? I am not responsible for some shit for brains ex politician not understanding any of the science and then going bonkers with hyperbole.

As for carbon neutrality. That's just a tu quoque argument. It doesn't matter for the point that the science is pretty clear about where we are. Even if I were the biggest carbon farter in the world, it wouldn't change the science.

In short, to help your failed brain cope with how logic works:

Me being carbon neutral has abso-fucing-lutely no impact at all on the validity of climate science.

Authorities in Australia have arrested close to 200 people for deliberately starting the bushfires that have devastated the country, yet the media and celebrities continue to blame “climate change” for the disaster.

The fires have caused at least 18 deaths, destroyed thousands of homes, millions of hectares of land and killed hundreds of millions of animals.

A total of 183 people have been arrested by police in Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania for lighting bushfires over the last few months, figures obtained by news agency AAP show.

In New South Wales, 24 people were arrested for arson, risking prison sentences of up to 25 years.

In Queensland, police concluded that 103 of the fires had been deliberately lit, with 98 people, 67 of them juveniles, having been identified as the culprits.

Reality works like this. The entire globe runs on oil. That's not going to change until oil runs out or humans are faced with extinction.
Last I checked, the population was still going up.
Since there are no solutions that humans will impose on themselves, what exactly are you talking about?

Haven't seen any credible study claim 11.5 years left
Every thing I've read says at the worst if we do nothing and continue on the same path we're on projections are mass levels of extinction of many fauna and flora across earth
That may or may not include us and some species of fauna and flora will survive and adapt but most won't be able to with the rapid degradation of our climate
And when I say rapid I mean over the course of at least the next 100 years
That is very very rapid for how the earth naturally changes normally over tens of thousands of years and even longer allowing evolution to actually work
100 years is too short for most to adapt

>asked for source
>responds with copy pasted text
Is there any easier way to prove you're underage?

>Making up nonsense to somehow counter an argument for evidence
Good job, you're proving how retarded your viewpoint is

Your figurehead, yes.
It makes you a virtue signaller.

Personal carbon neutralism is the dumbest bullshit the climate deniers pulll.

There's not a one person the has been completely carbon neutral from the discovery of oil processing. Literally everything is made of plastics, fossil fuels,or some other dangerous chemical to our environment.

It's not the consumer's fault companies have been profiting off of bad environmental practices for decades. The US doesn't even recycle anymore.we believe those blue bins go to a perfect processing facility but it doesn't. Shipped of to whatever country is cheapest to gets disposed in rivers and oceans. BP spills billions of gallons of oil but we're the ones expected to change. Fuck off with your bullshit. Eat the rich

You had something going on until your stupid little tangent about carbon dioxide.
The reality is events that take place over a year or a decade are literally meaningless in terms of a worlds climate, never mind the climate of one small area. It was going to burn, it was just a matter of when.

You might want to inform your publicity officers then. They havnt seen the new numbers.

You, the consumer, dictate what companies make and how they make it. I'm sorry you fail to assume any responsibility for your actions.

I don't have a figure head. Just because someone declares themselves Sir Green-a-lot doesn't mean they represent me.

Virtue signalling or not, the science remains clear.

If not. It's about time

Thats actually 100% factually incorrect. sorry bud

And your lack of doing anything with the science shows clearly your motive.

This + chinks

My only problem is people claiming that the science is somehow unclear when it's fucking not. I'm not going to change. I like my life style. But I'm not going to sit here and jerk myself off pretending that just because humanity needs oil to run its civilisation, climate change is somehow not happening. It sure as shit is, and we are the cause. I won't change anything in my life because of it - but facts are facts. We're in for a shitstorm. Not extinction, just a really shitty future.

>The reality is events that take place over a year or a decade are literally meaningless in terms of a worlds climate
Which is why climate models are representative of the world when talking about global climate change, instead of isolated areas, countries or continents
>never mind the climate of one small area
Australia isn't one small area
>It was going to burn, it was just a matter of when
Wildfires are literally a world-wide part of nature and occur every day. To somehow discount the fact that they've been increasing in number, duration, scale and their effects on co2 simply because of that is about as dumb and agenda-laden as you can get

In short, shitpost better

T. Is a fucking retard

Maybe you love somewhere that I dont, but no one forces me to buy anything where I live. I decide what I purchase.
Dollars have been a more powerful voting instrument than ballots since 1913.
You vote when you buy. You are responsible, like it or not.

>99.9% of scientists
Lies & b8

Only if you're retarded, only if you're retarded.

My only point is that the science is clear. That's 100% of everything I'm claiming. There's lots of things this species ought to be doing that we're not. But sticking my head in the sand and pretending everything is fine isn't something I'm about to do.

Climate is changing. That much is undeniable. But, if there are no solutions that humanity will impose on itself, then why are we talking about this? It's a moot point.
Temp is changing. No one is going to do anything about it. End of story.

Bitching about a problem that 100% will not be fixed is somehow better? How is it better exactly?
The climate is changing. Humans aren't going to fix it.
Soooo, next topic

It's actually 99.7% because of the margin of error
It's pretty much dead-cert but somehow people magically cling to retarded nonsense views and push agendas to justify it, and obviously agendas are put forward from companies with vested interests in denying climate change since most of the worlds money belongs in those sectors

I dunno. Our bush is always burning and there's a reason summer is called bushfire season.

