People actually like this game? >short >easy as hell (had the game beat with Cloud lvl 60, Tifa lvl 58, and Barret lvl 57) >BARELY any side quests >summons are overpowered as fuck
How do people prefer FF7 to the glorious and far better FF8 and FF10 games?
Alot of ps boomers mostly like it out of nostalgia, they played it as kids, so thats that
Luke Reed
a tune
Ayden Fisher
It's a kids game. The fuck do you expect.
Matthew Davis
It’s like he’s not even trying at this point
Adam Hall
Imagine if op did something with their life other than obsess over videogames.
Jackson Scott
Ian Gomez
>Beat it at level 60
So that’s an easy 50-60 hours confirmed huh?
>side quests
You know why side quests became a thing, right?
Go back to playing forthnight or whatever gay shit you retards play these days
Andrew Jenkins
>Cloud lvl 60, Tifa lvl 58, and Barret lvl 57 lol. so basically you made yourself overpowered as fuck? 25 levels higher than necessary. >summons are overpowered as fuck no. no they really aren't. summons are by far the most worthless equip at any point in the game. only KOTR and phoenix are worth it.
You didn't even defeat all the weapons so STFU zoomer scum
Caleb Scott
>playing video games wrong and then complaining about it
Connor Brooks
Imagine liking FF8 Over 7
>Edgy emo Zoomer detected desu^_^
Camden Torres
You've got to be fucking kidding. I ran out the PS game clock playing that.
By that logic Skyrim and Oblivion are short too. You are meant to explore the universe of a game and achieve all the challenges that it offers and discover everything.
Any zoomie sperg can race through the main quest of a game asap. Get fucked OP.
Ian Barnes
How old are you? Video games are for 5-13 year olds... fucking once you can start touching girls privates you should stop playin video games. End of story
Liam Green
Yeah, FF7 is pretty decent, but it was amazing when it came out. Being one of the first, if not the first, 3D JRPG has some novelty, novelty that is also extended to FF8 to a greater degree considering the better graphics. The reason why people like FF7 more than FF8 though is because ultimately a JRPG needs a half-decent story and FF7's got one when FF8's is just complete ass.
Especially when it comes to a main character; Sure, Cloud originally seems to not care about anything other than getting paid. Squall carries that attitude far too long -- he's got no personal investment -- doesn't immediately bang Quistis when she's constantly tossing her panties at him -- a veritable crime against humanity.
Now FF10 is different. FF9 had it's hiccups, despite being a fan favorite, but ff10 was probably the first and last final fantasy game to have good characterization, good setting, and a good story to match. Not groundbreaking, but good all around.
The primary problem with FF10 though is that the sphere grid is a tight and neat little system, and the second the characters get dislodged from their little tracks? All of a sudden innate differences like overdrives make certain characters practically useless compared to others when the entire rest of the game it was like you had a team. Made any of the post game content to be an absolute slog to play through and not really satisfying unless you like the novelty of seeing the number 99,999 as opposed to 9,999. Boring.
Daniel Ramirez
FF9 >
Matthew Barnes
And there is still more to do in this game than Destiny 2.
Hunter Powell
You’re literally retarded, and so is your shit opinion on a totally normal adult hobby.
Wyatt Thompson
Or get a gf, touch her private parts, and get her to play games with you.
Camden Collins
I love FF9, but it starts to stall out just after the first disc. It's better than 8 though
Bentley Mitchell
>People actually like this game? Yes, it's the 2nd FF game I played and I really liked it.
>short Well, if you only do the main story then sure. The same can be said about most games.
>easy as hell (had the game beat with Cloud lvl 60, Tifa lvl 58, and Barret lvl 57) Well, you clearly didn't try take on ruby or emerald. If you did, you would have had to use cheese strats.
>BARELY any side quests There are a bunch of hidden and optional stuff you can choose to do. Just because you didn't do them, doesn't mean that they don't exist.
>summons are overpowered as fuck So you don't like overpowered stuff, but you have FF8 as one of the better games. You can literally be so overpowered and pretty easily beat the game without levelling up once. I'm not saying FF8 is bad, it's my favourite FF, just saying you really don't have a clue what you're talking about.
>How do people prefer FF7 to the glorious and far better FF8 and FF10 games? FF8 is definitely the best imo I only put like an hour into 10 when it came out but I'mma play through it eventually since I have the HD remaster. If you don't like FF7, that's fine, but your "reasons" for why you think it's bad are either blatantly false or are also applicable to other FF games you say you like.
Isaiah Hernandez
I had the game beat in 45 hours on my clock, that's pretty short.
Brandon Gutierrez
Agreed... I always saw 7 - 9's appeal centered on the main character.
With 7, you could play Cloud however you wanted... he could either be a nice guy or a bit of a dick, with the opportunities to be a dick decreasing after you left Midgar.
For 8, Squall was either an asshole or a major fucking asshole. Seriously, there was no real point in the entire game where I could say "OK, yeah, I can see why the female characters like this guy."
9, you had Zidane, who was always fairly nice, with the only real variation how much of a perv he was.
Andrew Mitchell
Dude, it has 3 CDs and it would take at least a good 40 hours to beat the game, if you don't do any side quests.
>Easy as hell
1.Any game gets easy if you grind for money, items, levels.
2. Obviously you didn't battle Ruby and emerald weapon.
>Barely any side quests
-ultimate weapons and limit breaks - the Weapons (emerald,Ruby,ultima) - wutai (yuffie side quest) -getting yuffie and Vincent -revisit sector 5 -the whole chocobo breeding -ancient forest -master materia -sunken ship in the ocean - genilka
>Overpowered summons
At the end of the game you are more powerful than them. But sure, they are very helpful. The downside is they consume a lot of mp, and reduce your stats.
>Ff8 better than 7
Oh yeah. Very smart to have to waste a lot of time draining the magic out of enemies, and guess what? If you use them it lowers your stats! So good!
Pretty solid assessment. Character is what carries the story. It's the sole reason why FF6 works at all.
Owen Perez
I did enjoy ff7, but ff8 is my all time favorite ff. I love listening to ff8 orchestral music.
Leo Williams
Crisis Core made this my second favorite
Parker Howard
I hated ff9. Didnt even finish it.
Ryder Martinez
Ff8 is my fav, but yes thats my only gripe... it doesnt force you to try if you dont want to. You could just keep your characters health low and spam limit breaks. Easy peasy.
Levi Lewis
this is an ironic post, is it?
Josiah Perez
10 was tedious as fuck but yeah 8 was great.
>summons are overpowered as fuck >mentions FF8 >a game where you can cheese the game by abusing summons junction skills Retard