traps aren't gay
Traps aren't gay
Man I miss Jlullaby
traps aren't gay, they're fucking gay.
What do you mean fucking a man is gay?
Yeah, afaik he told Shad that he's basically done with drawing smut, really sad to hear it.
they're literally men dressed as women so if you like them then you're bisexual
there's no debate here, just facts
Yeah whatever happened to him/her haven't seen anything from them in ages
Water balloons was pure fucking gold
Not sure if i even know that one, could you please link it?
Ah well if we're only posting cartoons here then -
Need to confirm you're into loli first, don't want to post it then this turn into loli hate thread
kill yourself sick fuck
Post that shit
based. /thread
Now I kinda wanna just post the whole comic instead of just a link
Good, they probably felt guilty about drawing fucked up shit, and they should.
Kill yourself.
blow your fucking brains out you disgusting filth
As long as someone appreciates it
If your gonna be hateful whether I post it or not I might as well post it
End your life. You have completely failed as a human.
This meme is correct. sure pædophiles are discusting but aslong as they leave real kids alone. RUDE PEOPLE ARE WORSE. WHAT A BASTARD
I wonder if these guys are being hateful on purpose just so I post more
Guys this was supposed to be a trap thread not a loli thread
3/8 anyways
it's Sup Forums newfriend
joke's on you, I reported you for pedophobic hate speech
Racemixing is worse than lolicon tbh
You've ruined the thread and blamed it on someone else. Fuck off.
End your life and make reality better.
I like traps
how do I befriend a trap and care for them
This does have some truth but the art redeems it
What else was I supposed to do? Someone asked for and and people were being hateful regardless
why are you such a rude bigot?
Nothing redeems it. If this was white on white then fine, but niggers fucking a white loli? Gay and anyone that saves this is a triple nigger, cocksucker. No offence.
nvm I looked it up, not really into condoms stuff but other than that it's good
Why befriend one when you can be one yourself?
hopeless sick fuck ruining otherwise what could have been a good thread (you were just going to link it for the other user, you still could have just done that)
but no, you can't control your sick fuck impulses and have to go and ruin what could have been a decent hentai thread that still stuck to some moral compass without shitstaining the whole thing with your evil bullshit
I fucking hate you, and I will be leaving Sup Forums for good just because that's the last straw
hopeless sick fucks with nobody to love who deserve every single consequence that comes from their friends and family who should AND WILL discover their messed up content
fuck you for ruining Sup Forums
what an absolute meltdown lmfao. lolicons really are the pros when it comes to triggering these snowflakes.
Were you not the one who said to post it?
End your life or fix yourself.
Those are your options.
you've been on Sup Forums to the point where a regular person with decent morals is a snowflake
how sad
You clicked on a trap thread sir
You know what user, you're right. Enough posting pictures on some internet messaging board. Enough dwelling indoors like a hermit. It's time to get out there and have sex with all the horny kids.
There is no fixing me. I do my best by using victimless art rather than harming children. Suicide is definitely an option and a often thought but I've had a good past few months and a little hope for the future
Just know that there are no plans to ever touch real children
Yes, and that's not what's being posted you fucking retard.
Was more refering to the phrase "fuck you for ruining Sup Forums"
fix your lives or end them
Yes, yes Sup Forums is ruined by sick fuck shitposters posting fucked up shit that shouldn't be posted, regardless of it being Sup Forums or not.
It depends, are you a man or a woman?
Talks about morals. Talks about being a regular person. In a thread about gay pornography. The mental illness really hit you hard.
>willingly comes to a trap thread
>regular person with decent morals
Pick one
>gay pornography
Nothing immoral about that. Are you religious or something?
The issue is of consent, FUCKTARDS.
They are, but that doesn't stop me
There's nothing immoral about adults that can consent.
Lmao thinking you have any power. Kek
Cartoons can't consent, YOU ARE RAPING THE TOONS.
So it's kosher as long as the kid agrees, cool.
ive fucked dudes and ive fucked traps. traps are gayer
Yeah was just being curious, don't worry about the spergs
They can't consent though. They don't know what they're doing. You really should kill yourself, or have a long think. I hope someone in your life discovers your fap material just so it creates a situation where you can fix yourself.
trap thread ruined by stupid sick fucks
I just have to comment...the big dicks look that why they are like that? so the small dick looks cute? am i the only one to notice this?
No I am Atheist. Pornography of any kind is hedonism. Hedonism leads to immoral behavior. Nothing wrong with being gay. Just a genetic mutation that makes you mentally ill because you’ve lost one of the basic behaviors of being human which is to breed and preserve the human race.
>gay pornography
R u ok, retard?
I didn't consent to my dick being sliced up but that happened anyways.
U dont know what u r talking bout, imbecile
Your opinion is invalid
>hurrrrrrrrrr everyone look how retarded i am durrrr
Just say you were pretending to save some sort of face
Well those two aren't mutually exclusive
I've seen some bad lookin shlongs, these ones look nice to me but they are much more muscular compared to traps so his dick looks a lot cuter
Produces an argument
Gets unreasonably angry
Gets unreasonably angry
Damn, truth does hurt huh?
They r not even implicit
>hedonism leads to immoral behavior
Hedonism and morals have absolutely nothing to do with each other. Playing vidya is a form of hedonism and it inspires me to work to make money for more vidya. It also inspired the devs to make better vidya. Hedonism if anything leads to progress.
They look misshapen, and too many veins...
How many more assumptions can u make?
If you think playing video games is solely a form of hedonism compared to pornography and touching yourself then you really don’t have much to live for. I’m sorry that I have irreversibly damaged your psyche. You can still find help, but first you must admit you have a problem.
I don't think I could be one.
It's what j does with penises and I personally like it, and I do find accentuated veins really hot
I simply gave an example of hedonism that didn't lead to immorality. Pornography and masturbation also aren't immoral. My desire for well drawn art to fap to inspires artists to make better art to make more money. Hedonism is simply a desire for pleasure. There is no shame and pleasure and people bettering themselves to provide you pleasure leads to a better world.
You forget the bigger picture when it comes to hedonism. It’s stagnation not progression. Have you not been keeping track of obesity rates world wide for the last 2 decades? Orphaned children from parents with hedonistic values? You provide maybe a peanut. But that peanut is still lodged in a turd. Try harder.
When I was a child I had sex with an adult and it was consensual. Just because you don't acknowledge my consent for whatever reason doesn't make it so.
Let me educate you a little bit, because nobody seems to understand what traps actually are.
Traps are simply crossdressing men that convincingly look female. That's why it's called a trap.
Being attracted to a trap, if you don't know it's a man is indeed not gay. That's the entire point.
Traps are not trannies. Well, they are transvestites, but nobody uses tranny for transvestites.
I wish people would start to learn how to use language properly and carefully.
Also you’re better explaining capitalism than you are hedonism. You still have some growing up to do, but you may get there in time.
Capitalism is hedonism
Greed is good and all that.
If you believe they are the same thing you only push my point about you being mentally ill. You just do not have the competency to tell the difference. I leave your life in your hands. Fix yourself or live a sad lie. Goodbye friend.
Was this a full comic?
He doesn't seem mentally ill to me. Most likely just an idiot. Probably drunk too.
is this still the girl with the black guy? legit the baby wouldn't look like that if it was a white on black relationship