So stop giving those corporations your currency. If everyone feels the same way you do, the companies you dont like will be broke in a few years. Problem solved.

If you got incurable cancer in the stem of your brain and someone told you it was because you didn't give money to the right priests, would you tell them to step out in front of a train? I sure as shit would. The cause of cancer is not the lack of financial movements.

That's what I'm on about. These fucking make believe reactions to reality. If humanity won't change its life style, then it would be wise to put effort into technology that allows it to continure. Breeder reactors, fusion, whatever sci-fi shit that lets me keep doing what I'm doing.

What will absolutely never work is going like this:

Life stile X causes situation Y.
I like life style X but not situation Y.
Therefore situation Y won't happen.

Because only people who have been hit in the head with heavy mining equipment argue like that.

Fine retard, let me ask you then, are there any companies that are carbon neutral?

Can you, in good conscience and complete carbon neutrality, survive in the capitalistic nightmare that is the modern world?

It's almost like this whole world is an oligarchy and all this "reduce your carbon footprint" is just the few big companies running the world shifting blame for shit they started decades before we were born.

Yeah, I am arguing that make believe worlds are make believe. I am not arguing for any specific solution. Are you saying that we should pretend like reality is a fairy tale just because we don't have solutions?

Shitpost? I actually have degrees in these topics at hand. You see what you want to see. The world has fucked all living organisms on its surface long before humans and many times while we were here before we started any sort of "emissions" which could tangibly affect anything on a global scale.
Yes humans have caused shifts but to squarely blame us is nonsense. You literally said it yourself, forests WANT TO BURN. Australia has fought for more than a decade now with drought, heat waves and the old tradition of letting nothing burn. Guess what happens now?

I never said nothing bad will happen.
I said humans wont impose measures to make a meaningful difference, so talking about it is a waste of breath. Lrn2read.

I'm saying fighting for a cause that will never leave the ground is a waste of your breath.
Okay the climate is changing. Congrats. Next subject

It does bother me that people think its a Climate Crisis - we still don't know if what were experiencing is by human involvement or simply the process of our Planet given a certain amount of time.

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That's the whole point.
You finally get it.
Humanity isnt going to give up an oil based lifestyle. Period. So the problem isnt going to get fixed. So why are you talking about it? Yea, it's a problem. With no solution. We got lots of those..

Take an intro to economics class. Any modern goods economy works on advertising and availability. People do not care or think, irregardless of how many campaigns to buy "smarter or better" that have popped up.
People with the option to "ie; with wealth" can be seen as more conscious but really they do whatever they want as is.


You asked why I was talking about it. I explained. Do you have anterograde amnesia or something?

Any other point that further reinforces the fact that humanity will not impose meaningful changes in its lifestyle to make an impact on this subject.
Yep, the climate is changing and there is no solution. Cool. Let's talk about something that can be fixed.

It was rhetorical. Do you have retardation?

because they are in denial of the arsonists

The only cause I'm fighting for is to not pretend like things isn't going to shit. I am not fighting for the climate or whatever. Not even particularly concerned with the extinction event we're all causing.

My largest concern at the moment is immigration. Because climate change is going to cause some fucked up migratory shenanigans in our species. The pressure will be of a grade that either requires nations to commit horrendous crimes against their fellow man, or there's some solution I am not seeing.

Because fox news says that 99.9% of the WORLD'S scientists are American liberals who hate Trump! The .01% percent pseudo-scientists are the only ones that aren't biased!!!!!!!!!! MAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah.. lots of people are going to starve.

fact: in 1851 there was a bushfire of a similar scale (slightly smaller) than the one currently happening.
in 1851 the population of australia was 400,000. no possible cause from human emissions.

>b-b-but climate change!

>bad things happened in the past therefore this extremely sharp correlated jump in bad things happeninig now since the industrial revolution has nothing to do with their effects on the climate
You shills don't even try to get past even the most basic logical fallacies any more, it's a shame and the art of shitposting is woefully dead

>fact: in 1851 there was a bushfire of a similar scale (slightly smaller) than the one currently happening.


Bring citation. Stop making shit up.

I love when my political party tells me how to think too.

How else do you explain
Fire-Breathing Kangaroos?

>Literal Sup Forumstier fake news
>Even if true, 100 people cannot do 7 million Hectares of damage


>We've know from half a century to a whole century
>30 years of disinformation campaigns by oil companies being THIS effective
At this point OP, you Climate Denialists should just kill every scientist and person who supports it. At the very least, then you can inherit hell earth and feel some level of guilt for your absolute retardation.

>this singular bad thing happening now due to arsonists

fixed it for you

>"Psychosexual Pyromaniac"
Jfc, what a weak source user.

i love it when a 16 year old swedish girl who doesnt even go to school tells me how to think too.

>13% of fires are caused by lightning therefore the other 87% are man-made
This is the funniest and dumbest made up news I've ever seen in my life

crap I left the door to my beach open here comes the BTs

They would rather see their homeland burned to the ground than to see it overrun by immigrants